Precision Higgs measurements and calculations 3 - sal IV
- Susan J Dittmer (Northwestern University (US))
- Stefano Manzoni (CERN)
- Stephen Philip Jones (University of Durham (GB))
Testing the Yukawa couplings of the Higgs boson with fermions is essential to understanding the origin of fermion masses. Higgs boson decays to quark pairs are an important probe of these couplings, and of properties of the Higgs boson more generally. This talk presents various measurements of Higgs boson decays into two bottom quarks as well as searches for Higgs boson decays into two charm...
e will discuss the latest differential measurements of Higgs boson cross sections with the CMS detector in fermionic decay channels and ttH production. Both fiducial differential cross section measurements and measurements in the simplified template cross section framework will be presented. The data collected during Run 2 of the LHC by the CMS experiment are used. We also present...
The discovery of the Higgs boson ten years ago and successful measurement of the Higgs boson couplings to third generation fermions by ATLAS and CMS mark great milestones for HEP. The much weaker coupling to the second generation quarks predicted by the SM makes the measurement of the Higgs-charm coupling much more challenging. With the full run-2 data collected by the CMS experiment, a lot of...
The b-quark Yukawa coupling $y_b$ can be measured in $H\to b\bar{b}$ decay. While $H\to b\bar{b}$ is the main decay mode of the Higgs boson, measuring it experimentally is challenging because of the large number of b-quarks from other QCD processes. However, Higgs boson production in weak-boson fusion (WBF) can be distinguished from those QCD backgrounds by the presence of two nearly...
The full set of data collected by CMS experiment at a centre of mass energy of 13 TeV allows searches for rare production modes of the Higgs boson, subdominant with respect the ones already observed at the LHC, by using a variety of decay modes profiting of the ones with largest expected branching fractions. They include associate production of the Higgs with two b-quarks, with a c-quark, or...