Sixth order quark-antiquark interactions are derived by starting from a quark-antiquark interaction mediated by one (nonperturbative) gluon exchange. Vacuum polarization gives rise to such UA(1) symmetry breaking interactions for different Lorentz and flavor structures, among which interactions with the same shape as the 't Hooft interactions induced by instantons. Some phenomenological...
We present one-loop results for corrections from Strong Interactions to the quark-photon vertex using different confining models for the exchanged gluon. This calculation allows for the prediction of confinement effects in form factors and observables like the proton anomalous magnetic moment. We show that a range of confining models with dynamical gluon masses and even complex-conjugated...
A microscopic nuclear matter formalism with explicit chiral symmetry based on the Nambu Jona-Lasinio model is considered to describe nuclear matter. To reproduce nuclear matter properties adequately at the saturation density, four-point and eight-point interactions are introduced. Within a Bayesian inference approach, the parameters of the model are determined by imposing nuclear matter, both...
The effect of strong magnetic fields and temperature on the light pseudo-scalar mesons is calculated. The three-flavor effective Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model is used for the calculations since this effective model incorporates some important features of quantum chromodynamic theory (QCD), as the chiral symmetry-breaking mechanism and the Kobayashi-Maskawa-’t Hooft interaction and is a...
The femtoscopic $D \bar D $ correlations are investigated in order predict the signature of the $X(3700)$ $(D \bar D)$ bound state in the isoscalar channel. This bound state is generated by solving the coupled-channel Bethe-Salpeter equations with the local hidden-gauge formalism. The momentum correlation functions of the $D^0 \bar D^0$ and $D^+ D^- $ pairs and the low-energy observables are...
The Light Front (LF) formulation of quantum field theories has been used in the study of hadron physics since the last few decades. However, like in the conventional equal-time formulation, LF field theories too are fraught with infrared (IR) divergences in the presence of massless particles. The coherent state formalism can be employed to cancel IR divergences at the amplitude level. We...
Experimental results indicate opposite helicity angle $\theta_p$ distributions in $B^+\to p\bar p \pi^+$ and $B^+\to p\bar p K^+$ decays with the difference presenting a remarkable linear dependence on $\cos \theta_p$.
We assume the production mechanism is driven by $B^+\to xy\, m^+ \to p\bar p m^+$, where $m =\pi$ or $K$, and $xy$ represents favorable mesonic decay channels producing...
Heavy quark production in hadronic collisions is considered one of the main tools for studying the properties of the strong interactions. In particular, the study of its production at forward rapidities, probes projectile partons with large light cone momentum fractions and target partons carrying a very small momentum fraction. Consequently, it is expected to provide important constraints on...
For the first time, we use relativistic mean-field (RMF) approximation with density-dependent couplings, adjusted by the DDME2 parameterization, to investigate the effects of dark matter on supernova remnants. We calculate the nuclear equation of state for nuclear and dark matter separately, under the thermodynamic conditions related to the evolution of supernova remnants. A mirrored model is...
We present a new method to investigate the existence and location of the conjectured high-temperature critical point of strongly interacting matter via contours of constant entropy density [1]. By approximating these lines as a power series in the baryon chemical potential $\mu_B$, one can extrapolate them from first-principle results at zero net-baryon density, and use them to locate the QCD...
Although the class of stellar remnants that are neither white dwarves nor black holes is traditionally named neutron stars (NS), these objects are not composed solely of neutrons. Even the more naïve description of such objects must include protons and leptons to guarantee their stability. A neutron star was first detected as a pulsar in 1967, and since 2017, when the first gravitational wave...
In its simplest configuration from the QCD viewpoint, the Odderon is a color singlet made up of three gluons. More specifically, in perturbative QCD, the Odderon can be associated with a colorless $C$-odd $t$-channel state, with an intercept at or near one, that either does not vanish or decreases very slowly with increasing energy. We examine the constraints on the Odderon's properties and its...
Understanding how the confining flux tube is formed in SU(N) Yang-Mills theory is an important step towards understanding color confinement in QCD. It is known that center vortices play an important role in this regard, but it remains a mystery how to take them into account in a non-perturbative manner. One way is by performing ensembles of percolating vortices using a phenomenological model....
The Light-front quantum field theory is the ideal approach to investigate hadronic bound states substructure.
In the present work, the pion structure are investigated with a Light-front constituent quark model~(LFQCM). The present model utilized here, was quite successful in describe mesons properties, for the pseudoscalar mesons. However, with the light-front approach, the frame utilized are...
I will review the application of few-body methods to explore the structure of light hadrons in Minkowski space. The description of the nucleon and pion are based on the solution of the BetheSalpeter equation in Minkowski space built with phenomenological kernels. For the proton, we will show results obtained with the projection onto the light-front of the Faddeev-Bethe-Salpeter equation,...
Vortical effects in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) have been widely explored in the past few years due to the observation of global polarization of $\Lambda$ and $\bar{\Lambda}$ baryons in peripheral heavy-ion collisions by the STAR collaboration. Subsequently, the global spin-alignment pattern has been observed for $K^{0*}$ and $\phi$ vector mesons by the ALICE and STAR collaborations; however,...
This work aims to shed light on the puzzle of small systems, which came about after the measurement of a non-zero high-p$_\perp$ v$_2$ in high multiplicity pA and pp collisions but the persistent absence of jet quenching in those systems. This was done using the JEWEL event generator with a brick-like medium definition mimicking a small collision system. We concentrate on two observables:...
We investigate Fermi gases at nite temperature for which the in-medium effective mass may not be constant as a function of the density, the temperature, or the chemical potential. We suggest a formalism that separates the terms for which the mass is constant from the terms that explicitly treat the correction due to the in-medium effective
mass. We employ the ensemble equivalence in in nite...
In this work, I will present the results of our recent study of the meson-meson interactions with effective Lagrangians. I will show that the consideration of a coupled quark and hadron dynamics is needed to under the properties of the lightest axial mesons with charm.
In this talk I will review some of our results related to the study of the properties of exotic hadrons with explicit/hidden charm and/or strangeness generated from the interaction of three-body systems.
Double parton scattering (DPS) is an important tool for investigating the parton distributions in protons and nuclei. In this work, we explore DPS in ultraperipheral collisions (UPC) between nuclei ($AA$) and between a nucleus and a proton ($Ap$), with photons and gluons in the initial state. We show how the effective cross section depends on the photon momentum fraction. We also make...
Interactions of high-energy neutrinos with matter can be studied through the angular separation observed in dimuon production, an observable particularly sensitive to the transverse momentum dynamics of partons. In this work, we develop a Monte Carlo event generator based on the color dipole model, interfaced with Pythia8 for parton showering and hadronization simulations, to predict dimuon...