Feb 24 – 25, 2025
Europe/Zurich timezone

First general meeting of the LHC BSM working group, https://lpcc.web.cern.ch/content/lhc-bsm-wg

The goal is to review the current status of BSM searches in the experiments, their future plans, as well as the perspective of the conveners on the role and initiatives of the WG itself. 

The WG will act as umbrella for the already existing DM and LLP working groups, and for the new Re-interpretation WG arising from the former Reinterpretation Forum initiative. The conveners of these groups will present the status and plans of their activity. The new "exotica" subgroup of BSM, covering other searches beyond DM and LLPs, will likewise present its programme.

An open discussion will conclude the meeting, to collect feedback and input from all participants on possible additional directions and initiatives to be covered by the LHC BSM WG.

A welcome drink will be offered to all participants in person after the Monday afternoon session.

The general meeting of the Reinterpretation Forum will follow, during the rest of the week: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1466101/ 

To join the BSM WG egroup and be informed about its activities, please visit http://simba3.web.cern.ch/simba3/SelfSubscription.aspx?groupName=lhc-bsmwg

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room
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