4:30 PM
PMT measurements in Antares
Oleg Kalekin
(ECAP, University of Erlangen)
4:50 PM
Terrestrial Magnetic Field Effects on Large Photomultipliers
Emanuele Leonora
(INFN, section of Catania)
5:10 PM
Ageing Characterization on Large Area Photomultipliers
Emanuele Leonora
(INFN Catania (Italy))
5:30 PM
Status of the PMT development for KM3NeT
Lew Classen
(ECAP, University of Erlangen)
5:50 PM
Performance of Photo-Sensors for KM3NeT
Qader Dorosti
(KVI Groningen)
6:10 PM
Photomultiplier Design and Manufacture at ET Enterprises
Andy Cormack
(ET Enterprises Ltd)
6:30 PM
A TDC for characterization of KM3NeT PMTs
Gerard Kieft
6:50 PM
VSiPMT for underwater neutrino telescopes
Daniele Vivolo
(Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" e INFN)
7:10 PM
A large surface Photomultiplier based on SiPMs
Carlos Maximiliano Mollo