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28–29 Jun 2025
Leiden University, Gorlaeus building
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Information for submitting an abstract (PhD students)

To submit your abstract contribution to the GIREP 2025 Summer School, you will need a lightweight account in Indico. If you do not have one, please go to and create one.

Once you have a lightweight account, please sign in to the Indico system at Choose the "External email - Guest access" option. Access the event via search for "Summer School" in this system.

At the bottom of the front page of the GIREP Summer School, find the "Submit new abstract" button. If you are not logged in to Indico, the system should ask you to log in at this stage.

Please prepare your abstract proposal using the designated Abstract Template. You will also need to UPLOAD a letter from your PhD supervisor to the following link, using the following PhD Supervisor Letter Template.