13–17 May 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

The ROOT Project: Status and Future Directions

14 May 2024, 09:00
Seminar Room 4 (DESY)

Seminar Room 4


Talk HSF


Danilo Piparo (CERN)


In this contribution, we’ll review the current status of the ROOT project, characterising its structure, available effort and strategic goals. We’ll explain how in the recent years the energy flowing from the open source community changed ROOT and boosted the development, materialising in the form of code, reports, ideas and proposals. We’ll review the recently integrated features that are key for the remainder of Run 3’s analysis and data processing as well as the HL-LHC era. We’ll not only focus on I/O, statistical tools and analysis, but also on less advertised ROOT components, such as packaging, distribution, Python support and graphics, and how those interoperate with other tools in the ecosystem. Moreover, we’ll discuss how the project will evolve in the next years, continuing to be at the heart of CERN’s flagship activity, the LHC, and prepare to support forthcoming and future experiments.


Danilo Piparo (CERN)

Presentation materials