Parallel Session 7: Computing and Data
- Juergen Brunner (Universite d'Aix - Marseille II (FR))
- Kael Hanson (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Claudio Kopper
(NIKHEF (for the ANTARES collaboration))
10/12/11, 4:30 PM
Computing and data
Completed in 2008, ANTARES is now the largest water Cherenkov neutrino telescope
in the Northern Hemisphere. Its main goal is to detect neutrinos from galactic and extra-galactic sources. Due to the high background rate of atmospheric muons and the high level of bioluminescence, several online and offline filtering algorithms have to be applied to the raw data taken by the instrument. To be...
Tommaso Chiarusi
(INFN - Sezione di Bologna)
10/12/11, 4:50 PM
Computing and data
The phase 2 of the NEMO project represents a unique occasion to test a new Trigger and Data Acquisition System (TriDAS), designed to scale up to the km3.
Because of the deep sea optical background, the NEMO "all data to shore" approach requires to handle a large continuous data-stream from off-shore to on-shore, up to the last on-line computing element.
The computing layers of TriDAS...
John Kelley
(Radboud University Nijmegen)
10/12/11, 5:10 PM
Computing and data
The Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) is currently detecting cosmic rays
of energies at and above 10^17 eV at the Pierre Auger Observatory, by triggering on the radio emission produced in the associated air showers. Unlike other air shower detection methods, the radio-detection technique must cope with a significant background of man-made radio-frequency interference, but can provide...
Shebli Anvar
(CEA - Centre d'Etudes de Saclay (FR))
10/12/11, 5:30 PM
Computing and data
The data acquisition infrastructure of the KM3NeT deep-sea neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean will be a massively distributed system. The control and configuration application will be distributed over some 2000 offshore embedded nodes and hundreds of onshore processes. The full run conditions and detector state will have to be reliably set up and traced for a valid scientific analysis of...
Antonis Papaikonomou
(University of Athens for the KM3NeT consortium)
10/12/11, 5:50 PM
Computing and data
The framework for the KM3NeT shore system is based on the Internet Communications Engine, ICE. The task of the system includes control, data acquisition and processing, pre-selection of events for storage and further processing and on-line monitoring of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope. We describe the overall shore DAQ system and discuss in particular the processing, storing and monitoring...
Dmitry Chirkin
(UW, Madison, U.S.A.)
10/12/11, 6:10 PM
Computing and data
GPUs (graphics processing units) have become increasingly popular in the recent years for scientific calculations involving large numbers of similar steps. Photon propagation is a necessary part of simulating detector response to passing charged particles in IceCube that is an ideal application for use with GPUs. We discuss the principle ideas and practical issues of running such an...
(INFN Pisa.)
10/12/11, 6:30 PM
Computing and data
Bachir BOUHADEF, INFN Pisa & Physics department of Pisa, On behalf of NEMO Collaboration.
Graphics Processing Units are high performance co-processors originally intended to improve the use and quality of computer graphics applications. Because of their potential, researchers have extended their use beyond the computer graphics scope. The main goal of this work is to evaluate the time...