2–6 Dec 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Froggatt-Nielsen ALP

3 Dec 2024, 11:30
Urška 4 (Exhibition and convention center)

Urška 4

Exhibition and convention center

Dunajska cesta 18, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Plenary talk Plenary track Plenary session




Froggatt-Nielsen models typically predict the existence of a light axion-like particle, pushing the new dynamic to a very high scale.
In this talk I will focus on models based on $Z_N$ discrete symmetries, which are counterexamples in which the new scale might in fact be much lower.
I will first chart the allowed parameter space from a set of theoretical considerations, and then focus on two models based on $Z_4$ and $Z_8$ symmetries. For these, I will introduce explicit renormalizable UV completions and study the models' phenomenology in detail, highlighting the interplay between the effects of the ALP and of the UV fields.

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