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4–8 Nov 2024
Uppsala University Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Higgs couplings and detector requirements at the FCC-ee

5 Nov 2024, 13:30
Uppsala University Main Building

Uppsala University Main Building

Biskopsgatan 3 75310 Uppsala Sweden
Higgs physics at future colliders Higgs physics at future colliders 1 - sal IV


Dr Andrea Sciandra (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))


The Future Circular Collider stands at the forefront of the European Strategy for Particle Physics vision. A technical and financial feasibility study for the 100 km infrastructure is currently underway. A main objective of the FCC is to comprehensively explore the properties of the Higgs boson in e+e- collisions. The FCC-ee makes use of the well-known centre-of-mass energy by using Z tagging to perform a model-independent determination of the ZH cross-section at 240 GeV. This will allow for a measurement of the coupling to Z bosons and, in turn, the total width. In combination with branching ratio measurements, the absolute couplings to W, b, c, g (and, likely, strange) will be known at the FCC-ee. The measurements of top quark properties at FCC-ee will be instrumental in the measurement of the top Yukawa coupling. A combination of the measured cross sections at the two different centre-of-mass energies (240 and 365 GeV) further provides the first evidence for the trilinear Higgs self-coupling. Finally, the FCC-ee offers a unique opportunity to determine the electron Yukawa coupling by searching for the s-channel Higgs production at sqrt(s) = 125 GeV. The detailed detector requirements imposed by such important measurements will be reviewed.

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