Nov 4 – 8, 2024
US/Central timezone

Purdue CMS Analysis Facility

Nov 7, 2024, 11:00 AM
Operating Systems, Cloud & Virtualisation, Grids Operating systems, clouds, virtualisation, grids


Dmitry Kondratyev (Purdue University (US))


The Purdue Analysis Facility (Purdue AF) is an advanced computational platform designed to support high energy physics (HEP) research at the CMS experiment. Based on a multi-tenant JupyterHub server deployed on a Kubernetes cluster, Purdue AF leverages the resources of the Purdue CMS Tier-2 computing center to provide scalable, interactive environments for HEP workflows. It supports a full HEP analysis software stack, offers a variety of storage and data access solutions, and integrates modern scale-out tools like Dask Gateway. Since its first deployment in 2023, Purdue AF has been instrumental in numerous published analyses, workshops, and tutorials. We will present the Purdue AF architecture and describe its common use patterns in CMS analyses.

Desired slot length 15-20
Speaker release Yes


Dmitry Kondratyev (Purdue University (US)) Norbert Neumeister (Purdue University (US)) Stefan Piperov (Purdue University (US))

Presentation materials