Mar 10 – 14, 2025
Centro Cultural da UFRGS
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Production of exotic states in photo-induced processes at LHC and EIC

Mar 11, 2025, 6:00 PM
Centro Cultural da UFRGS

Centro Cultural da UFRGS

Rua Eng. Luiz Englert, 333 - Porto Alegre-RS


Mr Fernando César (University of São Paulo)


In this work we present a calculation of exotic charmonium production
in photo-induced processes, in which the exotic state is explicitly
treated as a meson molecule. Our formalism is general but we focus on the
lightest possible exotic charmonium state: a $D^+ D^-$ molecular bound state. Here we study the production of the open charm pair in the process $\gamma \gamma \to D^+ D^-$. Then we use a prescription to project the free pair $ |D^+ D^- \rangle$ onto a bound state at the amplitude level and compute the cross section of the process $\gamma \gamma \to B$ (where $B$ is the bound state). Finally, we convolute this last cross section with the equivalent photon distributions coming from the projectile and target at the LHC and EIC and find the total cross sections.


Mr Fernando César (University of São Paulo) Prof. Fernando Navarra (University of São Paulo)

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