21–25 May 2012
New York City, NY, USA
US/Eastern timezone

An XML generic detector description system and geometry editor for the ATLAS detector at the LHC

24 May 2012, 13:30
4h 45m
Rosenthal Pavilion (10th floor) (Kimmel Center)

Rosenthal Pavilion (10th floor)

Kimmel Center

Poster Event Processing (track 2) Poster Session


Jochen Meyer (Bayerische Julius Max. Universitaet Wuerzburg (DE))


Accurate and detailed descriptions of the HEP detectors are turning out to be crucial elements of the software chains used for simulation, visualization and reconstruction programs: for this reason, it is of paramount importance to dispose of and to deploy generic detector description tools which allow for precise modeling, visualization, visual debugging and interactivity and which can be used to feed information in e.g. Geant4 based simulation programs and in reconstruction-oriented geometry models: at the same time, these tools must allow for different levels of descriptions, ranging from very accurate geometries aimed at very precise Geant simulation to more generic descriptions of scattering centers in a track reconstruction program. In this paper we describe a system which was developed to describe the ATLAS muon spectrometer, which is based on a generic XML detector description system (AGDD, ATLAS Generic Detector Description), on the Persint visualization program and on a series of parsers/converters which build a generic, transient geometry model and translate it into the commonly used geometry descriptions (Geant4, the ATLAS GeoModel, ROOT TGeo etc.). These tools permit an easy, self descriptive approach to the detector description problem, intuitive visualization and rapid turn-around, since the results of the description process can be immediately fed into e.g. a Geant4 simulation for rapid prototyping. Examples of the current usage for the ATLAS detector description as well as prototyping for upgrade elements will be given and further developments needed to meet future requirements will be discussed



Andrea Dell'Acqua (CERN) Jochen Meyer (Bayerische Julius Max. Universitaet Wuerzburg (DE)) Laurent Chevalier (CEA - Centre d'Etudes de Saclay (FR))

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