Dear MPGD2024 contributors,
The proceedings for the “8th International Conference on Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors - MPGD2024” conference, held on October 14-18, 2024, will be published in JINST, Journal of Instrumentation.
1. Format of the proceeding
Kindly notice that the number of pages should not exceed 4 pages for oral talks and 3 pages for posters, including the title and reference pages.
For JINST publications, both LaTeX and .docx files are acceptable for MPGD2024 conference proceeding.
Manuscripts should be preferably prepared in LaTeX in one of the following ways:
• using the template available on Overleaf
• using the package jinstpub.sty
There are two files you may need: Instructions for .docx submission; A template file for .docx submission. More format reference and examples can be found in JINST website: Help.
When writing your contribution, in addition to the scientific quality and relevance of the subject matter, it is advisable also to check the quality of formatting, language and style (i.e. incoherent use of unit of measure; different conventions used in the same paper such as abbreviations \3 s", \3 sec", \3 seconds" and position: \3C", \3 C"; poorly organized tables; etc.)
2. Proceeding submission
When your contribution is ready for submission, please follow the instructions below:
1) Connect to, register (if needed) and login;
2) In the “Submit” section of the page select the link “submit a proceedings contribution”;
3) Select the MPGD2024 conference from the list;
4) Follow the step-by-step procedure for submission, referring to the instructions available on the “For Authors” help page.
5) For the JINST articles complete accessibility options please refer to the Access to your paper section.
In case of doubts, it is advisable to check with your institution (normally the library) about your internal policy and also you can always refer to the JINST Editorial Office;
6) Please let the Editorial Office know in advance if any of the figures included in your preprint is not original. To do so, you will find a button “write to Editorial Office” on your preprint web page, after submission.
If you are unsure whether you need to seek permission for any material you have re-used, you may find this guide useful:".
3. Submission deadline
Kindly make sure you submit your MPGD2024 contribution by January 10 2025.
For any further information and assistance, do not hesitate to contact us ( and the JINST Editorial Office.