Implications of LHC results for TeV-scale physics
This Workshop, which takes place during the last week of the 2011 TH/LPCC Institute on LHC physics, will be the first in a series of meetings devoted to evaluating the implications of recent results from the LHC, and elsewhere, for TeV-scale physics, and to discuss the impact of these results on the future strategy for particle physics.
The Workshop continues the activity of the 2009 TH Institute "From the LHC to a Future Collider",, whose findings were documented in
The results will be summarised in a document, to be submitted as input to the planned 2012 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. The participation and input of all those interested, experimentalists and theorists, is welcome and encouraged!
The workshop activities will be focused around three working groups investigating different aspects of TeV-scale physics, namely
- Signals of electroweak symmetry breaking (conveners: S.Heinemyer, M.Kado, C.Mariotti, G.Weiglein, A.Weiler)
- Signatures with missing energy (conveners: R.Cavenaugh, J.Hewett, S.Kraml, G.Polesello)
- Other signatures of possible BSM physics (conveners: C.Grojean, D.Martinez, J.Santiago Perez, P.Savard, S.Worm)
The task of the working groups is to assess the possible interpretations of the experimental results in view of their implications for the future strategy of particle physics.
The charge for the first meeting is to summarise the experimental situation at this time, to start the discussion of possible interpretations, and to define the lines of work that should be carried out. We expect this to be followed by more informal meetings of the working groups, leading to a final plenary meeting, foreseen to take place in May or June 2012, such that the final document will be ready in time for the ‘Orsay-type’ meeting of the European Strategy update. The precise dates will be decided once the timeline of the Strategy process is finalized by CERN Council.
Information on accommodation, access to CERN and laptop registration is available from
- Adam Falkowski
- Alaettin Serhan Mete
- Albert De Roeck
- Alessandro Ballestrero
- Alexandre Nikitenko
- Alison Lister
- Andre David
- Andrea Massironi
- Andrea Wulzer
- Andreas Weiler
- Anna Di Ciaccio
- Annika Schaecht
- Antoine Marzin
- Antonio Masiero
- Arely Cortes Gonzalez
- Ben Gripaios
- Benjamin Fuks
- Brando Bellazzini
- Brando Bellazzini
- Brigitte Bloch-Devaux
- Brokk Toggerson
- Bruno Lenzi
- Carine Mania Lenko
- Carlos Chavez Barajas
- Chiara Mariotti
- Christophe Grojean
- Christopher Young
- Christos Leonidopoulos
- Claire Adam
- Conor Fitzpatrick
- David Anthony Milstead
- David Cote
- Diego Guadagnoli
- Dieter Zeppenfeld
- Dimitri Bourilkov
- Diogo Buarque Franzosi
- Dumitru Ghilencea
- Eduardo Rodrigues
- Elisabetta Furlan
- emilio torrente-lujan
- Erez Etzion
- fabio maltoni
- Fabio Zwirner
- Felix Bruemmer
- Francesco Sannino
- Francesco Santanastasio
- Frederik Ruehr
- Fulvio Piccinini
- Gabriella Pasztor
- Georg Weiglein
- Georges Azuelos
- Geraldine Servant
- Giacomo Bruno
- Giacomo Cacciapaglia
- Giampiero Passarino
- Gigi Rolandi
- Giovanni Valenti
- Giovanni Villadoro
- Giuliano Panico
- Giuseppe Degrassi
- Gregor Herten
- Grégory Moreau
- Gudrid Moortgat-Pick
- Guillaume Unal
- Harinder Bawa
- Heidi Rzehak
- Henning Flaecher
- Hideki Okawa
- Hyun Min Lee
- Hyung Do Kim
- Ian Low
- Isabella Masina
- James Ferrando
- Jan Kalinowski
- Jan Lindroos
- Janet Dietrich
- Jenny List
- jeremy andrea
- Joanne Hewett
- Joao Varela
- Jochum van der Bij
- Johan Rathsman
- John Gunion
- John gunion
- Jonathan Butterworth
- Jose Ramon Espinosa
- Jose Santiago
- Jose Zurita
- Juan Antonio Aguilar-Saavedra
- Juergen Reuter
- Juergen Reuter
- Kerstin Tackmann
- Kiwoon Choi
- Klaus Desch
- Kuehn Johann
- Leszek Roszkowski
- Luca Panizzi
- Maciej Skrzypek
- Manuel Masip
- Manuel Perez-Victoria
- Marco Pieri
- Maria Moreno Llacer
- Maria Spiropulu
- Marta Felcini
- Martijn Mulders
- Martin Schmaltz
- Martti Raidal
- Marumi kado
- Massimiliano Bellomo
- Matthew Low
- Matthias Schott
- Maurizio Pierini
- Mayda Velasco
- Michael Duehrssen
- Michael Kaemer
- Michael Rauch
- Michelangelo Mangano
- Michele Papucci
- Mieczyslaw Witold Krasny
- Mihail Chizhov
- Mohammad Ahmady
- Monoranjan Guchait
- Naoko Kanaya
- Nasuf Sonmez
- nathalia Toro
- Nikiforos Nikiforou
- Nikola Makovec
- Nitesh Soni
- Oscar Stal
- Panella Orlando
- Paolo Francavilla
- Paris Sphicas
- Paul De Jong
- Pavel Fileviez Perez
- Per Osland
- Peter Uwer
- Philip Schuster
- Philipp Anger
- Pietro Govoni
- Pietro Slavich
- Pyungwon Ko
- Rakhi Mahbubani
- Reinhold Ruckl
- Reisaburo Tanaka
- Renaud Bruneliere
- Riccardo Barbieri
- Riccardo Maria Bianchi
- Richard Cavanaugh
- Robert Harlander
- Roberto Contino
- Roberto Franceschini
- Rouven Essig
- Sabine Kraml
- Sam Harper
- Sarah Livermore
- Serguey PETCOV
- Seung Lee
- Sezen Sekmen
- Siannah Penaranda Rivas
- Simone Amoroso
- Steinar Stapnes
- Steven Abel
- Steven Worm
- Suharyo Sumowidagdo
- Sven Heinemeyer
- Sven-Olaf Moch
- Tania Robens
- Tapas Sarangi
- Tetiana Hryn'ova
- Thomas Gregoire
- Thomas Rizzo
- Timothy Gershon
- Tiziano Camporesi
- Tobias Golling
- Tony Gherghetta
- Trygve Buanes
- Ulrich Ellwanger
- Ulrike Schnoor
- Venkatesh Veeraraghavan
- Veronica Sanz
- Vikram Rentala
- Vincenzo Chiochia
- von Lindern Luebbo
- Werner Porod
- William Trischuk
- Wojciech Fedorko
- Yasuhiro Shimizu
- Zbigniew Was
- Zhiqing Philippe Zhang