General information about travelling to RAL
Please have a look at this link.
Travel to RAL from Heathrow Airport
Travel to RAL from Heathrow can be either using the RailAir and train to Didcot Parkway rail station and then either bus or taxi to RAL (recommended at weekends), or via Oxford (using bus connections).
- RailAir - Connection between and Heathrow and Reading Station (with trains to Didcot Parkway and Oxford)
- OxfordBus - Buses to and from Oxford to Airports
- GWR - Trains from London Paddington to Didcot
Local bus information
Bus stops and routes on campus can be found on the Harwell Campus travel map.
Details of all bus services serving Harwell can be found on the Oxford Bus Company website including:
- ST1: Oxford, Broard Street direct via A34 to Harwell Campus
- X34 and X35: Didcot, Great Western Park, Harwell Campus then Wantage and Faringdon (X35) or Chilton and Newbury (X34)
- 43: Oxford City Centre, Abingdon, Drayton, Steventon, Harwell Campus
- 94: Didcot, East Hagbourne, Blewbury, West Hagbourne, Chilton, Harwell Campus
Note - Timetables and bus routes can be very limited at the weekend (particularly from Oxford/Didcot to RAL).