2–7 Sept 2012
Hotel Listel Inawashiro, Inawashiro, Japan
Japan timezone

Monolithic Active Pixel Matrix with Binary Counters (MAMBO) ASIC, using a nested well structure to decouple the detector from the electronics

6 Sept 2012, 09:20
Hotel Listel Inawashiro, Inawashiro, Japan

Hotel Listel Inawashiro, Inawashiro, Japan

Kawageta, Inawashiro, Fukushima 969-2696
ORAL Pixel technologies - Monolithic detectors Session6


Farah Fahim Khalid (Fermilab)


Monolithic Active Matrix with Binary Counters (MAMBO) V ASIC has been designed for detecting and measuring low energy X-rays from 6-12keV. A nested well structure with a buried n-well (BNW) and a deeper buried p-well (BPW) is used to electrically isolate the detector from the electronics. BNW acts as an AC ground to electrical signals and behaves as a shield. BPW creates a homogenous electric field in the entire detector volume. The ASIC consists of a matrix of 50×52 pixels, each of 105x105µm2. Each pixel contains analogue functionality accomplished by a charge preamplifier, CR-RC2 Shaper and a baseline restorer. It also contains a window comparator with Upper and Lower thresholds which can be individually trimmed by 4 bit DACs to remove systematic offsets. The hits are registered by a 12 bit counter which is reconfigured as a shift register to serially output the data from the entire ASIC. Test results indicate good analogue and digital performance.



Mr Ray Yarema (FNAL) Ms alpana shenai (Fermilab) grzegorz deptuch (fnal) Mr scott holm (Fermilab)

Presentation materials