Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

1–5 Oct 2007
Europe Congress Center
Europe/Zurich timezone

Avanade Grid achievements and EGEE collaboration benefits

1 Oct 2007, 16:45
Maastricht (Europe Congress Center)


Europe Congress Center

Budapest Hungary


Raffaele Sgherri (Avanade)


Avanade solution offering includes a proprietary Grid environment, based on .NET but supporting other platforms. From the project launch, three years ago, we built various projects on the platform, including mission critical computations and heavy load financial computations. On this speech, Avanade will present a short overview of his achievements on the Grid space, business requirements to further evolve of the platform, and our vision about benefits and opportunity to leverage gLite standards in future releases and actively collaborate with EGEE.

Presentation materials