21–25 May 2012
New York City, NY, USA
US/Eastern timezone

The IceCube Computing Infrastructure Model

24 May 2012, 13:55
Room 914 (Kimmel Center)

Room 914

Kimmel Center

Parallel Computer Facilities, Production Grids and Networking (track 4) Computer Facilities, Production Grids and Networking


Steve Barnet (University of Wisconsin Madison)


Besides the big LHC experiments a number of mid-size experiments is coming online which need to define new computing models to meet the demands on processing and storage requirements of those experiments. We present the hybrid computing model of IceCube which leverages GRID models with a more flexible direct user model as an example of a possible solution. In IceCube a central datacenter at UW-Madison servers as Tier-0 with a single Tier-1 datacenter at DESY Zeuthen. We describe the setup of the IceCube computing infrastructure and report on our experience in successfully provisioning the IceCube computing needs.


Steve Barnet (University of Wisconsin Madison)


Martin Merck (University of Wisconsin Madison)

Presentation materials