The former Outer Tracker of LHCb/CERN based on gas-filled straw-tubes has been kindly donated to GSI for further use in experiments at GSI and at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) and predominantly in PANDA, the anti-Proton ANnihilation in DArmstadt.
This formidable gaseous tracking detector of LHCb employed in LHC Run 1 and Run 2 performed continuously and above expectations until its replacement, by a scintillating fibres based tracker due to the high rates expected at the forthcoming LHC runs.
Upon arrival at GSI, the complete straw-tube tracker is being stored and gradually prepared for use at several beam-lines and experiments, owing to the modular structure of the detector.
We report on the endeavor to transport the complete straw-tube tracker from CERN to GSI and the first upgrades of the Front-End Eelectronics to interface with modern readout systems. We give an outlook of the various use cases of the straw-tube modules with emphasis to the PANDA experiment and conclude with outlines on further possibilities of their re-purposing.