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1โ€“5 Oct 2007
Europe Congress Center
Europe/Zurich timezone


The gLite Release Process and Porting

1 Oct 2007, 16:00
Europe Congress Center

Europe Congress Center

Budapest Hungary


In this session SA3 will start with a report on the experience with the current release process from building with ETICS over the certification process to the management of repositories.

After short introduction describing the current situation, proposals for a formalization of the following aspects will be made.

Developer centric builds and dependency management

The role of source RPMs

Signing RPMs? When and how?

The certification process with a special emphasis on the formalization of external patch certification, experimental services and early involvement of VOs.

The last 20 minutes will be dedicated to the status of ports of gLite to other platforms.

Members of SA3 are the main target audience, SA1 and end users would be useful in the discussion on early user exposure. Some developers from JRA1 are highly welcome to describe their experience with build tools and process.

Presentation materials

Building timetable...