Parallel Session 4: Photodetection and Readout
- Oleg Kalekin (University of Erlangen)
- Tass Belias (Institute for Astroparticle Physics (GR))
Parallel Session 4: Photodetection and Readout
- Oleg Kalekin (University of Erlangen)
- Tass Belias (Institute for Astroparticle Physics (GR))
Photodetection and Readout
Oleg Kalekin
(ECAP, University of Erlangen)
10/12/11, 4:30 PM
Photodetection and readout
The comparison of the simulated to the real data in the Antares experiment is very important to understand the detector behavior. The observed differences in the charge distribution of the background hits, in the K40 coincidence rate in two adjacent optical modules and in the hit residual time distribution have been investigated both by a more detailed description of the PMT and by a ...
Emanuele Leonora
(INFN, section of Catania)
10/12/11, 4:50 PM
Photodetection and readout
The influence of the Earth’s magnetic field on candidate large PMTs for a cubic-kilometer-scale neutrino telescope was studied within the framework of the KM3NeT design study. In particular, this study was aimed at deciding whether the use of a magnetic shield could be avoided, thereby reducing cost and simplifying optical sensor module assembly. Measurements were performed for three...
Emanuele Leonora
(INFN Catania (Italy))
10/12/11, 5:10 PM
Photodetection and readout
An accurate study and measurement on the ageing effects on two large area photomultipliers has been performed for over three years. The photomultipliers were 10”, 10 stages Hamamatsu R7081one with standard bialkali and the other one with super-bialkali photocathode. Gain, dark count rate, charge and timing properties have been measured, as well as the fraction of the spurious pulses.
Lew Classen
(ECAP, University of Erlangen)
10/12/11, 5:30 PM
Photodetection and readout
Three companies are developing new types of 3 inch photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) for the KM3NeT project. The first PMT samples have been delivered from Hamamatsu (R6233mod type) and ET Enterprises (D783KFLA type) and tested. The results of these tests are presented. PMTs of these two types have been ordered to build the the first KM3NeT developmental optical modules. MELZ have produced new...
Qader Dorosti
(KVI Groningen)
10/12/11, 5:50 PM
Photodetection and readout
KM3NeT, the future deep-sea neutrino telescope of multi-cubic km size, is being designed to search for high energy neutrinos originating from galactic and extragalactic sources. The neutrinos can be detected by collecting Cherenkov light emitted from relativistic charged secondary particles caused by the interaction of neutrinos with the medium surrounding the detector. To collect the...
Andy Cormack
(ET Enterprises Ltd)
10/12/11, 6:10 PM
Photodetection and readout
ET Enterprises Limited started in May 2007 and took over the photomultiplier tubes and accessories business of Electron Tubes Limited and will continue to manufacture, supply and develop the Electron Tubes brand product range. ET Enterprises is located in Uxbridge, which is about 30km west of London.
A subsidiary of Ludlum Measurements Inc., ET Enterprises Limited benefits from the...
Gerard Kieft
10/12/11, 6:30 PM
Photodetection and readout
The optical modules of the future KM3NeT neutrino telescope will contain many photomultiplier tubes with a diameter of about three inch.
In order to characterize these photomultiplier tubes, a 16 channel Time-Over-Threshold TDC with a GigaBit Ethernet communication channel has been built in an Altera StratixIV evaluation board. The TDC data are packed in UDP packages and sent to the host PC....
Daniele Vivolo
(Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" e INFN)
10/12/11, 6:50 PM
Photodetection and readout
Underwater neutrino telescopes are nowadays considered as one of the most important aims in the astroparticle physics field. Their structure consists of a cubic-kilometer three dimensional array of photosensitive devices aimed at the detection of the Cherenkov light emitted by charged particles produced by high energy neutrino interactions with Earth. To date, a crucial role in this kind of...
Carlos Maximiliano Mollo
10/12/11, 7:10 PM
Photodetection and readout
Photosensitive devices represent a key solution for several current and future categories of experiments in which light detection can be considered the main observation channel for physical phenomena.
Astro-particle experiments for instance, one of the most promising observation channels for passive High Energy Physics, typically study energetic phenomena in which charged particles...
Vasileios Koutsoumpos
(Nestor Institute for Astroparticle Physics)
10/13/11, 10:00 AM
Photodetection and readout
A valuable functionality in many distributed, very large volume sensor network applications is the requirement to characterize and analyze the data traffic at wire speed. We discuss the benefits of a reconfigurable hardware router for real-time data processing and monitoring from sensors before the transmission to the network, based on the NetFPGA platform. We report on our study of a hardware...
Sophie Catherine Ferry
(CEA - Centre d'Etudes de Saclay (FR)),
Sophie Ferry
10/13/11, 10:20 AM
Photodetection and readout
The observation of high energy neutrinos produced in astrophysical phenomena would open a new window on the Universe. The very low neutrino cross section requires instrumented volumes at the cubic-kilometre scale. The European KM3NeT consortium is now in a preparatory phase towards the construction of such a large neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea. Physics studies have shown that the...
Yuji Hotta
(Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.)
10/13/11, 10:40 AM
Photodetection and readout
Kostas Manolopoulos
(NESTOR Institute for Astroparticle Physics for the KM3NeT consortium)
10/13/11, 11:00 AM
Photodetection and readout
The KM3NeT readout concept is based on a point-to-point optical network connecting the ten thousand optical modules in the deep-sea neutrino telescope with the shore station. The numerous fibre optic channels arriving at the shore station will be concentrated on the shore electronics systems, which will receive, merge and time order the data, and send them to the DAQ system. Although the...
Jelle Hogenbirk
(Nikhef (for the KM3NeT consortium))
10/13/11, 11:20 AM
Photodetection and readout
The design of the readout and data acquisition system of the future KM3NeT neutrino telescope employs 10Gbps photonic technologies for data transmission to shore. The photonic architecture can handle standard transmission protocols. The generic scheme is based on DWDM technology using lasers on shore and optical modulators in each of the 15.000 Digital Optical Modules (DOMs) arranged on...
Stanislaw Stopinski
(1. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven 2. Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics of Warsaw University of Technology)
10/13/11, 11:40 AM
Photodetection and readout
We describe a novel optical solution for data readout systems, developed within the framework of the FP7 NMP project EuroPIC ( In this project photonic ICs in the Indium-Phosphide-based material system are designed and fabricated. This enables the monolithic integration of active (amplifiers, photodetectors) with modulators and passive components (waveguides, splitters,...
Henk Peek
10/13/11, 12:00 PM
Photodetection and readout
On behalf of the White Rabbit consortium
The White Rabbit (WR) project is a multi-laboratory, multi-company effort to bring the best of the data transfer and the timing world together in a completely open design. White Rabbit is a fully deterministic Ethernet-based network for general purpose data transfer and synchronization. The aim is to be able to synchronize a large number of nodes with...
Embedded electronics and data acquisition of a detection node for the European KM3NeT telescope.
frederic louis
10/13/11, 12:20 PM
Photodetection and readout
A KM3Net detection node consists of a multi-PMT Digital Optical Module(DOM) containing 31 photomultipliers (PMTs) and the associated electronic for power, readout and control.
The components of the DOM electronic will be reviewed, namely a System-on-chip in charge of the data acquisition and slow control, a power board converter, various instrumentation devices and a Gigabit Ethernet link...