HIGGS 2024

Uppsala University Main Building

Uppsala University Main Building

Biskopsgatan 3 75310 Uppsala Sweden

Welcome to HIGGS 2024

This year's installment of the annual HIGGS conference takes place at Uppsala University (Sweden) on November 4-8.

Both the registration and call for abstracts are now open.

The HIGGS 2024 conference will feature the latest results from the LHC experiments on measurements of the Higgs boson properties, on Higgs boson pair production and on searches for new physics in the scalar sector. The most recent theoretical developments in the Higgs sector, both in and beyond the Standard Model, will also be a major component of the scientific program of HIGGS 2024

The conference will provide an opportunity for critical discussions of the current strategies for studying the Higgs boson and searching for new physics in the Higgs sector at the LHC, as well as the next steps beyond the LHC. HIGGS 2024 will include several sessions of parallel and plenary contributions on the current research topics related to the Higgs sector.

Once registered, you may receive some offers to help with your travel and accommodation in Uppsala. This is a scam and you should ignore such emails. We have not endorsed any travel agent for HIGGS 2024.


Registration to HIGGS 2024
  • Anton Olsson
  • Chu WANG
  • Daniel Winterbottom
  • Frank Siegert
  • Guglielmo Coloretti
  • Henning Bahl
  • Loukas Gouskos
  • Luigi Delle Rose
  • Marco Valente
  • Michael Spira
  • Patrick Meade
  • Patrizia Azzi
  • Rafael Coelho Lopes De Sa
  • Raoul Röntsch
  • Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez
  • Rishav Roshan
  • Silvia Ferrario Ravasio
  • Sophie Renner
  • Sumit Banik
  • Uli Haisch
  • Venus Keus
  • +5
    • 1
    • Plenary session 1 - sal X
      • 2
        Speaker: Arnaud Ferrari (Uppsala University (SE))
      • 3
        Summary of precision Higgs calculations (20+10)
        Speaker: Raoul Horst Rontsch
      • 4
        ATLAS Higgs highlights (20+10)
      • 5
        CMS Higgs highlights (20+10)
    • 15:30
    • Plenary session 1 - sal X
      • 6
        Extended Higgs sectors (20+10)
        Speaker: Odd Magne Ogreid
      • 7
        Composite Higgs (20+10)
        Speaker: Luigi Delle Rose (Università della Calabria)
      • 8
        ATLAS joker talk (12+3)
      • 9
        CMS joker talk (12+3)
    • Parallel session A1 - sal IV
    • Parallel session A2 - sal IX
    • 10:40
    • Parallel session A3 - sal IV
    • Parallel session A4 - sal IX
    • 12:45
    • Parallel session A5 - sal IV
    • Parallel session A6 - sal IX
    • 15:25
    • Parallel session A7 - sal IV
    • Parallel session A8 - sal IX
    • Parallel session B1 - sal IV
    • Parallel session B2 - sal IX
    • 10:40
    • Parallel session B3 - sal IV
    • Parallel session B4 - sal IX
    • 12:45
    • Parallel session B5 - sal IV
    • Parallel session B6 - sal IX
    • 15:25
    • Parallel session B7 - sal IV
    • Parallel session B8 - sal IX
    • Plenary session 2 - sal X
      • 10
        Precision measurements at the LHC - cross-section in different production modes, STXS (20+10)
      • 11
        Precision measurements at the LHC - properties: mass and width, couplings, CP, off-shell (20+10)
      • 12
        Higgs Monte Carlo simulations (20+10)
        Speaker: Silvia Ferrario Ravasio (CERN)
    • 10:30
    • Plenary session 2 - sal X
      • 13
        Higgs fermion couplings and interplay with flavour (20+10)
        Speaker: Sophie Alice Renner (University of Glasgow (GB))
      • 14
        H to bb/cc at LHCb (20+10)
      • 15
        Rare decays, including 2nd generation fermions, at the LHC (20+10)
    • 12:30
    • Plenary session 3 - sal X
      • 16
        Di-Higgs theory overview (20+10)
        Speaker: Michael Spira (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH))
      • 17
        Beyond the pure Higgs self-couplings – HEFT, SMEFT (20+10)
        Speaker: Dr Raquel Gomez Ambrosio (Milano Bicocca)
      • 18
        Non-resonant HH searches and Higgs boson self-coupling at the LHC (20+10)
    • 15:00
    • Plenary session 3 - sal X
      • 19
        EFT results in and beyond Higgs physics at the LHC (20+10)
      • 20
        EFT interplay with top/multi-boson (20+10)
        Speaker: Alejo Nahuel Rossia (University of Manchester)
      • 21
        Probing CP-violation in the Higgs sector (20+10)
        Speaker: Henning Bahl
    • Plenary session 4 - sal X
      • 22
        Low-mass new scalars and Higgs decays to BSM particles at the LHC (20+10)
      • 23
        High-mass new scalars at the LHC. without H in the final state (20+10)
      • 24
        High-mass new scalars at the LHC, with H in the final state (20+10)
    • 10:30
    • Plenary session 4 - sal X
      • 25
        Experimental methods: ML in Higgs, including jet substructure and taggers (20+10)
      • 26
        Monte Carlo: backgrounds and specific precision computations (20+10)
        Speaker: Frank Siegert (Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))
      • 27
        Higgs physics as a probe of entanglement (20+10)
        Speaker: Rafael Aoude
    • 12:30
    • Plenary session 5 - sal X
      • 28
        Interplay with cosmology probes: baryogenesis, gravitational waves (20+10)
        Speaker: Dr Venus Keus (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS))
      • 29
        Higgs and ALPs (20+10)
        Speaker: Anke Biekoetter (JGU Mainz)
      • 30
        Indirect probes of the Higgs sector (20+10)
        Speaker: Uli Haisch
    • 15:00
    • Plenary session 5 - sal X
      • 31
        Higgs physics at future colliders (20+10)
        Speaker: Patrick Meade
      • 32
        Future Higgs factories and experimental challenges (20+10)
        Speaker: Patrizia Azzi (INFN Padova (IT))
      • 33
        Closing and Higgs2025