The SampaSRS integration: applications, results and future collaborations

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Geovane G. A. de Souza (Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo)


In this work we present the latest results and applications of the SAMPA chip integrated into the Scalable Readout System (SRS). Developed to work as the Front-End of ALICE TPC and Muon Chamber, SAMPA is now adapted to the SRS framework developed by the RD51 (now DRD1) collaboration. Using a custom developed hybrid and adapter board it is possible to read data from up to 512 electronic channels (16 SAMPAs). We present the results of a triple-GEM based X-ray imaging system that is capable of reaching a position resolution better than 400 μm, with 10% energy resolution for 5.9 keV (σ). We also are going to present future work and collaborations with different groups that intend to use SAMPA as their readout electronics.


Geovane G. A. de Souza (Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo)


Marco Bregant (Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo)

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