Plenary Session: Openings
- Uli Katz (Physikalisches Institut)
Plenary Session: Neutrino Telescopes
- Els De Wolf (NIKHEF)
Plenary Session: Theory and Phenomenology
- Christian Spiering (DESY)
Plenary Session: NT User Workshop
- U. Katz
Plenary Session: Future Projects
- Petros Rapidis (NCSR Demokritos, Athens)
Plenary Session: Future Projects - continued
Plenary Session: Roadmaps and Strategies
- Emilio Migneco (LNS Catania)
Plenary Session: Conference Summary
- Paschal Coyle (Faculte des Sciences de Luminy)
Uli Katz
(Physikalisches Institut)
10/12/11, 10:00 AM
Plenary Session
Joachim Hornegger
(Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
10/12/11, 10:15 AM
Plenary Session
Elisa Resconi
10/12/11, 10:30 AM
Plenary Session
The construction of IceCube neutrino telescope and IceTop surface array was successfully completed at the South Pole during December, 2010. IceCube is the most sensitive telescope to date for observing high energy neutrino sources.
The performance of the IceCube detector and a selection of results will be reported from earlier years as the detector increased in size from 40, 59 and 79...
Juan Hernandez-Rey
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
10/12/11, 11:20 AM
Plenary Session
The main features and performances of the Antares and Baikal neutrino telescopes are reviewed. The results obtained by these detectors in several studies, such as the search for neutrino point sources and diffuse fluxes, the search for neutrinos in coincidence with optical, high-energy gamma and gravitational wave signals, as well as the indirect search for dark matter and a short summary of...
Amy Connolly
(University College London)
10/12/11, 11:55 AM
Plenary Session
We expect an observable flux of neutrinos in the ultra-high energy (UHE) regime (above 10^18 eV) from the interactions of the highest energy cosmic rays with cosmic microwave background photons. I will review the latest constraints set by neutrino telescopes which are closing in on this UHE neutrino flux. The next generation of UHE neutrino experiments are aiming for detection volumes of order...
Markus Ahlers
10/13/11, 2:00 PM
Plenary Session
Neutrino astronomy opens a new window for the observation and study of high-energy phenomena in our Universe. The emission of high energy neutrinos is intimately related to that of gamma rays and cosmic rays (CRs) via hadronic interactions in extragalactic sources or the cosmic environment. I will discuss our present expectations for the cosmogenic neutrino flux associated with the propagation...
Luke Drury
10/13/11, 2:50 PM
Plenary Session
Tyce DeYoung
10/13/11, 4:20 PM
Uli Katz
(Friedrich-Alexander-Univ. Erlangen (DE))
10/13/11, 5:00 PM
Paul Martin Kooijman
10/14/11, 10:00 AM
Plenary Session
The talk will show the present technical status of the KM3NeT telescope.
The optimisation studies for detection of Galactic super nova remnant sources will be presented and the present sensitivity to such sources will be reviewed. Implications of the design on other science subjects will be shown. Possible scenarios for the realisation of the telescope in the near future will be given.
Tyce DeYoung
10/14/11, 11:00 AM
Plenary Session
DeepCore, the fully contained low energy extension to IceCube, extends IceCube's sensitivity for indirect dark matter searches and atmospheric neutrino oscillations. With the first year of DeepCore data we observe a significant sample of atmospheric neutrino-induced cascades, confirming the scientific potential of this approach. We will discuss ideas for PINGU, a further IceCube infill array...
Vladimir Aynutdinov
10/14/11, 11:30 AM
Plenary Session
Since 2006, the development of a km3-scale neutrino telescope - the Gigaton Volume Detector (GVD) in Lake Baikal - is the central goal of the Baikal collaboration. A prototype cluster of GVD was installed in Lake Baikal in April 2011. The cluster consists of 24 optical modules located on three strings. We present selected results obtained in the course of developing and testing key elements...
Andrea Santangelo
10/14/11, 12:00 PM
Plenary Session
In this contribution we will present the Extreme Universe Space Observatory onboard the Japanese Experiment Module of the ISS. After briefing summarize the scientific case of the mission, we will discuss the technological aspects and the expected performance of the mission. We will then focus on the capability of JEM-EUSO in detecting neutrinos at Ultra High Energy and on the potential science...
Kael Hanson
(Université Libre de Bruxelles)
10/14/11, 2:00 PM
Plenary Session
The ARA collaboration is developing an array of radiofrequency antennas covering approx. 150 sq-km surface which will be installed in boreholes extending 200 m below the ice surface at the geographic South Pole. The antennas are senstitive to the weak, transient impulses given off by exteremely high energy neutrino-induced cascades. The array geometry has been chosen to ensure the detection...
Neutrino Detection, Position Calibration and Marine Science with Acoustic Arrays in the Deep Sea
Robert Lahmann
(Friedrich-Alexander-Univ. Erlangen (DE))
10/14/11, 2:30 PM
Plenary Session
Arrays of acoustic receivers are an integral part of present and potential future Cherenkov neutrino telescopes in the deep sea. They are required to monitor the positions of the optical detection modules whose positions vary with time as an effect of undersea currents. At the same time, the acoustic receivers can be employed for marine science purposes, in particular for monitoring the...
Christian Spiering
10/14/11, 3:00 PM
Plenary Session
This talk will summarize the recommendations of the ASPERA roadmap, with a focus to high energy neutrinos. It will also relate the ASPERA strategy on neutrino projects to strategy discussions in other parts of the world.
Thomas Berghoefer
10/14/11, 3:30 PM
Plenary Session
ASPERA is the network of European funding agencies in the field of astroparticle physics. In my presentation I will report on the status of the implementation of the European roadmap for astroparticle physics and the network's supporting activities in view of the realization of coming large projects including a large underwater neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean.