Europe Congress Center

Europe Congress Center

Budapest Hungary
EGEE'07 Conference
    • 09:00 10:10
      Plenary Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
      Convener: Imre Szeberenyi (BME)
      • 09:00
        Welcome from the local organiers - Károly Molnár, Rector of BME 5m
      • 09:05
        Istvan Hiller, Minister of Education and Culture 15m
      • 09:20
        Norbert Kroo, Vice-President of the Hungarian Academy of Science 10m
      • 09:30
        Akos Detreköi, President of NCCIT 10m
      • 09:40
        Ilona Vass, Vice-President of National Office for Reserach and Technology 10m
      • 09:50
        Ulf Dahlsten, Director of "Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures - Applications", EU 20m
    • 10:10 10:40
      Coffee break 30m
    • 10:40 12:30
      Plenary Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
      Convener: Erwin Laure (CERN)
      • 10:40
        Gold sponsor - Oracle: Peter Fuzes, Oracle Hungary Managing Director 20m
        Title: Grid Adoption and Research The Grid has proven itself as a viable solution for the Industry and Oracle Grid technology has been widely adopted by a large number of customers both in commercial and scientific cutting-edge environments. Research in Grid and related technologies however continues to be crucial to the evolution of large distributed infrastructures, data-driven information systems and services. The talk will give an overview of directions and latest developments of Oracle Grid technology, outlining key R&D projects Oracle is leading in this domain and describing a few examples in Hungary, EGEE’07 hosting country.
      • 11:00
        Towards Multi-Petascale Grids in the 2010s 45m
        While there is general consensus that computing platforms underlying the grid infrastructures will continue to evolve, variance in the speed of technology acceleration in HPC is causing many of the assumptions made in the early days of grid to no longer hold. Such divergence
        in the metrics, as well as wider proliferation of related technologies such as Web2.0, will be changing the optimal design of the overall grid infrastructure towards more centralization. Based on our recent
        experiences with our TSUBAME supercomputer, which is currently Asia-Pac's fastest machine according to the Top500, and its next petascale generation design thereof, we will discuss the future design of multi-petascale grids with such machines being constituent massive resource
        nodes instead of vast distribution.
        Speaker: Prof. Satoshi Matsuoka (Tokyo Institute of Technology - The NAREGI Project, National Institute of Informatics)
      • 11:45
        Bob Jones, EGEE-II Project Director 40m
      • 12:25
        Logistics Information 5m
    • 12:30 14:00
      LUNCH 1h 30m
    • 14:00 15:30
      Application Track (Workflow) Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      To produce scientific results, scientists run analyses that involve the execution of multiple binaries, execution of the same binary on many data sets, or both. Efficient orchestration of these "workflows" on the grid has become critical for users in several disciplines. This session will provide an overview of current use of workflow managers on the grid and touch on technical issues that facilitate or impede their use on the EGEE infrastructure.

      • 14:00
        The Taverna Workflow Workbench and Tool Suite. 30m
        The OMII-UK myGrid project ( has developed the popular Taverna workflow workbench, used for a wide range of data-centric Life Science problems and increasing within other domains such as astronomy and music. Taverna was designed to suit the work-a-day bioinformatician in a normal (not especially well-resourced) research laboratory, in order to ease and automate the routine burden of plumbing together the myriad of data resources and analytical tools publicly available and privately developed. It has been widely adopted by over 200 projects and labs, with many thousands of everyday users, and stands at nearly 40,000 downloads (1,500 per month). The Taverna Workflow Workbench is an open-source workflow tool which provides a data-centric workflow language (Scufl) and graphical interface to: facilitate the building of workflows over distributed services hosted on remote and local machines; run these workflows on their own data; and visualise the results. Workflows can be enacted as part of the workbench or from third party applications. The enactor and the workbench have been designed with a range of extensibility points to make them open. A suite of plug-ins and components provide: service ingest and management; the cataloguing and discovery of services and workflows using semantic descriptions; and the recording of the provenance of the data outcomes and the execution log of the workflow runs. Recent work has focused on better support for third party applications, including a Web browser workflow client that enables Taverna workflows to be launched from a web browser, and the publishing of workflows as Google gadgets. Complementing Taverna, and capitalising on the increasing numbers of workflows and users, the myExperiment initiative ( is creating a social networking environment and workflow bazaar for workflow workers. This recognizes that workflows are scientific assets in their own right, to be exchanged, traded and reused. The talk will introduce the Taverna Workbench and its associated suite of components, its current status and plans, some success stories and some possible exploitation plans and points of collaboration for EGEE. In particular, the Taverna enactor is currently undergoing a major revision that will retain all the functionality of the current Taverna, but with better scalability, data streaming, data management, grid services integration and security management.
        Speaker: Dr Carole Goble (University of Manchester)
      • 14:30
        Workflow Tools on the EGEE Grid infrastructure. Overview and Perspective. 30m
        Workflows have become a daily tool for applications on the Grid. In essence every non trivial application requires the composition and orchestration of data and functionality to produce useful scientific results. This talk will give an overview of the tools and technologies that currently utilize the EGEE Grid and gLite, in order to define, run and monitor workflows. The talk will outline the current status, potential problems, missing functionality and the road ahead, setting the landscape for the discussion that will follow.
        Speaker: Evangelos Floros (Unknown)
      • 15:00
        Discussion 30m
        The preceding session talks are expected to bring forward important issues and topics for analysis and discussion. Research teams that currently develop workflow tools for Grids and application teams that use them will have an opportunity for an open discussion regarding the current status but also with an eye to future advanced issues like knowledge-based workflow execution and cross-team collaborative workflow technologies.
    • 14:00 15:30
      Business Track: Introduction to EGEE and Business Plenary Maastricht


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session sets the scene for entire business track, kicking off with presentations from the EGEE upper management and the EC and concluding with contributions from upper-tier organisations highlighting challenges and opportunities for grid adoption by businesses.

      Continuing after the networking coffee break will divulge into a session showcases examples of joint collaboration work between EGEE and enterprise, and success stories of gLite adoption, EGEE's next-generation Grid middleware, highlighting achievements, future challenges and new opportunities for the broader adoption of gLite.

      • 14:00
        EGEE's vision and roadmap for commercial uptake of Grids 20m
        EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE) is Europe's flagship Grid infrastructure project now in its second 2-year phase. The EGEE Grid now combines the processing power of more than 30.000 CPUs, a storage capacity of about 5 million GB on a global network established by GEANT and its extensions connecting more than 200 sites in 48 countries. This Grid is already providing an essential daily service to more than 100 applications in such areas as astrophysics, medical imaging, bioinformatics, climate studies, oil and gas exploration, pharmaceutical research, and financial forecasting. It's now the world's largest general-purpose scientific computing Grid, and is getting bigger every month. Envisaged as an infrastructure for the support of scientific research, EGEE has attracted interest from numerous business sectors that see it as either a service that can be used as a virtual computer centre, as a means of selling their services and products to the diverse communities it supports, or as an example of how to build partner grids with their supply chains. This talk will give an overview of the range of businesses with which it is working, explain the mechanisms it places to allow commercial organisations to get involved and suggest some directions in which it could develop on a time-scale of 2 to 5 years.
        Speaker: Bob Jones (CERN - EGEE Project Director)
      • 14:20
        European Commission views and instruments on Grid industry uptake 20m
        Speaker: Kyriakos Baxevanidis (European Commission)
      • 14:40
        NESSI is about transforming the EU economy through Service Oriented business models 20m
        Businesses concentrate on activities where they can gain a competitive advantage. The main focus of NESSI is that of service. All definitions of service are based on the same principle: a service consumer does not own the service and therefore does not need to be concerned with all the aspects generally associated with ownership such as infrastructure, technology, integration and maintenance. What count are the business needs that are waiting to be met by the appropriate service. Technology must be an enabler of service rather than an inhibitor. Enlargement of the European Union and the changing nature of trade with the rest of the world puts a strong emphasis on a multicultural approach to business. Furthermore, the tangible and intangible assets resulting from EU-funded R&D projects must reach the industry and be used by them. NESSI can connect eInfrastructures with industrial users. Companies can contribute to the sustainability of eInfrastructures in different ways and use them in order to improve performance, to gain efficiency, effectiveness and competitive advantage. eInfrastructures could be part of the ecosystem that NESSI is determined to create. The resulting self-sustained network could operate in a cost-effective way producing even profit and following a kaizen approach without the umbrella of the European Commission.
        Speaker: Csilla Zsigri (Atos Origin)
    • 14:00 15:30
      EUChinaGRID/EGEE/ETICS: Grids and IPv6 Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      During this session we’ll show the activities regarding IPv6 compliance of Grid middleware (during the collaboration between EGEE, EUCHINAGRID and ETICS and also in other projects worldwide) and we’ll discuss about the opportunity that IPv6 can offer to Grid.
      The target audience is developers, network administrators and system administrators.

      • 14:00
        Introduction: Why the needs for IPv6 10m
        Speaker: Mr Mathieu GOUTELLE (CNRS/UREC)
      • 14:10
        IPv6 programming: The example of the BDII 30m
        Speaker: Xavier Jeannin (CNRS UREC)
      • 14:40
        Short report on basic IPv6 testing 10m
        Speaker: Dr Mario Reale (GARR)
      • 14:50
        IPv6 support in ETICS 20m
        Speaker: Mr marian ZUREK (CERN, IFJ KRAKOW)
    • 14:00 15:30
      EUMEDGRID: Grids and their role in sustaining development Brussels


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      Workshop+panel discussion targeting NGI managers, related projects, Mediterranean and African partners eInfrastructures, and especially the Grid approach can be regarded (see for example the recommendations from the 2005 OECD Global Science Forum) as a strong catalyst for scientific and technological development in emerging countries. As a matter of fact, granting access to large resources with comparatively small investments in infrastructure is possible and Grids may effectively contribute to bridge digital divide and fight the drain brain in developing countries. Initiatives in line with this vision have been already established in several world regions. The workshop aims at discussing status and future strategies with special reference to Africa and the Middle East, including the extension of this approach to Sub-Saharan Africa. Open issues and specific problems of the region will be analyzed as well.

      • 14:00
        eInfrastructures in the Mediterranean: the Eumedconnect network success story 20m
        Speaker: Fotis Karayannis (GRNET)
      • 14:20
        Grids and their role towards developement 20m
        Speaker: Federico Ruggieri (INFN)
      • 14:40
        The EUMEDGRID project (with some examples of applications) 15m
        Speaker: Roberto Barbera (INFN)
      • 14:55
        Can Grid Technology reverse brain drain to brain gain in Africa? (NO SHOW) 20m
        Speaker: Mokhtar Sellami (LRI-ANNABA)
      • 15:15
        Biological applications in GRID - the EuchinaGRID experience 15m
        Speaker: Fabio Polticelli (Computational Bio-Chemistry Lab - Dept. of Biology)
    • 14:00 15:30
      GEMS: Grid Empowered Molecular Simulators and CompChem Tools REGE I

      REGE I

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The session will be structured as a workshop targeted to molecular scientists and devoted to the analysis of how the COMPCHEM VO is progressing in the assemblage of grid empowered molecular simulators. Items discussed will be:
      • The creation of a test bed for performing efficiently computational campaigns in the field of collision and photochemical dynamics..
      • The design of computational algorithms efficiently exploiting the grid for quantum, semiclassical, classical and mixed quantum-classical approaches to molecular sciences
      • The definition of workflow environments, shared data formats and ontologies for semantic web computational chemistry applications on the grid.

      • 14:00
        About handling on the Grid quantum molecular knowledge related to molecular simulators 30m
      • 14:30
        Ab initio photodynamics calculations on the Grid: approaches and applications 30m
      • 15:00
        Activities of the COST D37 Computational Chemistry Workflow Group 30m
    • 14:00 15:30
      Operational Security Coordination Team Training Rege II

      Rege II

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The EGEE Operational Security Coordination Team is offering technical training to help the site administrators to improve the security of their Grid services and of their site.

      • 14:00
        Introduction: Grid and security 25m
        Speaker: Remi Mollon (CERN)
      • 14:25
        Grid systems installation and configuration 25m
        Speaker: Louis PONCET (CERN)
      • 14:50
        Centralised logging 25m
        Speaker: Eddie Aronovich (Tel-Aviv University)
      • 15:15
        Discussion / Questions 15m
        Speaker: Mr Romain Wartel (CERN)
    • 14:00 15:30
      ROC Managers Meeting Roma


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
      • 14:00
        ARM and COD meetings in Lyon in February 10m
        Speaker: Alistair Mills
      • 14:10
        Review of GGUS tickets 15m
        How are we doing with clearing all tickets in the GGUS Ticket Escalation report? Click on "more information" to see the latest reports.
        more information
      • 14:25
        Cleaning up the LCGAdmin role for dteam 5m
        The people who will retain the LCGAdmin role are: CERN * Maarten Litmaath * Andreas Unterkirche Italy * Mirco Ciriello * Simone Dalla Fina * alessandro paolini
      • 14:30
        Abbreviations for Site-Names in GridView 15m
        Examples of the GridView graphs with long and short site names are in the attached material. The conversion table is here: More: now you are in the uncharted territory, this is (one of) the development displays used by gridview development. So what you see there is not yet in production, but will be soon. Click on “Job Status”. In the left pane you’ll see two radio buttons “Use Site Abbreviation” and “Use Full Site Names”. So far only the “Use Site Abbreviation” works (remember that’s a development portal), but you get the idea, roll down a bit to see the effect in the graph. Same as above: both are available, everyone can pick and choose to his liking.
        Speaker: Antonio Retico
        more information
      • 14:45
        GGUS 6.0 upgrade 10m
        Speaker: Alistair Mills
      • 14:55
        Status of new features in CIC Portal 10m
        1. YAIM Configuration Tool:
          Update from Gilles: The tool is fully integrated to the CIC portal since the release of version 4.5, i.e. on August, 22nd.
          • The Yaim Tool database back-end is integrated to the CICDB schema, thus ensuring data coherency about all officially registered VOs.
          • Managers of such VOs don't need to go to the tool to update their data: all that is needed is taken from the VO ID card. These 2 points solve the main issue of having 2 entry points to update this info.
          The web interface for the tool is now also hosted at IN2P3, and available as follows:
          • As a page of the RC section in the portal:
          • As a page of the VO section in the portal:
          • As a standalone version:
          YAIM configurator code is, in CIC portal code structure, an independent module. Development and maintenance is assured by Dimitar, which has access to this module in our cvs repository.
          Failover procedures have not been established yet. For that, we need to check python configuration on the replica instance of the portal at CNAF, test the application there, and validate the process in the same way we did with SAM Admin's Page.

        2. Tool for announcing scheduled downtimes
        3. Update from Osman: The schedule downtime process is composed of 6 steps:
          1. Step 1 : Integration of BDII data in the CIC db: This part determines the impacted VO by a downtime 100% done
          2. Step 2 : Notification from GOC portal to the CIC portal 90% done
          3. Step 3 : The implementation of a Supervisor componant was implemented: this allows the management of the whole process
          4. Step 4 : The downtime broadcasting by email - 90% done
          5. Step 5 : The downtime broadcasting by RSS Feed is OK - 100% done
          6. Step 6 : The subscription form has not implemented yet but we are working on it: this form will enable to any user to be notified by email or RSS Feed according to his need.
          In summary, I think I will need 2 weeks (after the EGEE conference) to finish and test the whole process
      • 15:05
        Viewing contact details in Operations Tools 10m
      • 15:15
        WLCG / EGI issues 15m
        Further information:
        Speaker: jamie shiers
    • 14:00 15:30
      SA3 Internal Face-to-Face Meeting (Closed) Nizza


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      In this session SA3 will discuss lessons learned up to now and agree on the changes until the end of the project. In addition we will collect first thoughts about work beyond EGEE-II.
      It is a closed session.

    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee break 30m
    • 16:00 18:05
      Business Track: Working with EGEE and gLite - Success stories Maastricht


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session sets the scene for entire business track, kicking off with presentations from the EGEE upper management and the EC and concluding with contributions from upper-tier organisations highlighting challenges and opportunities for grid adoption by businesses.

      Continuing after the networking coffee break will divulge into a session showcases examples of joint collaboration work between EGEE and enterprise, and success stories of gLite adoption, EGEE's next-generation Grid middleware, highlighting achievements, future challenges and new opportunities for the broader adoption of gLite.

      • 16:00
        EGEE & Platform Technical Collaboration: Milestones & Challenges 25m
        Yearlong working relations between EGEE consortium members and Platform Computing lead to systematic collaboration since 2005, officially manifested as an EGEE Business Associate at EGEE’06. EGEE as the worldwide leading research Grid and Platform Computing as the leading provider of commercial Grid software underwent intensive joint investigations in order to achieve best possible performance for HEP and other communities job profiles and requirements. This presentation will highlight the joint success story from the original aim to “learn, how to better exploit LSF”, to the most recent developments and future plans.
        Speaker: Bernhard Schott (Platform)
      • 16:25
        Best practices in Grid infrastructure testing - Bringing industry-class reliability and quality of service 20m
        As Grid installations worldwide enter production phase, they become an attractive target for industry looking to either replicate the technology internally, or outsource their processing and data operations externally. Reliability in Grids is not a trivial issue. On one hand we face a degree of uncertainty due to distribution, while on the other, applications and users require certain quality of service. GridwiseTech works with customers building scalable infrastructure internally or using external Grid resources. Our recent research concerns state-of-the-art practices in testing scalable and distributed resource management infrastructures.
        Speaker: Pawel Plaszczak (GridwiseTech)
      • 16:45
        Avanade Grid achievements and EGEE collaboration benefits 20m
        Avanade solution offering includes a proprietary Grid environment, based on .NET but supporting other platforms. From the project launch, three years ago, we built various projects on the platform, including mission critical computations and heavy load financial computations. On this speech, Avanade will present a short overview of his achievements on the Grid space, business requirements to further evolve of the platform, and our vision about benefits and opportunity to leverage gLite standards in future releases and actively collaborate with EGEE.
        Speaker: Raffaele Sgherri (Avanade)
      • 17:05
        Industrial Applications of Grids 20m
        For Philips Research an IT infrastructure geared towards the needs of researchers is an indispensable element. In recent years Philips Research has undergone a number of major changes. As a result of the focus shift at Philips, Philips Research has also changed its programme considerably. The adoption of the open innovation concept has resulted in an open organisation that enjoys strategic cooperation with companies, universities and other institutes. Facilities are shared with partners in order to improve cost-effectiveness and efficiency. The Research ICT Department has modified its strategy so as to facilitate Research’s new wishes. An example of this is the expected increase in High Performance Computing in application areas such as medical imaging, bio-informatics and simulation of physical devices. This presentation deals with the above-mentioned changes, the way we are responding to them and the need for intensive support.
        Speaker: Ronald Van Driel (Philips Research)
      • 17:25
        Changing intentions - Opportunities for gLite in finance and related industries 20m
        gLite has been exceedingly successful as an enabling infrastructure, and has been a massive success in bringing together scientific and technical communities to provide the compute to address previously incomputable problems. Not so in the finance industry. In its current form gLite would be a business disabler!! There are other middleware tools that solve the finance communities compute problems much better. Things have moved on, gLite had a purpose on first inception – to harness as much compute as possible - and there are moves afoot in the open source community to evolve the technology to address other, more sophisticated needs such as utility and interactive computing. Excelian is well placed as a provider of Grid consultancy services for the Finance community and through its relationship to the EGEE to identify and help exploit opportunities as the research and business worlds converge. Because of the strong third party presence in the finance industry, such opportunities are far and few between, but they are there, especially as we expand sideways into related verticals such as the smaller hedge funds and energy companies. This talk will give an overview of the barriers to adoption in the finance industry and highlight some of the opportunities offered in this and related industries as the ideas around Grid mature.
        Speaker: Adam Vile (Excelian)
    • 16:00 17:30
      Demo session Exhibition Area

      Exhibition Area

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The demo and poster session provides an interactive way to learn more about successful applications running on the EGEE grid and recent developments. The selected material will give a stimulating view about interesting applications developed by different group relying on the EGEE grid for their scientific activity and promising solutions from
      (new) partners (including contribution from the commercial world) to improve and extend the usage of grid technologies.

    • 16:00 17:30
      EUMEDGRID: Grids and their role in sustaining development Brussels


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      Workshop+panel discussion targeting NGI managers, related projects, Mediterranean and African partners eInfrastructures, and especially the Grid approach can be regarded (see for example the recommendations from the 2005 OECD Global Science Forum) as a strong catalyst for scientific and technological development in emerging countries. As a matter of fact, granting access to large resources with comparatively small investments in infrastructure is possible and Grids may effectively contribute to bridge digital divide and fight the drain brain in developing countries. Initiatives in line with this vision have been already established in several world regions. The workshop aims at discussing status and future strategies with special reference to Africa and the Middle East, including the extension of this approach to Sub-Saharan Africa. Open issues and specific problems of the region will be analyzed as well.

      • 16:00
        Towards grid-enabled Telemedicine in Africa 20m
        Speaker: Legre Yannick (HealthGrid)
      • 16:20
        Scientific Data Sonification and the ASTRA project for ancient instruments reconstruction within EGEE 20m
        Speaker: Giuseppe Andronico (INFN)
      • 16:40
        Panel discussion 20m
    • 16:00 17:30
      GEMS: Grid Empowered Molecular Simulators and CompChem Tools REGE I

      REGE I

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The session will be structured as a workshop targeted to molecular scientists and devoted to the analysis of how the COMPCHEM VO is progressing in the assemblage of grid empowered molecular simulators. Items discussed will be:
      • The creation of a test bed for performing efficiently computational campaigns in the field of collision and photochemical dynamics..
      • The design of computational algorithms efficiently exploiting the grid for quantum, semiclassical, classical and mixed quantum-classical approaches to molecular sciences
      • The definition of workflow environments, shared data formats and ontologies for semantic web computational chemistry applications on the grid.

      • 16:00
        The CompChem Virtual Organization 20m
      • 16:20
        Adaptation of chemical dynamics codes to the GRID 20m
      • 16:40
        Chemistry visualization tools in an integrated discovery cycle 25m
      • 17:05
        A proposal for a data format to help program interchange in the Quantum Chemistry domain 25m
    • 16:00 17:30
      ISSeG/EGEE SA1: Site Security Training Rege II

      Rege II

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      Site security is important to us all but how can it be made easier to implement?
      This training session will outline the approaches to Integrated Site Security (ISS) and the general recommendations that have been identified following practical implementation at two European Grid sites. The emphasis is on practical advice on how to link technical, administrative and training issues to improve overall site security independent of site size, VO type or your role within the site. The session is not solely focused on technical issues so users and managers / administrators will be able to take away some advice for their sites.

    • 16:00 17:30
      ROC Managers Meeting Roma


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
      • 16:00
        Use of benchmarking tool for SpecInt2000 15m
          Extract from the minutes of the WLCG MB, 5 June (

          Decision of the WLCG Management Board: The MB agreed that, until the HEPiX benchmarks are defined, the proposal distributed by L.Robertson is accepted.

          This proposal is contained in the note distributed to the MB "Proposal for an interim CPU capacity metric for WLCG"*. This uses the methodology of GridKA (i.e. run one copy of the SPEC CPU2000 code per core), uses the compiler flags as specified by the Architects Forum (-O2 -pthread -fPIC), with a scaling factor of 1.5 (reflecting the lower level of compiler optimization compared with the current GridKA benchmark test).

          A HOWTO section with benchmark script and configuration files is available on the HEPiX pages: see .

          * (
      • 16:15
        Problems with the process for the update of root certificates? 10m
        The update of root certificates still is an issue in EGEE. The CERN (EGEE) repository isn't updated quick enough after announcement of the new certs on Then problems arise when the SAM tests check for the new certs before the official EGEE broadcast, and before the official EGEE repository is updated. IMHO a better work flow is needed here. The wiki pages explaining the process are here:
        Speakers: DECH ROC, Sven Hermann
      • 16:25
        Incentives/penalties for sites under the SLD 20m
        Why will sites stick to the SLD? Considering that the SLD will be aiming to set a minimum "standard" for sites, what incentive is there for sites to do better? One suggestion is to set up a "league table" showing the relative 'goodness' of sites. Any other suggestions?
      • 16:45
        Integration of CE ROC's first line support within the COD operations 15m
        Speakers: Central Europe ROC, Helene Cordiere
      • 17:00
        ROC Manager access to SA1 PPT sheets of their federation partners 20m
        At least to a summary page every 3 months
        Speaker: SouthWest ROC
      • 17:20
        Issues raised by ROC DECH: Request for comments from other ROCs 10m
        1) gLite deployment has to be better agreed with VO requirements before being certified (see e.g. "prd-/pool-account" discussions after rollout to production, VOs still put high pressure on sites because there's still no common, agreed solution; instead VOs and the gLite development team should communicate directly). 2) the gLite community is not organised transparently enough, e.g. there aren't links to corresponding site administration/MW configuration wikis (GOC Wiki etc.) or further practical information about usage of gLite from the official gLite web page. This concern has also been expressed by users and admins at GridKa School 2007.
    • 16:00 17:30
      Technical Network Liaison Committee - Closed Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This closed session is the place of the first Technical Network Liaison Committee (TNLC) of EGEE-II. It is dedicated to the relations between EGEE and the network providers. As such, it gathers a limited number of people from SA2 (the networking activity of EGEE) and from the NRENs.

      If you think you are interested in attending this meeting, please ask the convener about the opportunity of your participation.

      • 16:00
        Operational interface status 30m
        This session will give an update on the ENOC and the Operational Interface that have been built between EGEE and the NRENs.
        Speaker: Mr Mathieu GOUTELLE (CNRS/UREC)
      • 16:30
        Network Service Level Agreement (SLA) Implementation 30m
        Update on the use of advanced network services by the EGEE community
        Speakers: Mr Chrysostomos TZIOUVARAS (GRNET), Maria Grammatikou, Vasiliki Pouli
      • 17:00
        Network trouble ticket standardisation for exchange 30m
        This talk will present the recent progress on the field on network Trouble ticket standardisation in order to exchange these operational data more easily.
    • 16:00 17:40
      The gLite Release Process and Porting Nizza


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      In this session SA3 will start with a report on the experience with the current release process from building with ETICS over the certification process to the management of repositories.

      After short introduction describing the current situation, proposals for a formalization of the following aspects will be made.

      Developer centric builds and dependency management

      The role of source RPMs

      Signing RPMs? When and how?

      The certification process with a special emphasis on the formalization of external patch certification, experimental services and early involvement of VOs.

      The last 20 minutes will be dedicated to the status of ports of gLite to other platforms.

      Members of SA3 are the main target audience, SA1 and end users would be useful in the discussion on early user exposure. Some developers from JRA1 are highly welcome to describe their experience with build tools and process.

    • 17:30 19:00
      WELCOME DRINK 1h 30m
    • 09:00 10:30
      Technical Plenary Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
      • 09:00
        EGEE Grid Operations – 3 years of progress 45m
        The EGEE grid infrastructure has grown over the 42 months of EGEE and EGEE-II from around 40 sites to over 250. It is now in daily use on a significant scale with continuous workloads of over 100,000 jobs per day, and is acting as the primary source of computing and storage for several application communities. Although this growth has been impressive, with the LHC coming on-line less than a year from now the scale of resources and workload is still expected to increase dramatically. This talk will summarise the progress that has been made in building this production infrastructure, and discuss the major challenges still to be faced both in the near future and in the longer term.
        Speaker: Dr Ian Bird (CERN)
      • 09:45
        A Grand Challenge for the Information Age 45m
        The information Age has created a paradigm shift for research, education, commerce, and modern life. Current estimates are that in 2006, 161 exabytes (10^18 bytes) of digital data were created, and by 2010, the torrent of digital data generated will reach a zettabyte (10^21 bytes). Critical to the success of efforts in the Information Age is the ability to use, access, manage, and preserve digital data, and a reliance on the assumption that our most valuable digital data will be there when we need it. Data is the foundation of the Information Age, and preserving digital data for the foreseeable future is an emerging Grand Challenge.
        Best practices in digital data reliability involve the replication of valuable data collections. From the first, grid technologies have been a natural fit for the challenge of preserving multiple copies of digital data collections, and today, data grids provide a rich platform for data stewardship, management, and preservation services.
        The San Diego Supercomputer Center is a pioneering U.S. Center leading the development and provision of data grid technologies and cyberinfrastructure for managing, storing, preserving, and using digital data. Leveraging collaborations in the U.S. with the National Science Foundation, the Library of Congress, and the National Archives and Records Administration, SDSC is providing innovative leadership in the area of data Cyberinfrastructure and data preservation. In this talk, SDSC Director Fran Berman describes SDSC’s approach to digital preservation, and discusses the next generation of opportunities and challenges for the data that drives the Information Age.
        Speaker: Dr Francine Berman (San Diego Supercomputer Center)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      Application Track (Uniform Grid Access) Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      Standardization efforts will eventually provide transparent access to multiple grid service implementations. Necessarily, the standardization is a slow process that requires consensus from developers of the various service implementations. Users, however, cannot wait for the consensus to appear before running their applications. Consequently, they seek various mechanisms to shield them from service API changes and to allow them to use the maximum number of resources. This session will review some of the mechanisms that are currently used, how those are accommodated on the EGEE infrastructure, and the status of some proposed standards. These mechanisms include web portals (GridSphere, P-GRADE, GENIUS), standards based services (GridWay, Taverna, MOTEUR), and high-level APIs (GANGA, SAGA).

      • 11:00
        User view and requirements: example of Bioinformatics applications 20m
        Speaker: Dr Christophe Blanchet (CNRS IBCP)
      • 11:20
        GridSphere Portal : an High-level User Interface to Grid 20m
        Speaker: Mr Oliver Wehrens
      • 11:40
        The GridWay approach for job Submission and Management on Grids 20m
        Speaker: Mr Jose Luis Vazquez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain))
      • 12:00
        Discussion 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      Business Track: Grid and Healthcare Amsterdam


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session offers an inside look at the growing interest in Grid in the pharmaceutical industry and the healthcare sector, showcasing the successful deployment of EGEE's programme for Biomedicine and Bio-informatics. Presentations evaluate the benefits of Grid for pharmaceutical firms & biotechs, as well as hospitals as natural candidates for Grid adoption with reference to drug discovery, medical imaging, data management and workflows.

      • 11:00
        Implementation of an industrial-strength pharmaceutical workflow into a Grid environment 20m
        The goal of the SIMDAT Pharma application activity is to demonstrate the usefulness of Grid technology in the area of life sciences. We implement an industrial strength pharmaceutical workflow across a Grid test-bed comprised of both academic and industrial partners. Naturally, these different types of partners are operating their Grid node with different security and quality of services policies and obviously have different commercial interests. The existing Grid prototype employs all infrastructure elements required to establish trusted relationships between academic and industrial partners. The infrastructure allows an academic service provider to accept outsourcing of high value applications or databases from a research group in order to give controlled and managed access to this application for other partners, both academic and industrial. The underlying model guarantees the preservation of intellectual property rights among the partners. In the presentation we will concentrate on the Grid-specific developments of the current Pharma prototype and discuss the impact of Grid technology in the life science sector.
        Speaker: Falk Zimmermann (NEC Labs Europe)
      • 11:20
        The Health-e-Child Project 20m
        Health-e-Child (pronounced healthy child) is an attempt to respond to the increasingly pressing demand to fully integrate and exploit heterogeneous biomedical information for improved clinical practice, medical research, and personalized healthcare. As an integrated project of the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission, the project brings together three major paediatric centres with several European companies, university groups and research centres specialized in information-based medical technology.
        Speaker: Mr David Manset (Maat Gknowledge)
      • 11:40
    • 11:00 12:30
      Business Track: Grid for Design, Engineering and Product Development Brussels


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session offers an invaluable glimpse into Grid adoption in the field of design and engineering for the aerospace and automotive industries, in addition to Automotive and Aerospace sectors, as well as for industrial l product development & micro-processing. The session features some of the main outcomes of the EC-funded SIMDAT project with presentations by industry leaders.

      • 11:00
        A Grid-based Collaborative Environment for new Space Systems design 20m
        Nowadays, space activities are characterised by increased constraints in terms of cost and schedule combined often with a higher and higher technical and programmatic complexity. To answer this challenge, the European Space Agency has set up the Concurrent Design Facility starting in 1998. This has widely demonstrated the advantages of applying the Concurrent Engineering approach to the assessment and conceptual design of future space missions and has raised an enormous interest among the European partners (academia, scientific communities, industry, other agencies) in the space sector. At the same time, starting from mid 90’s, a remarkable increase in computing power has been achieved by designing and prototyping technologies, most notably the Grid, to support distributing tasks and data on distributed computing centres linked with high-speed networks. Grid technology can, therefore, provide the means for secure connectivity of design environments as well as integrate multiple heterogeneous systems into a powerful virtual “single” system. Within this framework, the European Space Agency, at beginning of 2006, awarded a project called Grid-based Distributed Concurrent Design (GDCD) to study how to allow geographically distributed facilities to interact each other in real-time over wide area networks adopting the Grid technology for the purpose of space projects, to make the structure deployment reliable, cheap and compatible with Concurrent Facilities.
        Speaker: Stefano Beco (ElsagDatamat)
      • 11:20
        Inter-Enterprise CAE Design with Secure Controlled Sharing of Data and Analysis Services 20m
        The use of CAE analysis within the design process is common place in the Aerospace industry but is very focused on using a limited set of capabilities within the boundaries of the enterprise. To enable wider access to physical modelling and to enable the aerospace industry to take advantage of more cost effective provisioning models there is a requirement to enable the exploitation of CAE analysis services that are supplied beyond the enterprise boundaries. This introduces challenges in terms of managing Intellectual Property especially as this is encapsulated in the process in which the analysis codes are applied hence a focus on workflows, data and associated embedded knowledge. This talk will focus on what has been achieved within the Aerospace activity of SIMDAT and present some of the issues addressed with the Aerospace sector.
        Speaker: Michael Turner (BAE Systems)
      • 11:40
        Aerospace research on the Grid 20m
        Speaker: Victor Pricop (INCAS)
      • 12:00
        SIMDAT Grid-based Solutions for the Virtual Product Design Process in the Automotive Industry and Lessons Learned. 20m
        The growing competition in the automotive industry requires continuous reduction of development and innovation cycles. On the other hand the demands on quality, safety and comfort are increasing. During the past years, advances in the area of CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) and CAT (Computer Aided Testing) technologies and processes have contributed significantly to the ability of the automotive industry to keep up with these requirements. Today, the data resulting from the CAD-, CAE-, and CAT-processes are stored in separate databases without common interfaces. In addition, the development teams often work at distributed locations. It is due to the ongoing transition from many small manufacturers to a few large conglomerates. This transition requires the integration of previously separate teams into single virtual development teams. They need to work on common car platforms to reduce development costs. SIMDAT aims at to provide solutions for these problems. The presentation will give an overview of industrial use cases SIMDAT project deals with in the automotive area and of solutions intended to ease the collaboration between engineering organizations and departments based on Grid Technologies employed and extended in the SIMDAT project.
        Speaker: Walter Wirch (MSC Software)
    • 11:00 12:30
      EGI Workshop – Requirements Consolidation and Use Case Definition Nizza


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This workshop will bring together representatives of the involved parties to assess the status of NGIs (National Grid Initiatives) and the progress towards the establishment of the EGI (European Grid Initiative) organization. Moreover, the initial set of use cases will be presented and input and comments will be solicited

    • 11:00 12:30
      Middleware Security Group (MWSG) Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The Middleware Security Group, is the meeting place for security architects and security knowledgeable persons from EGEE, OSG, OMII-Europe and other grid projects. Goal with this meeting is to give an update, and discuss current and future global security architecture work.

      Chair: Christoph Witzig (EGEE) and Bob Cowles (OSG)

      • 11:00
      • 11:30
        AuthZ mechanisms in gLite 30m
      • 12:00
        VOMS Migration to SSL: Roadmap and Issues 30m
        Motivation: TCG required us to remove all globus dependencies from VOMS. Especially for the APIs, this require some coordination among JRA1 developers, so some things needs to be discussed.
    • 11:00 12:30
      Operational Security Coordination Team Zurich I

      Zurich I

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The EGEE Operational Security Coordination Team (OSCT) provides pan-regional coordination and support to respond to security threats faced by the Grid infrastructure. The primary OSCT activity is in helping Grid sites manage security risks, from prevention to containment and recovery from possible security incidents.

      Everyone is welcome to attend.

      • 11:00
        Introduction: status, progress and issues 30m
        Speaker: Mr Romain Wartel (CERN)
      • 11:30
        Security Service Challenges 30m
        SSC3: update and discussions
        Speaker: Riccardo Brunetti (Unknown)
      • 12:00
        Best practice and training 30m
        RSS feed topics, training and other dissemination activities
        Speaker: Mingchao Ma (Unknown)
    • 11:00 12:40
      gLite Configuration Management (SA3) Maastricht


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This is a YAIM open house session. It will start with a 10 minutes report on the experience with the first months of using structured, component based YAIM.
      After a brief discussion, especially with site administrators an introduction on how to write and modify YAIM modules will be given.
      The intended audience, apart from SA3, are JRA1 developers and SA1 site administrators.
      There will be room to discuss the interoperability between YAIM and quattor and how this can be improved

    • 12:30 14:00
      LUNCH 1h 30m
    • 14:00 15:30
      Application Track (Grid Observatory) Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The Grid Observatory proposed as part of the EGEE-III program of work touches several points that directly impact users of the grid. The Grid Observatory cluster aims to provide traces of important tasks on the grid (jobs, data transfers, service discovery, etc.) via a database to computer science researchers as well as the project itself. This work will necessarily integrate information from a large number of sources, including potentially application-level monitoring. Analysis of this information will hopefully lead to more accurate error reporting and better fault-tolerance of the system as a whole.

    • 14:00 15:30
      Business Track: Cross-Industry Session REGE


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session looks at Grid adoption across diverse sectors, exploring its potential in the Energy sector and opening doors to more pervasive adoption. This session also offers insight into the Digital Media industry, where Grid is an essential resource to deliver more sophisticated animation, special effects and heightened realism, as well as Grid potential in Gaming.

      • 14:00
        Sun Technology advances in HPC 20m
        Speaker: Philippe Trautmann (Sun Microsystems)
      • 14:20
        Opportunities for Technology Transfer in Grid Computing 20m
        The rapid development of virtualisation and distributed computing technologies, including grids, means that the paradigm shift towards utility computing could happen sooner rather than later. Scientific Grids such as WLCG could contribute to this process. gLite middleware is a good example: developed to work with geographically distributed heterogeneous resources which often belong to different owners it fits perfectly with the requirements of future inter-enterprise Grids. The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) supports several Grid commercialisation projects that showcase market opportunities for Grid technologies.
        Speaker: Alex Efimov (STFC)
      • 14:40
        Interactive Media & e-Infrastructures: building a successful future 20m
        Network evolution, parallel computing, emerging technologies and distributed computational power are keys to understand the future of interactive media applications. While physical formats will fade away and network will stand stronger, online services will need innovative technology and business models to replace existing mechanisms. Study in those fields and active projects’ research work are tremendous opportunities for Europe to get ready for next years’ competition.
        Speaker: Alexis Arragon (Darkworks S.A.)
      • 15:00
        Applying Grid Technology on Business Support Systems - A paradigm in the Telecom sector 20m
        Speaker: Serafim Kotrotsos (Exis-IT)
    • 14:00 15:40
      Business Track: Grid in Industrial Contexts and Business Models Roma


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session looks at Grid adoption across diverse sectors, exploring its potential in the Energy sector and opening doors to more pervasive adoption. This session also offers insight into the Digital Media industry, where Grid is an essential resource to deliver more sophisticated animation, special effects and heightened realism, as well as Grid potential in Gaming.

      • 14:00
        An update on HP's Tycoon at CERN: integration with EGEE 20m
        Tycoon is a market-based system for trade of resources. Our idea is to integrate it with EGEE, obtaining a dynamic Grid ready to share resources with others (Universities, research centres, etc.). Tycoon will run as a new service, deploying and destroying virtual machines (Worker Nodes and Computing Elements) on demand. Tycoon will give to EGEE a dynamic, flexible, secure and transparent platform/service to trade resources more efficiently. It could attract small and medium VOs to the EGEE project, they could take advantage of the Grid resources and obtain extra computing power while EGEE could obtain credits/money for its service. One of our problems will be to keep intact the security of the whole system (EGEE platform). Tycoon will deploy Worker Nodes and Computing Elements on-the-fly, reconfiguring the Grid adding nodes on demand using virtual machines. This dynamic part of the Grid must not be a security leak nor modify security constraints.
        Speaker: Jose Dana Perez (CERN)
      • 14:20
        The COMETA consortium and its activities for Grid adoption by Industry in the context of the PI2S2 Project 20m
        The presentation will outline the activities of the Consorzio COMETA to foster the adoption of grid technologies by Industry. Special care will be devoted to the porting of the gLite middleware to Windows platforms carried out in collaboration with Microsoft."
        Speaker: Prof. Roberto Barbera (INFN Sez. di Catania, via S. Sofia, 64)
      • 14:40
        EGEODE business model, based on gLite 20m
        Speaker: Gael Youinou (CGGVeritas)
      • 15:00
        NESSI-Grid Vision and Strategic Research Agenda 15m
        The Networked European Software and Services Initiative (NESSI) aims to create a strategic research agenda for European research in services and their foundations. NESSI-Grid forms part of that activity by defining a vision and strategic research agenda (SRA) for grid infrastructures used in business environments and in particular in NESSI scenarios. A first version of both, vision and SRA, focusing on more short-term challenges is presented. It addresses all stakeholders in this field, in particular researchers, industry and policy makers, to get a precise understanding about envisioned scenarios, state-of-the-art, challenges, business impact and actual roadmaps and recommendations for realizing the vision. The SRA is open for contribution.
        Speaker: Daniel Fey (Nokia Siemens)
      • 15:15
        BEinGRID - Business Experiments in Grid 15m
        Speaker: Csilla Zsigri (Atos Origin)
    • 14:00 15:30
      EGI Workshop – Requirements Consolidation and Use Case Definition Nizza


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This workshop will bring together representatives of the involved parties to assess the status of NGIs (National Grid Initiatives) and the progress towards the establishment of the EGI (European Grid Initiative) organization. Moreover, the initial set of use cases will be presented and input and comments will be solicited

    • 14:00 15:30
      ETICS/EGEE: Quality assurance workshop Brussels


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This Quality Workshop is co-organised by EGEE and ETICS ( The 2 sessions workshop, covers the topic of "software quality assurance for the grid".

      The workshop is organised as an interactive event, where participants will be asked to share their thoughts on the topic of QA in the context of Grids. To stimulate the discussions a number of interesting talks will be given. The workshop will end with a panel discussion, including all speakers.

      • 14:00
        Introduction to QA Workshop 10m
        Speakers: Gabriel Zaquine (Unknown), Marc-Elian Begin (CERN)
      • 14:10
        Introduction to ITIL - Best Practices for IT Service Management 25m
        ITIL has become the de facto standard for IT Service Management. The ITIL Framework defines Roles, Processes, Key Performance Indicators and outlines Critical Success Factors. These definitions helps every kind of IT organisation WHAT has to be implemented for IT service management in order to achieve better customer orientation, customer satisfaction and measurable service quality. In this talk one will be informed about the basics of the IT Infrastructure Library - which is since Version 3 now called - ITIL, Best Practices for IT Service Management.
        Speaker: Achim Grindler (FZK)
      • 14:35
        The ITIL pilot project and further investigations at FZK 35m
        To implement IT service management processes and the therefore necessary organisational structures, is a bigger project that has to be carefully evaluated. This talk will present the essential steps during the ITIL pilot project in the FZK. The main attention lies here on the service support processes, which are assisting directly the IT personnel in the process of IT service production and provisioning to the customers.
        Speaker: Achim Grindler (FZK)
      • 15:10
        EGEE ITIL Group first works - ITIL evaluation for ENOC 20m
        The presentation will describe a first study conduced within the EGEE ITIL group to evaluate the way to reach consistency between the work of the ENOC and the ITIL way of work. ENOC is the EGEE Network Operation Center, part of EGEE SA2 (Network activity). The presentation will raise which issues for the ENOC to reach ITIL?
        Speaker: Geneviève Romier (UREC/CNRS)
    • 14:00 15:40
      Middleware Security Group (MWSG) Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The Middleware Security Group, is the meeting place for security architects and security knowledgeable persons from EGEE, OSG, OMII-Europe and other grid projects. Goal with this meeting is to give an update, and discuss current and future global security architecture work.

      Chair: Christoph Witzig (EGEE) and Bob Cowles (OSG)

      • 14:00
        The SAML-XACML protocol in EGEE & OSG Authorization and resource enforcement tools 30m
        This presentation will explain and discuss the work done to get the SAML-XACML protocol usable in OSG and EGEE authorization and resource enforcement tools for better inter-operation between our commonly used tools. It will explain the big picture on which problems we'd like to solve and how the existing tools will be used on a site architecturally. The involved tools are the commonly used grid tools like the gatekeeper, gridftpd, glexec, gjaf, dCache when deployed with lcas & lcmaps and/or prima/gplazma & gums on both EGEE and OSG sites.
      • 14:30
        authN Interoperability: The INFN View 10m
      • 14:40
        Security concerns from GridPP and GSVG 30m
        To briefly describe the most common security concerns from the GridPP meeting discussions and from the GSVG.
    • 14:00 15:30
      Operational Security Coordination Team Zurich I

      Zurich I

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The EGEE Operational Security Coordination Team (OSCT) provides pan-regional coordination and support to respond to security threats faced by the Grid infrastructure. The primary OSCT activity is in helping Grid sites manage security risks, from prevention to containment and recovery from possible security incidents.

      Everyone is welcome to attend.

      • 14:00
        Security Monitoring 1h
        Progress on SAM security monitoring, monitoring tools supported by the OSCT and discussion on possible gLite-based security monitoring.
        Speaker: Daniel Kouril (Unknown)
      • 15:00
        Web applications security 30m
        Speaker: Mr Romain Wartel (CERN)
    • 14:00 15:30
      gLite Interoperability: ARC and UNICORE (SA3) Maastricht


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      In this session we discuss the current state of the interoperability between gLite and the ARC and UNICORE middleware stacks.
      The intended audience are the SA3 partners involved in this activity, but end users with an interest in using future interoperated infrastructures are highly welcome.
      The session will start with two short status reports of each 15 minutes and a short description of the roadmaps for each of the middleware stacks.
      This will be followed by a discussion on the steps to be taken until the end of the project. The last 20 minutes should be dedicated to a discussion on potential work in this area in EGEE-III

      • 14:00
        Unicore interoperability, status and outlook 20m
      • 14:20
        ARC interoperability, status and outlook 20m
      • 14:40
        Multi platform support 20m
    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee break 30m
    • 16:00 17:30
      Business Track: Barriers and Solutions to Grid Adoption in Business Maastricht


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session revolves around top-level challenges and technical barriers to adoption, offering insight into how these have been tackled across different sectors. Presentations evaluate a range of technical barriers and propose possible solutions to foster further industrial by diverse industry groups.

      Stick around after a short break as we will conclude the Business Track with an Interactive Panel discussion which will focus on opportunities for Grid adoption, top-level challenges, with expert panellists providing recommendations on next steps and feedback on best solutions to barriers.

      • 16:00
        NICE EnginFrame and A-WARE - An easy Way to Access GRID Resources 20m
        While Grids can dramatically innovative business models and marketplaces, for end-users the term "Grid" is frequently associated with highly complex infrastructures dissimilar to the everyday tools and technologies they are used to. The A-WARE project tackles this problem and develops a stable, supported, commercially exploitable, high quality technology able to give easy access to Grid resources. A-WARE technology will merge two complementary experiences, capable of easing the complexity of Grid technology and complex job management. A-WARE will enhance mature European Grid middleware technologies – through workflows – and a deliver improvements of accessibility, visibility - through Web 2.0 technology. The A-WARE project is based on the EnginFrame Grid portal framework developed by NICE and adopted by a number of important companies worldwide. The EnginFrame Grid portal, delivers user-friendly, highly customisable access to Grid-enabled applications and infrastructures. It completes the Grid solution by increasing usability and user-friendliness, without sacrificing flexibility and control for the most advanced computing scenarios, like Oil & Gas, Automotive, Aerospace, HEP, Electronics, Telecommunications etc. EnginFrame is also the core technology of the GENIUS portal adopted by EGEE.
        Speaker: Giuseppe Ugolotti (NICE)
      • 16:20
        gLite industry adoption barriers 20m
        Industrial adoption of any Grid middleware depends on its ability to satisfy the needs of many different communities, starting from technology providers through developers to the end users. For this reason the EGEE Industry Forum Steering Committee is starting a special focus group on gLite adoption. This group will focus on analysis of the technical barriers to gLite adoption in industry and provide maximum feedback to developers in order to make the gLite middleware fit industrial needs. This presentation is in part an invitation to start a discussion on these topics and lists a set of potential issues taken from previous discussions and presentations.
        Speaker: Robert Harakaly (Industry Forum Steering Committee)
      • 16:40
        Grids in Industry: Lost in Transition? 20m
        The journey from proof-of-concepts and operational Grid research infrastructures to credible Enterprise technologies has significant technical, economical and cultural challenges. For the last 10 years IT Innovation has been working with industry and commerce to address these challenges from the early days of meta-computing experiments to the Grid and now Service-Oriented Infrastructures. This presentation revisits the evolving vision and proposition presented by the Grid research community to industry over the last decade. The barriers for adoption of successful operational research Grids in commercial context are presented and success stories that show how these barriers can be overcome.
        Speaker: Mike Boniface (IT Innovation)
      • 17:00
        Distributed Computing with MATLAB in Grids 20m
        MATLAB is a popular programming environment with over 1,000,000 users worldwide, primarily scientists and engineers engaged in technical computing. In 2004, The MathWorks introduced a product for distributed and parallel computing that enables MATLAB users to take advantage of high-performance environments to solve computationally or data intensive problems. Engineers and scientists can now develop parallel applications independently of the resources that are available for execution; they can prototype applications on their desktops and then scale to a computer cluster without any code changes. This presentation will discuss the additional technical and licensing challenges that are being resolved so that scientist can take advantage of the grid for their collaborative research activities.
        Speaker: Silvina Grad-Freilich (Mathworks)
    • 16:00 19:30
      Demo session Exhibition Area

      Exhibition Area

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The demo and poster session provides an interactive way to learn more about successful applications running on the EGEE grid and recent developments. The selected material will give a stimulating view about interesting applications developed by different group relying on the EGEE grid for their scientific activity and promising solutions from
      (new) partners (including contribution from the commercial world) to improve and extend the usage of grid technologies.

    • 16:00 17:30
      EGI Workshop – Requirements Consolidation and Use Case Definition Nizza


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This workshop will bring together representatives of the involved parties to assess the status of NGIs (National Grid Initiatives) and the progress towards the establishment of the EGI (European Grid Initiative) organization. Moreover, the initial set of use cases will be presented and input and comments will be solicited

    • 16:00 17:30
      ETICS/EGEE: Quality assurance workshop Brussels


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This Quality Workshop is co-organised by EGEE and ETICS ( The 2 sessions workshop, covers the topic of "software quality assurance for the grid".

      The workshop is organised as an interactive event, where participants will be asked to share their thoughts on the topic of QA in the context of Grids. To stimulate the discussions a number of interesting talks will be given. The workshop will end with a panel discussion, including all speakers.

      • 16:00
        ETICS Service overview 20m
        Speaker: Guillermo Diez-Andino Sancho (Unknown)
      • 16:20
        ETICS Quality Assurance Certification Model 40m
        Speaker: Mr Adriano Rippa (Engineering SpA)
      • 17:00
        Panel discussion 30m
    • 16:00 17:30
      Middleware Security Group (MWSG) Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The Middleware Security Group, is the meeting place for security architects and security knowledgeable persons from EGEE, OSG, OMII-Europe and other grid projects. Goal with this meeting is to give an update, and discuss current and future global security architecture work.

      Chair: Christoph Witzig (EGEE) and Bob Cowles (OSG)

      • 16:00
        Proxy Restrictions for the WN 25m
        There have been demonstrations on how to steal a proxy from the WN and there is an ongoing work to add policies as restrictions. What we would like to be discussed is the status of this work.
      • 16:25
        gLExec -- gluing grid computing jobs to the Unix world 30m
        What is the purpose for gLExec and how and what does it do. What is the relation of gLExec with regard to pilot jobs and what can gLExec do for you on the WN or CE for both users and site administrators.
      • 16:55
        Authorization interoperability 30m
    • 16:00 17:30
      Operational Security Coordination Team Zurich I

      Zurich I

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The EGEE Operational Security Coordination Team (OSCT) provides pan-regional coordination and support to respond to security threats faced by the Grid infrastructure. The primary OSCT activity is in helping Grid sites manage security risks, from prevention to containment and recovery from possible security incidents.

      Everyone is welcome to attend.

      • 16:00
        Technical session (CLOSED) 1h
        TRANSITS Technical module
        Speaker: Remi Mollon (CERN)
      • 17:00
        AOB 30m
        AOB and next meeting
        Speaker: Mr Romain Wartel (CERN)
    • 16:00 16:59
      WLCG Management Board phone conference (Closed) Roma


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
    • 17:30 19:00
      Asia Federation Meeting (Closed) Roma


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
    • 17:30 21:00
      CE Federation meeting (Closed) Amsterdam


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      Meeting of the representatives of the CE Federation partners

    • 17:30 19:00
      DECH Federation (Closed) Zurich I

      Zurich I

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
    • 17:30 21:00
      FR Federation meeting and SA1-FR meeting (Closed) Nizza


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      FR Federation Meeting - SA1-FR face-to-face meeting
      (Note that this session is in French)

      • 17:30
        ROC report 20m
        Speaker: Pierre Girard (Unknown)
      • 17:50
        OAG overview and state 20m
        Mission, achievements, and status
        Speaker: Rolf Rumler (Unknown)
      • 18:10
        COD and CIC 20m
        Report on the grid operators' work (COD), status of the CIC portal work
        Speaker: Helene Cordier (CNRS/IN2P3)
      • 18:30
        break 30m
      • 19:00
        French Federation meeting 1h 30m
        1) EGEE-III Présentation générale (GW) Tour de table des partenaires 2) Institut des grilles: Présentation et perspectives (GW) 3) EGEE-II : questions diverses 4) AOB
        Speaker: Dr guy wormser (LAL Orsay)
        more information
    • 17:30 19:00
      SEE Federation meeting (Closed) Brussels


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
    • 17:30 19:15
      SW Federation meeting (Closed) REGE I

      REGE I

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
      • 17:30
        Welcome 5m
        Speaker: Dr Kai Neuffer (PIC)
      • 17:35
        SWE SA1 status 10m
        Speaker: Dr Kai Neuffer (PIC)
      • 17:45
        SWE SA3 status 10m
      • 17:55
        SWE NA2 status 10m
      • 18:05
        SWE NA3 Status 15m
        Speaker: Antonio Fuentes (Unknown)
      • 18:20
        SWE NA4 status 15m
      • 18:35
        SWE EGEE-III proposal 20m
        Speaker: Dr Kai Neuffer (PIC)
      • 18:55
        A.O.B. 5m
    • 17:30 19:00
      UKI Federation meeting Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
    • 17:50 19:00
      Business Track: Interactive Panel Discussion: Conclusions, Wrap-Up & Recommendations Maastricht


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session revolves around top-level challenges and technical barriers to adoption, offering insight into how these have been tackled across different sectors. Presentations evaluate a range of technical barriers and propose possible solutions to foster further industrial by diverse industry groups.

      Stick around after a short break as we will conclude the Business Track with an Interactive Panel discussion which will focus on opportunities for Grid adoption, top-level challenges, with expert panellists providing recommendations on next steps and feedback on best solutions to barriers.

      • 17:50
        Interactive Panel Discussion – Conclusions, Wrap-up and Recommendations 1h 10m
        Speaker: Session Chairs - ALL Participants
    • 19:00 20:30
      Web applications security (CLOSED) Rege II

      Rege II

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
    • 09:00 10:40
      Technical Plenary Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
      • 09:00
        Current Use of the EGEE Infrastructure and Evolution of NA4 into EGEE-III 40m
        This presentation will summarize the current use of the EGEE production infrastructure by the EGEE user community and provide an overview of the functionalities required, both present and future, by the users' applications. The talk will include an overview of the services currently provided by NA4 to the user community and discuss how the provision and organization of those services will evolve into EGEE-III.
        Speakers: Cal Loomis (CNRS/LAL), Evangelos Floros (Unknown)
      • 09:40
        Sensible Cities: Digitally Augmented Urban Environments 40m
        The real-time city is now real! The increasing deployment of sensors and hand-held electronics in recent years is allowing a new approach to the study of the built environment. The way we describe and understand cities is being radically transformed - alongside the tools we use to design them and impact on their physical structure.
        Studying these changes from a critical point of view and anticipating them is the goal of the MIT SENSEable City Laboratory.
        At the Conference I will discuss the lab’s long-term Wiki City project, which is based on last year’s Real Time Rome project. Here, the lab used analysis of aggregate cell phone traffic to generate traffic maps. With cell-phone locations mapped anonymously at regular intervals, Roman city planners could see the pulse of the city in real time.
        Wiki City builds upon this idea, envisioning an interactive, digitally augmented city that would also integrate location-based services, WiFi-based wikis and environmental sensor input. This with the ultimate aim of leading to an overall increased efficiency and sustainability in making use of the city environment.
        Speaker: Dr Francesco Calabrese (University of Naples / Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
      • 10:20
        Demo and Poster Awards 10m
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break 30m
    • 11:00 12:35
      Application Track (Data Mgt.) Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      Data management services provided by EGEE have improved drastically over the lifetime of the project. At the user level, though, these can be quite complex. Moreover, the core EGEE services only deal with file-based data management and access, leaving many data resources inaccessible via grid services. This session will discuss the current state of the art of the core EGEE service, but also, what services or techniques are possible to access other non-file-based data such as databases.

      • 11:00
        Introduction 7m
        Speaker: Mr Horst Schwichtenberg (SCAI Fraunhofer Institute)
      • 11:10
        Data management in gLite 15m
        Speaker: Akos Frohner (CERN)
      • 11:26
        Example in Biomedical image management 7m
        Speaker: Dr Johan Montagnat (CNRS)
      • 11:35
        Discussion 7m
      • 11:45
        Accessing and Managing Databases in Grid with G-DSE 15m
        Speaker: Dr Claudio Vuerli
      • 12:02
        Grid database management in gLite based production Grid with the GReIC DAS 15m
        Speaker: Dr Sandro Fiore
      • 12:20
        OGSA-DAI -version3 3m
        Speaker: Michael Mineter (NeSC-TOE)
      • 12:26
        Discussion 4m
    • 11:00 12:30
      COD-14 (closed meeting): Parallel session Rege II

      Rege II

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      Purpose : Meeting of COD-on-Duty teams operating the daily monitoring of the EGEE/LCG grid, where feedback is collected and enhancements widespread in the plenary session, whereas improvements in procedures and tools are discussed in dedicated thematic working groups in a parallel session. Attendance: COD teams from 10 federations. Permanent guests: TCG sites representatives and developpers from GGUS, GOCDB3 and ENOC.

      DINNER on Thursday 4 October booked for 20h00 "Dunapatri Matroz Kocsma", 1011 Budapest, Halaz Utca 1
      MEETING POINT 19h45 At the exit of "Batthyany tér" Metro station (Metro line 2, one stop from Moszkva tér), under the 2 flags.

      • 11:00
        Working groups proposed schedule 1/2 45m
        Track and Update issues: - Tools Improvements for COD -- includes SAM WG, SAMAP WG and gstat WG - Best Practices for COD -- includes Operational Procedure Manual editorial comittee
        Speakers: Mr Koerdt, Ms Krakowian, Mr L'Orphelin, Mr RADECKI
      • 11:45
        Working groups proposed schedule 2/2 45m
        - CIC integration --includes third party and permanent guests. - Failover Process.
        Speakers: Mr AIDEL, Mr Cavalli, Mr Mathieu, Mr Pagano
    • 11:00 12:30
      Collaboration Board Maastricht


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
    • 11:00 12:30
      Grid Security Vulnerability Group (Closed) Zurich I

      Zurich I

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This is a closed session for GSVG members only. We will review progress over the past year and consider what we should do to improve our work and be more efficient

    • 11:00 12:30
      P-GRADE Grid Portal and Developer Alliance Brussels


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session is the presentation of academic Booth #10 titled P-GRADE Portal Alliance.

      Attendees can get the latest updates on P-GRADE and the developer alliance. The Alliance recently decided to go open source with P-GRADE. Details will be given during the session.

      The first talk will introduce the capabilities of P-GRADE Portal, the user support groups that exist around it and a few applications that were gridified by the tool. Members of the Developer Alliance will present their P-GRADE related results in the second part of the session. The session will close with discussion related to the open P-GRADE project.

      P-GRADE Portal provides a service rich, graphical application developer environment for EGEE and Globus grid users. P-GRADE Portal enables the development, execution and monitoring of data-driven computational grid workflows and workflow based parameter studies. Services and interfaces of P-GRADE act as extensions of the gLite and Globus middleware and are used by various user communities of national and international VOs.

      • 11:00
        P-GRADE Portal and Developer Alliance 30m
      • 11:30
        Exposing Legacy Applications through the P-GRADE Portal 15m
        Speaker: Tamas Kiss (University of Westminster)
      • 11:45
        Achienvements of Turkish partners of P-GRADE Portal Alliance 15m
        Speaker: Asli Zengin
      • 12:00
        Discussion 30m
        Topics: - Open source P-GRADE Portal - Open source licences - Future releases and features - Support services
    • 11:00 12:40
      Pre-Production Service: All Sites Meeting Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This is a meeting of the pre-production service site administrators to discuss current issues and future planning within the EGEE pre-production service.

      The detailed agenda for this meeting will be inserted closer to the meeting.

      • 11:00
        Introduction and Agenda 15m
        Quick overview of PPS activity and infrastructure. Presentation of the agenda
        Speaker: Antonio Retico (CERN)
      • 11:15
        Operations 1h 15m
        Speaker: Antonio Retico (CERN)
        • CODs and PPS 10m
          - Pros and cons of COD monitoring - Operation alternatives - Hypothesis of PPS self-Operations
          Speaker: Antonio Retico (CERN)
        • Monitoring Tools 5m
          Currently available Coming soon
          Speaker: Antonio Retico (CERN)
        • Self Operations: The SWE case 10m
          A successful example of autonomous operations within a region
          Speaker: Mario David (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentaco e Fisica Experimental de Particulas)
        • Open discussion/decisions/surveys 40m
        • Sum-up (decisions + input for SA1 session) 10m
          Speaker: Nicholas Thackray (CERN)
    • 11:00 12:30
      What the Network can do for the Grid Roma


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session is to show what the network and the networking people can offer to grid applications and grid users. We will present a broad range of different services from Operations to Monitoring to Quality of Service

      • 11:00
        GÉANT2 services for users 30m
        The basic outline is:
        • PERT (support team for e2e investigations on perf. issues)
        • perfSONAR/MDM (e2e perf. monitoring)
        • point to point services (dedicated links)
        • Premium IP/AMPS (network resource reservations).
        Speaker: Ms Emma Apted (Dante)
      • 11:30
        [CANCELLED] Usage of premium network services: the GridCC example 30m
        Speaker: Maria Grammatikou (Unknown)
      • 12:00
        What the ENOC can do for you 30m
        Presentation of the services provided by the ENOC to the Grid community
        Speaker: Mr Guillaume Cessieux (CNRS / CC-IN2P3)
    • 12:30 14:00
      LUNCH 1h 30m
    • 14:00 15:30
      Astronomy and Astrophysics cluster meeting Nizza


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) has been proposed as a new cluster in EGEE-III. A&A applications are excellent test-beds for Grid and can take great advantage from being run in Grid. EGEE 07 is a good occasion for the A&A cluster members to debate about the status of the porting of A&A applications in Grid and future perspectives of the A&A cluster in EGEE.

      • 14:00
        Current status of the A&A cluster 10m
        Speaker: Dr Claudio Vuerli (INAF-OA Trieste)
      • 14:10
        French projects and current status 15m
        Speaker: marie-lise dubernet (Paris Observatory, France)
      • 14:25
        Support of Astrophysical applications in Slovakia 15m
        Speaker: Ladislav Hluchy (Unknown)
      • 14:40
        Activities in progress ad IFCA and examples of applications 15m
        Speaker: Dr Marcos Lopez-Caniego (IFCA-CSIC)
      • 14:55
        Italian Projects and current Status 15m
        Speaker: Dr Claudio Vuerli (INAF-OA Trieste)
      • 15:10
        A&A cluster in EGEE: Future developments and perspectives 20m
        This is a general discussion about the AA cluster in EGEE and future perspectives concerning the participation of the astronomical community to EGEE. All people who attend the session are invited to contribute.
    • 14:00 15:30
      COD-14 (closed meeting): Plenary session Rege II

      Rege II

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      Purpose : Meeting of COD-on-Duty teams operating the daily monitoring of the EGEE/LCG grid, where feedback is collected and enhancements widespread in the plenary session, whereas improvements in procedures and tools are discussed in dedicated thematic working groups in a parallel session. Attendance: COD teams from 10 federations. Permanent guests: TCG sites representatives and developpers from GGUS, GOCDB3 and ENOC.

      DINNER on Thursday 4 October booked for 20h00 "Dunapatri Matroz Kocsma", 1011 Budapest, Halaz Utca 1
      MEETING POINT 19h45 At the exit of "Batthyany tér" Metro station (Metro line 2, one stop from Moszkva tér), under the 2 flags.

      • 14:00
        Failover procedures and tools topic 20m
      • 14:20
        Tools Improvements for CODs 40m
        • SAM development and integration 10m
        • SAM admin page 10m
        • Gstat 10m
        • Global Follow-up 15m
      • 15:00
        CIC integration 15m
        Report on portal integration : FR/CE --30' - Update on GOCDB and scheduled downtimes : UK/FR Tools Improvements for COD and feedback from sites: CE -- 20' - Report on SAM/FCR/COD status : CERN/FR - Report on SAMAP : CE - Report on GSTAT : TW Failover procedures - Global: IT --30' BEst PraCtices for COD – Global COD session : DE-CH --10' - Update for Operations Procedure: SWE AOB
        • ENOC UPDATE 10m
          Guillaume Cessieux
      • 15:15
        Best Practices Session - incl GGUS and Operations Manual - 15m
    • 14:00 15:30
      EGEE and Collaborating Projects Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session focuses on the collaboration among EGEE and other projects. The main target audience consists of members of projects who are collaborating or plan to collaborate with EGEE.

      The session opens with focused presentations on the following EGEE activities:
      - grid operations (SA1)
      - middleware re-engineering (JRA1)
      - application identification and support (NA4)
      - training, dissemination and outreach (NA2, NA3)
      - policy and international collaboration (NA5)

      The topics covered by the presentations include how to use, exploit and extend EGEE results, avenues of interaction with EGEE activities, both in getting the latest information from these activities and providing feedback to these activities, working groups or ongoing work that are open for other projects' participation and contribution, etc.

      In addition, a summary of the FP7 strategy of several projects and plans to collaborate with EGEE is also presented. Finally, a panel discussion will allow the audience to interact with activity leaders and other session presenters.

      EGEE and collaborating projects' achievemens booklet
      • 14:00
        Technical Collaboration with Related Projects 15m
        The EGEE Technical Director will give an overview of the technical aspects of EGEE that are of interest to other projects.
        Speaker: Dr Erwin Laure (CERN)
      • 14:15
        Networking with Collaborating Projects 10m
        The Dissemination, Outreach and Communication (NA2) Activity Leader will present to the participants EGEE's networking efforts, synergies in outreach, what EGEE can do for other projects and what other projects can do for EGEE.
        Speaker: Sarah Purcell Nolan (CERN)
      • 14:25
        Training Synergies with Collaborating Projects 10m
        The leader of the EGEE Training and Induction ctivity (NA3) will present how Collaborating Projects can work together with EGEE to enhance their training initiatives and leverage common ground.
        Speaker: Gergely Sipos (SZTAKI)
      • 14:35
        The EGEE Ecosystem and FP7 10m
        The leader of the EGEE Policy and International Cooperation Activity (NA5) will present the current outlook of the EGEE Ecosystem in FP7.
        Speaker: Dr Panagiotis Louridas (GRNET S.A.)
      • 14:45
        Panel Q & A 45m
        The participants will be able to field their questions to high-level EGEE representatives (Activity Leaders or Deputy Activity Leaders) from activities such as SA1 (Grid Operations, Support and Management), SA2 (Networking Support), JRA1 (Middleware Reengineering), NA2 (Dissemination, Outreach and Communication), NA3 (Training and Induction), NA4 (Applications, Identification and Support), NA5 (Policy and International Cooperation).
        Speaker: Frédéric Hemmer (CERN)
    • 14:00 15:30
      EGEE-II Financial Helpdesk Zurich I

      Zurich I

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      Session dedicated to partner's questions on the financial matters related to FP6/FP7.

    • 14:00 15:30
      Grid Observatory Maastricht


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session will focus on the interactions of the Grid Observatory with other EGEE activities. Some relevant services and integrators will be outlined, and the expected contributions of the Grid Observatory to operations will be discussed.

      • 14:00
        Summary of requirements and contributions 10m
        Speaker: Prof. Cecile Germain-Renaud (LRI)
      • 14:10
        L&B and Job Provenance services: What do we know about Grid job 40m
        This talk will present some details on the internal design of two major tools that are relevant for the Grid Observatory purpose.
      • 14:50
        Usage Patterns 20m
        Speaker: Dr David Colling
      • 15:10
        Requirements and contributions roundtable 20m
    • 14:00 15:30
      Medical imaging Amsterdam


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session will outline the last developments from some of the medical imaging applications that are producing on the EGEE infrastructure today. A discussion on the current challenges and the exploitation of the infrastructure by these applications, especially considering the move towards EGEE III, will conclude the session.

      • 14:00
        Introduction 10m
        Speaker: Dr Johan Montagnat (CNRS)
      • 14:10
        A Grid Implementation of SPM Analysis for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease 15m
        Speaker: Dr Ivan Porro
      • 14:25
        Virtual reservations for Short Deadline Jobs 15m
        Speaker: Mr Romain Texier (CNRS)
      • 14:40
        Structuring Medical Images with the Grid 15m
        Speaker: Dr Ignacio Blanquer (UPV)
      • 14:55
        Workflow-based medical image analysis algorithm assessment 15m
        Speaker: Dr Johan Montagnat (CNRS)
      • 15:10
        Grid-enabling ThIS (radiotherapy) and CAVIAR (cardiovascular) applications 15m
        Speaker: Dr Hugues Benoit-Cattin
    • 14:00 15:30
      Pre-Production Service: All Sites Meeting Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This is a meeting of the pre-production service site administrators to discuss current issues and future planning within the EGEE pre-production service.

      The detailed agenda for this meeting will be inserted closer to the meeting.

      • 14:00
        Interoperability/Interoperations 20m
        Speaker: Nicholas Thackray (CERN)
        • Problem description (General tasks) 5m
          Speaker: Nicholas Thackray (CERN)
        • Assessment: work done at CERN_PPS - OSG_ITB 5m
          Speaker: Mr Andreas Unterkircher (CERN)
        • Proposal for interoperability pool and call for candidates 10m
          Speaker: Antonio Retico (CERN)
      • 14:20
        PPS Users 1h
        Speaker: Nicholas Thackray (CERN)
        • Why it so difficult to use the PPS tool? 15m
          Speaker: Nicholas Thackray (CERN)
        • Alice use case 15m
          Speaker: Ms Patricia Mendez (CERN)
        • Open discussion/decisions/surveys 45m
      • 15:20
        Meeting sum-up (decisions + input for SA1 session) 10m
    • 14:00 15:30
      SC'07 Exhibition meeting (Closed) Brussels


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This is a closed meeting to discuss the INFN, GRNET and EGEE participation at SC'07.

    • 14:00 15:30
      Security Policy and Vulnerability Handling Roma


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session will present the current status and future plans of activities in two EGEE-II security groups, namely the Grid Security Vulnerability Group (GSVG) and the Joint Security Policy Group (JSPG). The two talks will be aimed at all Grid participants, i.e. Site managers, Grid operations staff, VO managers and users. Members of EGEE-II SA1 and NA4 are encouraged to attend and members of other Grid projects are also very welcome. We are not only seeking to inform but to gather valuable feedback on our future directions."

      • 14:00
        Grid Security Vulnerability Group 45m
      • 14:45
        Joint Security Policy Group 45m
    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee break 30m
    • 16:00 17:30
      Administrative Federation Committee meeting (Closed) Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      Meeting of the AFC of EGEE-II to discuss administrative matters and progress.

    • 16:00 17:30
      EELA: E-Infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Amsterdam


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The proposed session is aimed to be a short Workshop. The most relevant achievements and success stories gathered during the first 21 months of the EELA Project will be presented. Four short presentations will be given in the time slot: 1) Project overview; 2) Grid infrastructure; (3) e-Science applications and 4) dissemination and training activities.
      The expected target audience is mostly formed by researchers, students and/or stakeholders that are interested in one of the following topics: Grid Projects in Europe and the rest of the World; e-Science Applications; Grid Infrastructures Deployment and Operation.

      • 16:00
      • 16:10
        EELA Grid infrastructure 20m
        Speaker: Prof. Roberto Barbera (INFN - Catania)
      • 16:30
        e-Science Applications in the EELA Grid 30m
        Speaker: Prof. Rafael Mayo (CIEMAT)
      • 17:00
        Dissemination and training activities 15m
        This talk will present the dissemination activities done by the EELA project highlighting its collaboration with EGEE.
        Speaker: Mr Leandro Neumann Ciuffo (INFN - Catania)
      • 17:15
        BELIEF - The Project & the Digital Library 15m
        Speaker: Dr Franco Zoppi (CNR-ISTI)
    • 16:00 17:30
      EGEE Grid Operations (SA1) - Site Monitoring and Visualization Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session will cover various aspects of progress in monitoring and visualization of monitoring data.

      The goal of the first part of the session is to demonstrate the effective integration of grid and site fabric monitoring systems (using Nagios as an example) as a tool for site administrators for improving overall grid site reliability. The work described takes place as part of the WLCG Grid Services Monitoring Working Group. (more)

      Practical experience of deployment at a site will be described together with perspectives on grid monitoring as used by OSG.

      The target audience is grid site administrators/managers and those planning for grid service deployments.

      The final session topic describes a new type of very efficient top-level visualization of complex grid monitoring data, called GridMaps.

      There will be posters displays of this work in the Exhibition Area.

      • 16:00
        Grid Services Monitoring Working Group 10m
        The presenter will provide an overview the Grid Services Monitoring WG activities and and introduction to the following presentations.
        Speakers: Ian Neilson (CERN), James Casey (CERN)
      • 16:10
        Using Nagios for Grid Service Monitoring 25m
        Speaker: Emir Imamagic (Unknown)
      • 16:35
        Experience at NIKHEF deploying Nagios for monitoring grid services 10m
        Speaker: Ronald Starink (Unknown)
      • 16:45
        Report on status of Open Science Grid monitoring 15m
        Speaker: Rob Quick (OSG - Indiana University)
      • 17:00
        Visualizing the State of the Grid with GridMaps 30m
        A new approach to visualization of complex monitoring data of the entire Grid.
        Speaker: Dr Max Böhm (CERN & EDS)
    • 16:00 17:30
      Industry Task Force/Industry Forum Nizza


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      A by invitation only internal meeting for EGEE-II's Programme for Industry, this session will provide an opportunity for EGEE-II's industrial bodies to meet together and discuss the next steps and exploitation strategies from information received and discussions from the entire Business Track. It will also serve as the platform to understand progress made and results from the Industry Task Force, introduce the new members of the Industry Forum Steering Committee and its 3 focus groups: SMEs, Standards and Support and Commercial Adoption of gLite as well as define future activities.

    • 16:00 17:30
      SC'07 Exhibition meeting (Closed) Brussels


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This is a closed meeting to discuss the INFN, GRNET and EGEE participation at SC'07.

    • 16:00 17:30
      Security Coordination Group (Closed) Zurich I

      Zurich I

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The EGEE Security Coordination Group (SCG) - closed group meeting

      The Security Coordination Group (SCG) is responsible for ensuring overall EGEE security coordination. This includes architecture, deployment, standardisation and cross-project concertation. The goal is to ensure the relationship between the various security-related work items inside the project do not adversely overlap (leading to duplication of effort) or leave gaps that could be exploited. In addition, the SCG is to coordinate a new security auditing activity.
      This activity will monitor both operations and middleware for security issues and report periodically on status and progress of the issues identified. The security audit will leverage the work of the Grid vulnerability issues group.

      The SCG meeting at EGEE07 is a closed meeting, only for the members of the SCG. Goal with meeting: to get an update on current activities, issues and plans.

    • 19:00 22:00
      Gala Dinner 3h Boat Europa

      Boat Europa

    • 09:00 10:30
      Technical Plenary Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
      • 09:00
        The gLite middleware 45m
        The gLite 3 middleware has been in production for about one year and a half. Since its first release many improvements have been made in terms of performance and usability. Concurrently the gLite software process has been improved and the benefits of the single component release process are realised. gLite is now undergoing a multi-stage restructuring process with the aim to make it more maintainable, manageable and portable. Older legacy components will only be maintained until their successors are considered ready. The development effort will be focused on components that have a strategy to interoperate with other Grid infrastructures and to adhere to international standards.
        Speaker: Claudio Grandi (INFN & CERN)
      • 09:45
        The National Grid Initiative D-Grid 45m
        In 2005, the German D-Grid Initiative started with 7 projects in the areas grid infrastructure, astronomy, climate research, high energy physics, engineering, medical research, and humanities. Recently, 12 additional 'community grid' projects kicked off.
        In this presentation, we will present an overview on D-Grid and summarize our experience in creating the grid infrastructure and the grid application communities, and the challenges we are facing. We will conclude with a set of lessons learned and recommendations.
        Speaker: Dr Wolfgang Gentzsch (D-Grid, Duke, e-IRG, e-School, Father&Husband, GFSG, PCAST, and RENCI)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      BioinfoGRID: Bioinformatics Grid Application for life science Nizza


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session will discuss the leading applications and results achieved in the framework of the Bioinformatics Grid Application for life science (BioinfoGRID) European project. The project exploits the potential of the Grid infrastructure created by the EGEE European project. An important result accomplished within the BioinfoGRID project is the screening, by docking simulation, of a large set of compounds against the Avian Flu Neuraminidase of H5N1 influenza A virus and Malaria. A system capable of performing complex simulations for System Biology applications in GRID will also be discussed, and several other Bioinformatics programs based on the EGEE Grid Infrastructure will be presented.

      • 11:00
        BioinfoGRID Project Introduction 30m
        Speaker: Dr Luciano Milanesi (National Research Council - Institute of Biomedical Technologies)
      • 11:30
        GRID computing applications in genomics 30m
        Speaker: Dr Sandor Suhai (DKFZ)
      • 12:00
        Transcriptomics and Phylogenetics Applications in GRID 30m
        Speaker: Dr Pietro Liò
    • 11:00 12:30
      EGEE Operations (SA1) Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session covers several different topics of interest to SA1 activity members. In particular there is an extended session on improving site security using the results of the ISSeG project, and a session devoted to coordinating topics important to the applications community.

      • 11:00
        Report on SLA progress 30m
        Speaker: Ioannis Liabotis
      • 11:30
        Evolution of the role of the PPS 30m
        Speaker: Nicholas Thackray (CERN)
      • 12:00
        How to deal with the media; and how to write articles 30m
        Tips from NA2 on working with the press/media, and writing articles for general consumption.
    • 11:00 12:30
      OMII-Europe/EGEE: What can we do for each other? Amsterdam


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session will discuss the relationship between OMII-Europe and EGEE; in particular how interoperable grid components from OMII-Europe can be included in future offerings of gLite. This will, in particular, enhance the functionality available to existing gLite users.

    • 11:00 12:30
      Operational Security Coordination Team Training Roma


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The EGEE Operational Security Coordination Team is offering technical training to help the site administrators to improve the security of their Grid services and of their site.

    • 11:00 12:30
      RINGrid: Remote instrumentation in contemporary science Brussels


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      There are numerous areas of science, industry and commerce that require broad international cooperation for their success. A number of problems may be addressed by using sophisticated equipment and top-level expertise, which is often locally unavailable. Therefore, the development and dissemination of techniques and technologies that allow virtualized, remote and shared access to industrial or scientific instruments is essential for the progress of society. The possibility of using scientific or industrial equipment independent of their physical location helps in the equality of opportunity for and unification of communities and subsequently opens new opportunities for industry, science and business. Furthermore, it has a very important political and strategic impact, as we head towards a more unified Europe.
      Distributed computational environments like Grids play significant role in process of instrument virtualization and integration with computational resources in order to facilitate results processing and analyzing. That is why discussion concerning general framework and architecture of systems which allow expedite developing of new virtual laboratories is so desirable today. Remote instrumentation systems are often and often perceived as something more than managers of computational resources. They are responsible for aggregation of measurement instruments and pervasive large-scale data acquisition. Moreover they provide advanced workflows and tools for collaboration work. From this point of view the functionality of a grid architecture allows managing, maintaining and exploiting heterogeneous instrumentation and acquisition devices in a unified way, also by providing standardized interfaces and common work environments to their users. This is achieved through the properties of isolation from the physical location and from the peculiarities of the instrumentation, granted by standard middleware, together with secure and flexible mechanisms to seek, access, and aggregate distributed resources.

      • 11:00
        User requirements for interactive controlling and monitoring of applications in grid environments 20m
        Speaker: Isabel Campos Plasencia (Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria CSIC)
      • 11:20
        RINGrid: Evaluation of Remote Instrumentation Infrastructures 20m
        Speaker: Martin Polak (GUP, Joh. Kepler University Linz)
      • 11:40
        Workflow management in remote instrumentation systems - e-VLBI experiences 20m
        Speaker: Dominik Stokłosa
      • 12:00
        On the evaluation of platforms for remote instrumentation on the Grid 20m
        Speaker: Mr Constantinos Kotsokalis (GRNET S.A.)
      • 12:20
        Discussion 10m
    • 11:00 12:30
      SEE-GRID-2: Regional Grid projects concertation workshop: Applications Maastricht


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This full-day concertation workshop will build on the success of the 1st regional Grid projects concentration workshop moderated by SEE-GRID-2 and held during EGEE06 conference in Geneva. The workshop will gather Grid experts from a number of specialized fields. The layout will include dedicated sessions on operations, applications, training and finally sustainability, followed by corresponding panels on these topics. All regional projects have already agreed on participation and endorse this workshop.

      Conveners: Mr Ognjen Prnjat (GRNET), Mr Roberto Barbera (INFN)
      • 11:00
        EELA Applications 10m
      • 11:10
        EUMEDGRID Applications 10m
      • 11:20
        SEEGRID Applications 10m
      • 11:30
        BalticGrid Applications 10m
      • 11:40
        EUINDIAGRID Applications 10m
      • 11:50
        EUCHINAGRID Applications 10m
      • 12:00
        Applications Panel 30m
    • 11:00 13:15 Support to MPI and interactivity on glite infrastructures Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The inteugrid session targets users interested in advanced applications, such as MPI or interactive applications.
      We will describe the interoperability between EGEE and inteugrid infrastructures. For this purpose we have documented the procedure to interoperate with EGEE from inteugrid. We will have in this respect some practical demonstrations of applications job submission.

      • 11:00
        Introduction and Session overview 15m
        Speaker: Prof. Jesus Marco de Lucas (CSIC)
      • 11:15
        Support to MPI 20m
        Speaker: Mr Kiril Dichev (HLRS)
      • 11:35
        How to run MPI applications 15m
        Speaker: Dr Isabel Campos Plasencia (CSIC)
      • 11:50
        MPI support on EGEE 10m
        Status of the MPI support in the EGEE infrastructure
        Speaker: Stephen Childs (TCD)
      • 12:00
        Resources for MPI Jobs: an interoperable framework 25m
        Speakers: Dr Goncalo Borges (LIP), Mr Jorge Gomes (LIP)
      • 12:25
        Discussion Panel: feeback from site managers 5m
    • 12:30 14:00
      LUNCH 1h 30m
    • 14:00 15:30
      BioinfoGRID: Bioinformatics Grid Application for life science Nizza


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session will discuss the leading applications and results achieved in the framework of the Bioinformatics Grid Application for life science (BioinfoGRID) European project. The project exploits the potential of the Grid infrastructure created by the EGEE European project. An important result accomplished within the BioinfoGRID project is the screening, by docking simulation, of a large set of compounds against the Avian Flu Neuraminidase of H5N1 influenza A virus and Malaria. A system capable of performing complex simulations for System Biology applications in GRID will also be discussed, and several other Bioinformatics programs based on the EGEE Grid Infrastructure will be presented.

      • 14:00
        Databases and Applications 30m
        Speaker: Mr Gabriele Trombetti (CNR-ITB)
      • 14:30
        Comparative evaluation of tools providing access to different types of data resources exposed on the Grid 30m
        Speaker: Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN-Bari)
      • 15:00
        Molecular Dynamics Applications - WISDOM 30m
        Speaker: Mr Vinod Kasam (CNRS-IN2P3)
    • 14:00 15:30
      DILIGENT - Dynamic Digital Libraries and Virtual Research Environments on the Grid: the gCube framework Amsterdam


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session demonstrates and trains on the current results of the DILIGENT project ( It is organized in two slots.

      The first slot (14:00-15:30), titled 'the gCube framework', introduces the gCube middleware for resource sharing ( This middleware manages to share computing, content and service resources by exploiting gLite and GT4 . The architecture, the technical solutions, and how services and resources are transparently consumable by WSRF services are illustrated.
      This slot is intended for a technical audience.

      The second slot (16.00-17.30), titled 'infrastructure and applications', presents and discusses the implementation and the exploitation of the DILIGENT infrastructure to address the needs of heterogeneous user communities. In particular, an overview of the existing DILIGENT infrastructure and two concrete application scenarios are presented.
      A place for discussion of similar experiences concludes the slot.
      This slot is intended for a general audience.

      • 14:00
        Welcome 5m
        Speaker: Franco Zoppi (CNR - ISTI)
      • 14:05
        gCube overview: exploiting the grid to create and manage VREs 15m
        A brief overview of the gCube framework is provided. In particular, this talk presents the way it embeds and exploits gLite by offering a feature full platform for distributed hosting and management of web services; storage, retrieval, and access of raw data and information; and a framework for extending state-of-the-art indexing, selection, fusion, extraction, description, annotation, transformation, and presentation of digital information. Finally, it presents how gCube eliminates manual deployment overheads, guarantees automatic placement of services within the infrastructure and opens opportunities for outsourcing state-of-the-art implementations.
        Speaker: Dr Pasquale Pagano (CNR - ISTI)
      • 14:20
        Process Management in gCube: Supporting Distributed Grid Applications by Service Composition 15m
        This talk presents gCube's approach to define, run, and optimize complex process-based applications n the Grid. Following the idea of programming-in-the-large, gCube first supports a powerful graphical user interface for the composition of both Grid services and jobs into processes. Second, gCube provides a fully distributed approach to process (workflow) management that avoids any single point of failure and allows to dynamically adjust to changing environments. Third, it includes support for structural process modifications to maximise parallelism during process optimization.
        Speaker: Evangelos Floros (Unknown)
      • 14:35
        Identity management issues in the gCube framework 10m
        In Virtual Research Environments, the management of service identities must face with issues related to the dynamic services deployment in the infrastructure. This talk briefly presents how these issues have been solved in the gCube framework.
        Speaker: Paolo Roccetti (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica)
      • 14:45
        Content and Storage Management in gCube 15m
        This talk introduces the gCube Content and Storage Management that provides means for persistently storing and physically structuring any content in a Grid-enabled VRE. In addition, it presents novel approach to advanced replication in the Grid that allows for increased availability of content in a VRE.
        Speaker: Dr Pasquale Pagano (CNR-ISTI)
      • 15:00
        A Service-Composed Information Retrieval Engine 30m
        This talk presents the gCube Search Framework that is the orchestrator of the Information Retrieval process, distributed in its nature. It consolidates query and environment information, prepares and plans retrieval execution and ultimately offers the gluing elements that bring together all the independent components into a meaningful and performant collaboration. The gCube Search Framework supports Full Text Search, Content Based Search, Geospatial Search, Search over semi structured (XML) and structured (tabular) data; it is totally independent from underlying schemas and organisation of information; it exploits advanced Distributed Information Retrieval and Indexing facilities provided by external services; it builds in execution planning and optimization avoiding misutilization and overloading failures; and finally it handles efficiently the plurality and dynamicity of resources available on a gCube-based grid infrastructure.
        Speaker: George Kakaletris (University of Athens)
    • 14:00 15:30
      EGEE Operations (SA1) Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session covers several different topics of interest to SA1 activity members. In particular there is an extended session on improving site security using the results of the ISSeG project, and a session devoted to coordinating topics important to the applications community.

      • 14:00
        ISSeG: Site Security Training 1h 30m
        Site security is important to us all but how can it be made easier to implement? This training session will outline the approaches to Integrated Site Security (ISS) and the general recommendations that have been identified following practical implementation at two European Grid sites. The emphasis is on practical advice on how to link technical, administrative and training issues to improve overall site security independent of site size, VO type or your role within the site. The session is not solely focused on technical issues so users and managers / administrators will be able to take away some advice for their sites.
        Speaker: David Jackson (Unknown)
    • 14:00 16:00
      KnowARC: Early results of the KnowARC Project Brussels


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The session is planned to be a workshop providing 4-5 presentations about the early results
      of the KnowARC project. Talks about the web service based core components, ARC-gLite
      interoperations, run-time environemnts will be given on this session. We would also like to devote
      special attention to standards’ implementations, and the project’s role about OGF participation.
      In general we would like to show the first year results to the interested grid community.
      The target audience is mainly grid developers and also grid users.

      • 14:00
        Session opening 10m
      • 14:10
        Towards the next generation ARC middleware 30m
        Early results of the KnowARC project
        Speaker: Dr Balazs Konya
      • 14:40
        The new web-service oriented Hosting Environment Daemon (HED) 30m
        This session will try to show the new HED, its language bindings and sample services (AREX).
        Speaker: Mr Ferenc Szalai
      • 15:10
        Grid run-time environment solutions in KnowARC 30m
        Speaker: Mr Daniel Bayer
      • 15:40
        break 20m
    • 14:00 15:30
      Project Management Board (closed) Zurich I

      Zurich I

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
    • 14:00 15:35
      SEE-GRID-2: Regional Grid projects concertation workshop: Infrastructure Maastricht


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This full-day concertation workshop will build on the success of the 1st regional Grid projects concentration workshop moderated by SEE-GRID-2 and held during EGEE06 conference in Geneva. The workshop will gather Grid experts from a number of specialized fields. The layout will include dedicated sessions on operations, applications, training and finally sustainability, followed by corresponding panels on these topics. All regional projects have already agreed on participation and endorse this workshop.

      Conveners: Mr Ake Edlund (KTH), Mr Ognjen Prnjat (GRNET)
    • 14:00 15:30 Support to MPI and interactivity on glite infrastructures Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The inteugrid session targets users interested in advanced applications, such as MPI or interactive applications.
      We will describe the interoperability between EGEE and inteugrid infrastructures. For this purpose we have documented the procedure to interoperate with EGEE from inteugrid. We will have in this respect some practical demonstrations of applications job submission.

      • 14:00
        Interactivity and fast job allocation at the level of Resource Brokers 30m
        Speaker: Prof. Miquel Senar (UAB)
      • 14:30
        Visualization on the Grid 20m
        Speaker: Dr Martin Polak (GUP)
      • 14:50
        Using the Migrating Desktop 20m
        Speaker: Mr Marcin Plociennik (PSNC)
      • 15:10
        Pannel: interoperability, operation and business models 20m
        Speakers: Dr Isabel Campos Plasencia (CSIC), Prof. Jesus Marco de Lucas (CSIC), Mr Jorge Gomes (LIP)
    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee break 30m
    • 16:00 21:15
      ACGT: the GRID to fight cancer Nizza


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The ACGT project is developing an advanced GRID architecture allowing the analysis and comparison of both clinical and genetic results within large scale databases in order to perform a fast diagnosis and to define accurate therapeutic countermeasures to fight cancer. During this session, the ACGT project would like to disseminate about their vision, the future of the project and to show first results.

      • 16:00
        Post-genomic Clinical Trials: Needs and Requirements (including legal issues) 20m
        Speaker: Mr Norbert Graf (university of Saarland)
      • 16:20
        The ACGT architecture and its key services 20m
        Speaker: Mr Julius Pukacki
      • 16:40
        The ACGT Data Integration Architecture 20m
        Speaker: Mr Luis Martin
      • 17:00
        The ACGT Knowledge discovery services 20m
        Speaker: Mr Stelios Georgios Sfakianakis
      • 17:20
        Joining ACGT: Measures for the implementation of the open access policies of ACGT 20m
        Speaker: Mr Vasilis Virvilis (Biovista)
    • 16:00 17:30
      DILIGENT - Dynamic Digital Libraries and Virtual Research Environments on the Grid: infrastructure and applications Amsterdam


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session demonstrates and trains on the current results of the DILIGENT project ( It is organized in two slots.

      The first slot (14:00-15:30), titled 'the gCube framework', introduces the gCube middleware for resource sharing ( This middleware manages to share computing, content and service resources by exploiting gLite and GT4 . The architecture, the technical solutions, and how services and resources are transparently consumable by WSRF services are illustrated.
      This slot is intended for a technical audience.

      The second slot (16.00-17.30), titled 'infrastructure and applications', presents and discusses the implementation and the exploitation of the DILIGENT infrastructure to address the needs of heterogeneous user communities. In particular, an overview of the existing DILIGENT infrastructure and two concrete application scenarios are presented.
      A place for discussion of similar experiences concludes the slot.
      This slot is intended for a general audience.

      • 16:00
        The DILIGENT infrastructure: running gCube and gLite 10m
        This talk gives on overview of the DILIGENT infrastructure highlighting its different constituents. It is explained how gCube and gLite are made available to enable the creation of Virtual Research Environments. In particular it is explained the importance of the DILIGENT Hosting Node (DHN) to host the gCube services and how the gLite services are associated with the EGEE PPS infrastructure. This talk also presents the status of the DILIGENT infrastructure currently deployed for the different DILIGENT applications.
        Speaker: Pedro Andrade (CERN)
      • 16:10
        ImpECt - Implementation of Environmental Conventions 20m
        The goal of the ImpECt scenario is to improve accessibility, interoperability and usability of environmental data, models, tools, algorithms and instruments integrating the distributed data sources with specialized data handling services. In particular, the DILIGENT infrastructure is used as a means for supporting the preparation of projects and periodical reports on specific environmental topics of concern. This experience is reported.
        Speaker: Andrea Manzi (CNR - ISTI)
      • 16:30
        SAPIR - Search In Audio Visual Content 10m
        SAPIR is an EU project aimed to extend the power of web searches beyond centralized text and metadata searches to include distributed audio-visual content. By exploiting the DILIGENT infrastructure, a large collection of images, counting 100 millions of objects, is under processing with the aim to generate the bigger data set of image features than at any time before. The result of this data challenge is presented.
        Speaker: Dr Matteo Mordacchini (CNR - ISTI)
      • 16:40
    • 16:00 17:30
      EGEE Applications (NA4) Steering Committee (closed) Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      A face-to-face meeting of the NA4 Steering Committee to discuss current issues, planning for discipline specific meetings, and how to manage the transition to the EGEE-III management structure.

    • 16:00 17:30
      EGEE Operations (SA1) Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This session covers several different topics of interest to SA1 activity members. In particular there is an extended session on improving site security using the results of the ISSeG project, and a session devoted to coordinating topics important to the applications community.

      • 16:00
        VO manager - ROC manager topics 1h 30m
        - VO registration procedure explained (25') (Frédéric Schaer and Rolf Rumler) * Description of the process, states of a VO, security aspects, relation to other fields * Specific problems and actions: - Main problems encountered during registration - Site problems during VO deployment: results of a study (Frédéric) - Sites abandonning support for a specific VO, how-to, consequences (Frédéric) - VO deregistration - User Support (short; see next presentation) - VO specific and grid specific user support (25') (Torsten Antoni) The aim of this session is to bring together VO and Grid experts to discuss user support issues. With the LHC ramping up to full production the number of user on the grid with little experience in grid computing will increase drastically. This will of course also increase the workload on the support staff from the VOs and from operations. Therefore it is vital to have a well defined, reliable and well working user support infrastructure, including operations and all VOs. The roles of all participants to this infrastructure and their responsibilities have to be clear and an overall process description should be worked out. The roles and responsibilities for the VOs in this process of course vary with the size and structure of the individual VOs and does the possible technical implementation. In this session we aim to revive the discussion of this topic which is vital for building a sustainable production quality infrastructure. We invite all VO managers and user support expert to join us, so that their requirements and needs will be properly taken into account. - Resource allocation (25') (Rolf Rumler) * Current procedure (workflow, assessment/utilisation) * Ideas for EGEE-III * Discussion
        Speakers: Cal Loomis (Laboratoire de l''Accelerateur Lineaire (LAL) (IN2P3) (LAL)), Mr Frederic Schaer (CEA), Helene Cordier (CNRS/IN2P3), Mr Rolf Rumler (IN2P3/CNRS), Torsten Antoni (GGUS-FZK)
        • VO registration procedure explained 25m
          - VO registration procedure explained (25') (Frédéric Schaer and Rolf Rumler) * Description of the process, states of a VO, security aspects, relation to other fields * Specific problems and actions: - Main problems encountered during registration - Site problems during VO deployment: results of a study (Frédéric) - Sites abandonning support for a specific VO, how-to, consequences (Frédéric) - VO deregistration - User Support (short; see next presentation)
          Speakers: Mr Frederic Schaer (CEA), Rolf Rumler (Unknown)
        • VO specific and grid specific user support 25m
          The aim of this session is to bring together VO and Grid experts to discuss user support issues. With the LHC ramping up to full production the number of user on the grid with little experience in grid computing will increase drastically. This will of course also increase the workload on the support staff from the VOs and from operations. Therefore it is vital to have a well defined, reliable and well working user support infrastructure, including operations and all VOs. The roles of all participants to this infrastructure and their responsibilities have to be clear and an overall process description should be worked out. The roles and responsibilities for the VOs in this process of course vary with the size and structure of the individual VOs and does the possible technical implementation. In this session we aim to revive the discussion of this topic which is vital for building a sustainable production quality infrastructure. We invite all VO managers and user support expert to join us, so that their requirements and needs will be properly taken into account.
          more information
        • Resource allocation 25m
          - Resource allocation (25') (Rolf Rumler) * Current procedure (workflow, assessment/utilisation) * Ideas for EGEE-III * Discussion
          Speaker: Rolf Rumler (Unknown)
    • 16:00 17:30
      JRA1-security internal discussion (Closed) REGE I

      REGE I

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      JRA1 security internal discussion session on future work on authorization in gLite.

    • 16:00 17:50
      KnowARC: Early results of the KnowARC Project Brussels


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The session is planned to be a workshop providing 4-5 presentations about the early results
      of the KnowARC project. Talks about the web service based core components, ARC-gLite
      interoperations, run-time environemnts will be given on this session. We would also like to devote
      special attention to standards’ implementations, and the project’s role about OGF participation.
      In general we would like to show the first year results to the interested grid community.
      The target audience is mainly grid developers and also grid users.

      • 16:00
        Standards and interoperations - the KnowARC approach 30m
        Speaker: Dr Balázs Kónya
      • 16:30
        The ARC -> gLite, gLite -> ARC interoperation 30m
        Interoperability results in KnowARC
        Speaker: Dr Peter Stefan
      • 17:00
        ARC - KnowARC discussion 20m
      • 17:20
        break 10m
    • 16:00 19:50
      NA3 Partner review (Closed) Roma


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The expectation is that each partner (or federation, if they wish) will give
      a presentation, maximum of 10 minutes - 10 slides (or 15 minutes max 15 slides for Federations) on their work in NA3 and relate that to resources.

      Presentations will be followed by discussion. Proposed topics:

      • status of deliverables and milestones, lessons learned, actions or ideas generated.
      • status of course types, training materials(
      • future plans, NA3 actions
      • 16:00
        NA3 status, news, actions 20m
      • 16:20
        NA3 activities in German/Swiss federation 10m
      • 16:30
        UCY Activities 10m
      • 16:40
        GRNET activities 10m
      • 16:50
        IPB activitites 10m
      • 17:00
        RoGrid JRU 10m
      • 17:10
        ICM UW activities 10m
      • 17:20
        IPP-BAS activities 10m
      • 17:30
        BEgrid 10m
      • 17:40
        II-SAS activities 10m
      • 17:50
        NA3 Activity in Russia 10m
      • 18:00
        NA3 TUBITAK 10m
      • 18:10
        TAU activities 10m
      • 18:20
        UK - Ireland federation 10m
      • 18:30
        CESNET activities 10m
      • 18:40
        Italian Federation 10m
      • 18:50
        JKU activities 10m
      • 19:00
        PSNC activities 10m
      • 19:10
        UIBK activities 10m
      • 19:20
        South West Europe Federation 10m
      • 19:30
        SZTAKI activities 10m
      • 19:40
        NA3 tasks at CSCS 10m
    • 16:00 19:00
      Project Management Board (closed) Zurich I

      Zurich I

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
    • 16:00 17:19
      SEE-GRID-2: Regional Grid projects concertation workshop: NGIs Maastricht


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      This full-day concertation workshop will build on the success of the 1st regional Grid projects concentration workshop moderated by SEE-GRID-2 and held during EGEE06 conference in Geneva. The workshop will gather Grid experts from a number of specialized fields. The layout will include dedicated sessions on operations, applications, training and finally sustainability, followed by corresponding panels on these topics. All regional projects have already agreed on participation and endorse this workshop.

      Conveners: Mr Aleksandar Belic (IPB), Mr Ognjen Prnjat (GRNET)
      • 16:00
        SEEGRID NGIs 10m
      • 16:10
        BalticGrid NGIs 10m
      • 16:20
        EELA NGIs 10m
      • 16:30
        EUMEDGRID NGIs 10m
      • 16:40
        NGIs Panel and wrap-up 30m
    • 17:30 19:00
      PORTAL Working group REGE I

      REGE I

      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The EGEE PORTAL working group aims to propose "best-practice" rules for the access of portals to the grid. By
      access to the grid, we mean that the portal should be able to store data and run job on the grid by delegation
      of real users, or by itself with its own credentials. To do so, a portal responsible should be able to get a server
      certificate for his portal from the EUGridPMA CAs, and then to be able to register this portal certificate to a VO
      allowed on the grid. Once the portal have been accepted into the concerned VO, it should be able to store and
      access data inside the VO area, and also to run job on site accepting this VO. The usage of these grid
      resources by the portal can be done by delegation of a grid- and VO-registered user, or as a resource provider
      for an user not registered in the grid.

      • 17:30
        Introduction and usecase: the GPSA Bioinformatics portal 15m
        Speaker: Dr Christophe Blanchet (CNRS IBCP)
      • 17:45
        Portals and Authentication 15m
        Speaker: Mr David Groep (NIKHEF)
      • 18:00
        JSPG contribution 15m
        Speaker: Dr David Kelsey (RAL)
      • 18:15
        Web application security 15m
        Speaker: Mr Romain Wartel (CERN)
      • 18:30
        Shibboleth and Grid Portals 15m
        Speaker: Dr Christoph Witzig
      • 18:45
        Discussion 15m
    • 09:00 10:30
      EGEE Operations and gLite Middleware (SA1 & JRA1) Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      These sessions will focus on service issues raised by the site managers, in particular on how to improve the management of grid services. Specific issues and problems will be discussed with the middleware developers.

      • 09:00
        Overview of service management issues (checklist?) 1h 30m
        30' presentation + 1h discussion
        Speaker: Dr Alessandra Forti (University of Manchester)
    • 09:00 10:30
      EUChinaGRID/EU-IndiaGrid: Grids Interoperability between Europe and Asia, status and future strategies Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      Workshop targeted to Grid experts, managers, operators and MW developers. There are several implementations of Grid software and many regional Grids in Europe and Asia .
      The workshop aims at stimulating the discussion on interoperability among different Grids in Europe and Asia, presenting the state of the art and discussing possible approaches and common strategies for the future.
      The problem of the establishment and international recognition of national CAs will be discussed as well.
      A specific presentation on what EGEE III is willing to do in the field is also foreseen.

      • 09:00
        OGF/GIN Status and perspectives 30m
        Speaker: Erwin Laure
      • 09:30
        The gLite-GOS gateway 30m
        Speaker: Marco Pappalardo (INFN Catania)
      • 10:00
        Garuda 30m
        Speaker: Subrata Chattopadhyay
    • 09:00 10:30
      Health-e-Child/SHARE/HealthGrid: Applications for Health, from Data Acquisition to its Integration and Use in Grids Nizza


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The aim of the workshop is to give an opportunity to all stakeholders to review the status of various International initiatives addressing the development and deployment of Grid applications for medical research and healthcare. More particularly, participants will be able to compare their respective approaches for addressing challenges such as the medical data integration and use in Grids.
      Thus, a panel of relevant experts will be invited to give a short presentation of their work, related to 3 major topics of interest:
      - Biomedical data acquisition, integration (from clinical records, to medical imaging, to genomics) and related security/privacy issues,
      - End-user applications (from simple Client Applications to critical Decision Support Systems and Clinical Workflow applications) and their integration in Grids,
      - Grid middleware biomed-related functionality, Requirements Elicitation for feedback to EGEE.
      The workshop participants will then be invited for a 1 hour brainstorming session, which will attempt identifying possible collaborations, technology re-use, new standards, (clinical)data sharing possibilities cross-projects for the sake of clinical research, and convergence within the community towards European standards for healthgrids

      • 09:00
        HealthGrid activities in the United States 30m
      • 09:30
        Scientific results of WISDOM first data challenges on malaria and avian flu 15m
        The talk will present the results of the in vitro tests performed on the best compounds selected in silico during the first data challenges on malaria and avian flu
      • 09:45
        Health-e-Child 15m
      • 10:00
        CoreGRID 15m
      • 10:15
        Grid enabled epidemiology 15m
    • 10:30 12:00
      EGEE Operations and gLite Middleware (SA1 & JRA1) Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      These sessions will focus on service issues raised by the site managers, in particular on how to improve the management of grid services. Specific issues and problems will be discussed with the middleware developers.

      • 10:30
        Summary of progress with improving logging 30m
        15' presentation + 15' discussion
        Speakers: Mr Ales Krenek (MASARYK UNIVERSITY, BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC), Dr Steve Fisher (RAL)
      • 11:00
        Handling signals in the job wrapper 30m
        15' presentation + 15' discussion
        Speakers: Francesco Giacomini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)), Marco Cecchi (Unknown)
      • 11:30
        Managing a CREAM CE 30m
        20' + 10' discussion
        Speaker: Dr Luigi Zangrando (INFN)
    • 10:30 12:00
      EUChinaGRID/EU-IndiaGrid: Grids Interoperability between Europe and Asia, status and future strategies Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      Workshop targeted to Grid experts, managers, operators and MW developers. There are several implementations of Grid software and many regional Grids in Europe and Asia .
      The workshop aims at stimulating the discussion on interoperability among different Grids in Europe and Asia, presenting the state of the art and discussing possible approaches and common strategies for the future.
      The problem of the establishment and international recognition of national CAs will be discussed as well.
      A specific presentation on what EGEE III is willing to do in the field is also foreseen.

      • 10:30
        Are Web Services the answer to interoperability? the OMII Europe view 30m
        Speaker: Morris Riedel
      • 11:00
        Panel session 1h
        The topics addressed will be: - Are the Grid middlewares converging or diverging? - Are standards really used (and useful)? - Web services: do they have a role in the interoperability arena? - A Grid of Grids: just like Internet?
        Speakers: Erwin Laure, Marco Verlato, Morris Riedel, Subrata Chattopadhyay
    • 10:30 12:00
      Health-e-Child/SHARE/HealthGrid: Applications for Health, from Data Acquisition to its Integration and Use in Grids Nizza


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary

      The aim of the workshop is to give an opportunity to all stakeholders to review the status of various International initiatives addressing the development and deployment of Grid applications for medical research and healthcare. More particularly, participants will be able to compare their respective approaches for addressing challenges such as the medical data integration and use in Grids.
      Thus, a panel of relevant experts will be invited to give a short presentation of their work, related to 3 major topics of interest:
      - Biomedical data acquisition, integration (from clinical records, to medical imaging, to genomics) and related security/privacy issues,
      - End-user applications (from simple Client Applications to critical Decision Support Systems and Clinical Workflow applications) and their integration in Grids,
      - Grid middleware biomed-related functionality, Requirements Elicitation for feedback to EGEE.
      The workshop participants will then be invited for a 1 hour brainstorming session, which will attempt identifying possible collaborations, technology re-use, new standards, (clinical)data sharing possibilities cross-projects for the sake of clinical research, and convergence within the community towards European standards for healthgrids

      • 10:30
        SHARE: a roadmap for healthgrids 15m
      • 11:00
        Round table 1h
        The round table will focus on 3 major topics (10' each) and then if extra time, questions from the audience will be taken by the panelists. Topic1: Identifying ways forward in Europe for the convergence toward a community healthgrid platform and infrastructure Topic2: Security and privacy in healthgrids, Common practices in European projects. Emergence of a healthgrid European regulation Topic3: Medical data integration and exploitation in grids. European Technologies and their Integration in the gLite Grid Middleware
    • 12:00 12:45
      Coffee with Sandwiches 45m
    • 12:45 13:30
      Closing Plenary Koppenhaga


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
      • 12:45
        Presentation of the next EGEE event: EGEE User Forum 11-14 Feb 2008 10m
      • 12:55
        Wrap up and closure of the conference 30m
        Speaker: Dr Bob Jones (CERN)
    • 14:00 17:00
      ISGC meeting (Closed) Maastricht


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
    • 14:00 16:30
      SA3 Partner Review (Closed) Strasbourg


      Europe Congress Center

      Budapest Hungary
      • 14:00
        PSNC 50m
        Review of Posznan's SA3 activities
      • 14:50
        GRNET 50m
        Review of GRNET's SA3 activity
      • 15:40
        INFN 50m