Parallel Session 3: Calibration
- Kay Graf (University of Erlangen)
- Robert Lahmann (Friedrich-Alexander-Univ. Erlangen (DE))
Juan Pablo Gómez González
10/12/11, 2:00 PM
The ANTARES neutrino telescope is a photo-detector array consisting of 12 flexible strings holding 885 photomultiplier tubes which collect the Cherenkov light emitted by the charged leptons produced in the interaction of high energy neutrinos with the matter in or surrounding the detector.
The trajectories of the resulting muons can be reconstructed using the time, position and charge...
Harold Yepes Ramirez
10/12/11, 2:25 PM
ANTARES is a neutrino detector based on a three dimensional grid of photomultipliers tubes (PMTs) arranged in several detection lines anchored to the seabed at 2.5 km of deep into the Mediterranean Sea (40 km o of the Toulon coast in France), being its main goal the reconstruction and identication of high energy neutrinos from extra-terrestrial origin. The PMTs collect the Cherenkov light...
Salvatore Viola
10/12/11, 2:45 PM
Within the activities of the NEMO project, the installation of a demonstrator 8-floors tower (NEMO-Phase II) at a depth of 3500m is foreseen in the next months. On board the NEMO tower, an array of 18 acoustic sensors will be installed permitting acoustic positioning of the tower (detecting acoustic signals emitted by a long baseline of five acoustic beacons anchored on the sea-floor),...
Alexander Enzenhöfer
10/12/11, 3:05 PM
The design of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope is based on flexible structures - the detection units. The highly dynamic environment in the deep sea necessitates a continuous monitoring of their exact position.
A common way to perform this is the use of acoustic emitters and receivers based on the piezoelectric effect. The receivers are attached to detection units whereas the emitters are...
Giuseppina Larosa
(IGIC-Universitat Politècnica de València)
10/12/11, 3:25 PM
In this paper we describe the acoustic transceiver developed for the KM3NeT positioning system. The acoustic transceiver is composed of a commercial free flooded transducer, which works mainly on the 20-40 kHz region and withstands high pressures (up to 500 bars). A developed sound emission board, which has been designed to be adapted to the specific transducer and fulfill all the...
Silvia Adrián
10/12/11, 3:45 PM
With the aim to optimize and test the acoustic detection of ultra-high energy neutrinos in underwater telescopes, we have developed a compact acoustic transmitter array able to reproduce the acoustic signature of UHE neutrino based on the parametric acoustic sources effect. We present different R&D studies to show the viability of the parametric sources technique to deal with the difficulties...