1–5 Oct 2007
Europe Congress Center
Europe/Zurich timezone

An update on HP's Tycoon at CERN: integration with EGEE

2 Oct 2007, 14:00
Roma (Europe Congress Center)


Europe Congress Center

Budapest Hungary


Jose Dana Perez (CERN)


Tycoon is a market-based system for trade of resources. Our idea is to integrate it with EGEE, obtaining a dynamic Grid ready to share resources with others (Universities, research centres, etc.). Tycoon will run as a new service, deploying and destroying virtual machines (Worker Nodes and Computing Elements) on demand. Tycoon will give to EGEE a dynamic, flexible, secure and transparent platform/service to trade resources more efficiently. It could attract small and medium VOs to the EGEE project, they could take advantage of the Grid resources and obtain extra computing power while EGEE could obtain credits/money for its service. One of our problems will be to keep intact the security of the whole system (EGEE platform). Tycoon will deploy Worker Nodes and Computing Elements on-the-fly, reconfiguring the Grid adding nodes on demand using virtual machines. This dynamic part of the Grid must not be a security leak nor modify security constraints.

Presentation materials