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4–8 Nov 2024
Uppsala University Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Effect of anomalous HHH and ZZHH couplings on the decay width of H --> 4l.

6 Nov 2024, 13:30
Uppsala University Main Building

Uppsala University Main Building

Biskopsgatan 3 75310 Uppsala Sweden
Precision Higgs measurements and calculations Common session: precision & BSM 1 - sal IX


BISWAJIT DAS (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai)


Despite the discovery of the Higgs boson, the Higgs sector of the standard model is still not fully established. In particular, the self-couplings of the Higgs boson, and its couplings with gauge bosons, are still to be fully determined. We consider electroweak corrections to the process H4l. The corrections depend on the HHH and ZZHH couplings. We investigate this dependence in κ-framework. We findnd that the width depends on HHH coupling significantly. The dependence on ZZHH coupling is only marginal. We also discuss the dependence on ZZWW coupling.

Primary track Precision Higgs measurements and calculations
Is the speaker a PhD student or post-doc? Yes - My participation will be fully supported by my research group


BISWAJIT DAS (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai)


Prof. Pankaj Agrawal (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India)

Presentation materials