CPT invariance is a prediction of local, unitary, and Lorentz invariant quantum field theories in flat spacetime. CPT tests have been performed for all fermions of the Standard Model, except for the top quark. I this talk, I describe how the first model-independent sensitivity to CPT violation is extracted from top-antitop mass reconstructions performed by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations.
In this talk, the to-date most important results from the LHCb collaboration on the discrete symmetries will be summarised. The LHCb spectrometer is a single arm forward detector designed to study heavy flavour physics. This presentation highlights the latest measurements of the CP violation in the beauty and charm meson decays and the CPT violation searches in the heavy meson oscillations. In...
New calculations for the kinematics of photon decay to fermions in vacuo under an isotropic violation of Lorentz invariance (LV), parameterized by the Standard-Model Extension (SME), are presented and used to interpret prompt photon production in LHC data. The measurement of inclusive prompt photon production at the LHC Run 2, with photons observed up to a transverse energy of 2.5 TeV,...
We present the most recent BABAR searches for reactions that could simultaneously explain the presence of dark matter and the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. This scenario predicts exotic B-meson decays of the kind $B \rightarrow \psi_D \ \cal B$, where $\cal B$ is an ordinary matter baryon (proton, $\Lambda$, or $\Lambda_C$) and $\psi_D$ is a dark-sector anti-baryon, with...
Axionic domain walls, as they sweep through the early universe plasma, can generate a net baryon and lepton number through the mechanism of spontaneous baryogenesis, provided there is a coupling between the axion and the lepton or baryon current. In this paper, we study systematically the baryon asymmetry produced by these domain walls, within different realisations of the L- or B violating...
Beyond Standard Model scenarios addressing the flavor puzzle and the hierarchy problem generally predict dominant new physics couplings with fermions of the third generation. In this talk, I will explore the collider and astrophysical signatures of new light scalar and pseudoscalar particles dominantly coupled to the $\tau$-lepton. The best experimental prospects are expected at Belle II...
It is well-known that CP violation is one of the necessary ingredients to generate the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe. Neutral B mesons naturally exhibit CP violating oscillations which can be related to the baryon asymmetry through the B-Mesogenesis mechanism. With this in mind, it is interesting to analyze how large this CP violation could be in different scenarios...
We present a leptogenesis model in which right-handed neutrinos undergoing ultraviolet freeze-in are the only out-of-equilibrium species necessary to generate the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry in the early universe. It is shown that even though the lepton number source term vanishes, opposite asymmetries of the decoupled right-handed neutrinos and standard model leptons are washed in....
The Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) is a widely utilized framework for exploring new physics effects in a model-independent manner.
In previous studies, Drell-Yan collider data has emerged as a promising signature due to its energy enhancement relative to Standard Model predictions.
In this talk, we present recent works extending this approach by also considering the "missing...
We examine the prospect of probing extensions of the Standard Model (SM) involving heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) at FCC-ee. Using the effective field theory (EFT) approach, we determine the impact of new interactions on the production and decay of HNLs at FCC-ee. In particular, we consider EFT operators which induce vector, scalar and tensor four-fermion interactions and effective charged- and...
I will discuss the potential of Direct and Indirect CP-Asymmetries in semileptonic decays. On the one hand I will discuss the role on Direct asymmetries in probing long-distance dynamics in B decays, and the other hand I will discuss the role of indirect CP-asymmetries in probing Cp-violating NP.
I discuss the status of model-building for the strong CP problem, emphasizing the phenomenology non-vanilla models that enhance or lighten the axion mass. Particular importance is placed on the emergence of the global Higgs symmetries in multi-scalar field theories and various explicit, anomalous, and soft-breaking contributions to select the Peccei-Quinn symmetry and the axion. Models with...
Rare kaon decays are among the most sensitive probes of both heavy and light new physics beyond the Standard Model description thanks to high precision of the Standard Model predictions, availability of very large datasets, and the relatively simple decay topologies. The NA62 experiment at CERN is a multi-purpose high-intensity kaon decay experiment, and carries out a broad rare-decay and...
In particle physics, understanding the low-energy strong interaction remains a significant challenge, demanding new experimental data as input and validation. Among the promising approaches, X-ray spectroscopy of kaonic atoms offers a unique window into the antikaon-nucleon interaction at threshold. The SIDDHARTA experiment’s measurement of kaonic hydrogen has enhanced our understanding of the...
Axion is a strong candidate for dark matter and has several types of production mechanisms. While the misalignment mechanism has been well-known since long ago and is usually assumed, thermal productions are another attractive possibility. In this talk, we will discuss thermal productions of the axion in DFSZ-type axion models, which involve heavy additional Higgs bosons. Interestingly, in...
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, as a low energy precision observable, has long served as a test of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. The latest muon $g-2$ measurements at Fermilab confirm the previous BNL result, hence emphasizing, up to 5.1 standard deviations, the discrepancy between the experimental world average value and the reference SM prediction. The uncertainty...
The High-Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES) operates at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt with pion, proton and heavy-ion beams provided by the synchrotron SIS-18 [1]. In February 2022, the HADES Collaboration measured proton-proton collisions at 4.5 GeV momenta using the upgraded setup within the FAIR-Phase0 programme. One of the goals of the physics...
We discuss model-independent contributions to the electron-EDM, focusing on those contributions emerging from a heavy scalar sector. More specifically, we investigate the aligned 2HDM in the decoupling limit. We point out that logarithmically enhanced contributions generated by Barr-Zee diagrams with a fermion loop are present in the aligned 2HDM, an effect encoded by the mixing of effective...
I will review precision measurements in allowed nuclear beta decays and neutron decay, both within the Standard Model and looking for new physics. I will follow an Effective Field Theory approach, which allows one to carry out a model-independent comparison of measurements using different nuclei, as well as to connect with other searches (e.g. at the LHC).
We present a novel experimental concept to search for proton decay. Using paleo-detectors, ancient minerals acquired from deep underground which can hold traces of charged particles, it may be possible to conduct a search for $p \to \bar{\nu} K^+$ via the track produced at the endpoint of the kaon. Such a search is not possible on Earth due to large atmospheric-neutrino-induced backgrounds....
Experimentally, the phases $\phi_d$ and $\phi_s$ are determined from CP asymmetry measurements in the ``golden modes" $B_d^0\to J/\psi K^0$ and $B_s^0\to J/\psi\phi$. At leading order, the theoretical interpretation of these measurements is straightforward. However, to reach high precision determinations of $\phi_d$ and $\phi_s$, which is desirable in view of the searches for signs of beyond...
We examine the prospect of observing genuine lepton number violating (LNV) signals at hadron colliders in the context of the Type II seesaw mechanism. The model features smoking gun signals involving same-sign di-leptons and jets that may be the primary observable channel in certain regions of the parameter space. The flavour composition of final-state charged leptons in the minimal model is...
The quest to understand dark matter (DM) continues to be a driving force in astrophysics and particle physics. This talk discusses the potential of the RES-NOVA project, envisioned for detecting astrophysical neutrinos via Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CEvNS), to also serve as a DM observatory. Leveraging the array of cryogenic detectors made from archaeological Pb, known for...
The talk is focused on an asymmetric dark matter model based on semi-annihilations into long-lived standard-model-sector particles. The dark matter is stabilized by discrete $\mathbb{Z}(3)$ symmetry. It is shown that despite strong dark matter annihilation, the asymmetry obtained from the semi-annihilations may significantly affect the resulting relic density, even at very small coupling values.
We present a study of Higgs boson decays involving a photon and leptonic or neutrino pairs within the Standard Model. For $H \to \ell^+ \ell^- \gamma$ with $\ell = e, \mu$, we calculate differential decay rates, branching fractions, and forward-backward asymmetries, providing analytic expressions for experimental analyses. Our approach distinguishes the resonant $H \to Z\gamma$ contribution...
The CP violation observed in the hadronic decays of charmed mesons remains a puzzling open question for theorists. Calculations relying on the assumption of inelastic final-state interactions occurring between pairs of pions and kaons fall short of the experimental value. It has been pointed out that a third channel of four pions can leave imprints on the CP asymmetries of the two-body decays....
In measurements by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations, the number of events for Higgs decay into a Z boson and photon is 2.2 $\pm$ 0.7 times higher than predicted by the Standard Model. For the $H \to Z \gamma$ process, this decay is reconstructed from $H \to \ell \ell \gamma$, where $\ell = e, \, \mu$. In our work, we aim to resolve this anomaly by exploring potential additional background...
The prospect of a Dark Sector neutral under Standard Model interactions represents a compelling explanation for the existence of Dark Matter. A popular class of models considers kinetic mixing as a portal between the visible and the Dark Sector. The introduction of a non-abelian $SU(N)_D$ group can cause kinetic mixing via higher-dimensional operators, naturally explaining the experimental...
LHCb has collected the world’s largest sample of charmed hadrons. This sample is used to precisely measure meson-antimeson mixing and CP violation, and to perform precise measurements of properties and production of charmed mesons. New measurements of several decay modes are presented, including preliminary results obtained with the new LHCb Upgrade I detector.
The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment is a multi-tonne dark matter direct detection experiment operating 4850 feet underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota. At the heart of LZ is a liquid xenon time projection chamber (TPC) with a 7-tonne active mass designed to capture the low energy signals from interactions with WIMP dark matter in our galactic halo, as well...
LHCb is playing a crucial role in the study of rare and forbidden semileptonic decays of charm hadrons, which might reveal interactions beyond the Standard Model. We present the latest measurements of charm decays with two leptons in the final state.
DISCRETE 2024 in Ljubljana (2-6 December 2024): Call for Abstracts · Indico
We explore spontaneous CP violation (SCPV) in the minimal non-supersymmetric SO(10) grand unified theory (GUT), with a scalar sector comprising a CP-even $45_H$, a $126_H$, and a complex $10_H$. All renormalizable couplings are real due to CP symmetry, and the Kobayashi-Maskawa phase arises solely from complex electroweak vacuum expectation values. The model requires an additional Higgs...
DUNE is a next-generation, long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment with the primary aim of determining the neutrino mass ordering and the CP violation phase in the leptonic sector.
The SAND detector at the DUNE Near Detector complex is designed to perform on-axis beam monitoring, constrain systematic uncertainties in the oscillation analysis and provide precision neutrino physics...
Standard Model effective field theory (SMEFT) serves as a powerful and rigorous framework for systematically characterizing deviations from the Standard Model. However, due to its model-independent nature, there is an inevitable trade-off resulting in a significant increase in the number of independent parameters. In this talk, we discuss the charting of the SMEFT parameter space by...
Although, a fourth chiral generation of fermions is excluded by experimental data, the possibility of extending the SM with vector-like quarks, where both chiral components transform the same way under SU(2)_L, has not been ruled out. In fact, these fields are present in a great variety of NP models, from GUTs to solutions to the strong CP problem.
Moreover, introducing VLQs leads to the loss...
In this talk, I will present a novel unified analysis of quark and lepton flavor observables within the framework of modular symmetry, focusing specifically on a model based on 2O modular symmetry. Using a single complex modulus \tau and a well-defined set of real parameters, this model provides a comprehensive description of both quark and lepton sectors under a unified theoretical...
We discuss a three-Higgs-doublet model with an underlying $S_3$ symmetry, allowing in principle for complex couplings. In this framework it is possible to have either spontaneous or explicit CP violation in the scalar sector, depending on the regions of parameter space corresponding to the different possible vacua of the $S_3$ symmetric potential. We list all possible vacuum structures...