21–25 May 2012
New York City, NY, USA
US/Eastern timezone

INFN Tier1 test bed facility.

22 May 2012, 13:30
4h 45m
Rosenthal Pavilion (10th floor) (Kimmel Center)

Rosenthal Pavilion (10th floor)

Kimmel Center

Poster Computer Facilities, Production Grids and Networking (track 4) Poster Session


Mr Pier Paolo Ricci (INFN CNAF)


The INFN Tier1 at CNAF is the first level Italian High Energy Physics computing center that shares resources to the scientific community using the grid infrastructure. The Tier1 is composed of a very complex infrastructure divided into different parts: the hardware layer, the storage services, the computing resources (i.e. worker nodes adopted for analysis and other activities) and finally the interconnection layer used for data transfers between different Tiers over the grid. Any update of the different parts of this infrastructure, in particular a software update or a change in the services software code, as the activity of adding new hardware, should be carefully tested and debugged before switching to production. For this reason a test bed facility has beed gradually built in order to reproduce the behaviour of the different layers of the Tier1 in a smaller but meaningful scale. Using this test bed system it is possible to perform extensive testing of both the software and hardware layers and certify them before the use at the Tier1.


Alessandro Cavalli (INFN-CNAF) Mr Andrea Prosperini (INFN CNAF) Daniele Gregori (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)) Elisabetta Ronchieri (Universita e INFN (IT)) Luca dell'Agnello (INFN-CNAF) Mr Pier Paolo Ricci (INFN CNAF) Stefano Dal Pra (Unknown) Dr Vladimir Sapunenko (INFN)

Presentation materials