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4–8 Nov 2024
Uppsala University Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Prospects for single Higgs couplings measurements at the multi-TeV muon collider

5 Nov 2024, 14:30
Uppsala University Main Building

Uppsala University Main Building

Biskopsgatan 3 75310 Uppsala Sweden
Higgs physics at future colliders Higgs physics at future colliders 1 - sal IV


Alessandro Montella (Stockholm University (SE))


Muon collisions at multi-TeV center-of-mass energies provide an ideal environment for studying Higgs boson properties. At these energies, the high production rates and low background contributions allow for precise measurements of Higgs couplings to fermions and bosons. This contribution aims to provide an overview of the results obtained at a center-of-mass energy of 3 TeV, as well as perspectives on the precision of cross-section measurements at 10 TeV center-of-mass energy, using detailed detector simulations and taking into account both physics and machine-induced background contributions.

Primary track Higgs physics at future colliders
Is the speaker a PhD student or post-doc? No

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