Phoenix is a TypeScript-based event display framework, created in response to the 2017 HSF community white paper.
It uses industry standard web tools (such as the popular three.js library for 3D rendering), and runs entirely in the client's web browser. It is experiment agnostic by design, providing shared common functionality (such as custom menus, controls, propagators) but also has support for experiment specific extensions for geometry and event data. It consists of two packages: a plain TypeScript core library (phoenix-event-display) and an Angular application for the UI (a React example is also provided in the documentation). Phoenix has been selected as a Google Summer of Code project for several years, and its contributors come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Recent developments have focused on improving event navigation and comprehension, with tools to better understand the relative position of objects, as well as native support for common formats such as EDM4HEP.
It is currently used by several experiments, including ATLAS, FCC, LHCb and Belle-II.