1–5 Oct 2007
Europe Congress Center
Europe/Zurich timezone

Inter-Enterprise CAE Design with Secure Controlled Sharing of Data and Analysis Services

2 Oct 2007, 11:20
Brussels (Europe Congress Center)


Europe Congress Center

Budapest Hungary


Michael Turner (BAE Systems)


The use of CAE analysis within the design process is common place in the Aerospace industry but is very focused on using a limited set of capabilities within the boundaries of the enterprise. To enable wider access to physical modelling and to enable the aerospace industry to take advantage of more cost effective provisioning models there is a requirement to enable the exploitation of CAE analysis services that are supplied beyond the enterprise boundaries. This introduces challenges in terms of managing Intellectual Property especially as this is encapsulated in the process in which the analysis codes are applied hence a focus on workflows, data and associated embedded knowledge. This talk will focus on what has been achieved within the Aerospace activity of SIMDAT and present some of the issues addressed with the Aerospace sector.

Presentation materials