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1โ€“5 Oct 2007
Europe Congress Center
Europe/Zurich timezone


Medical imaging

3 Oct 2007, 14:00
Europe Congress Center

Europe Congress Center

Budapest Hungary


This session will outline the last developments from some of the medical imaging applications that are producing on the EGEE infrastructure today. A discussion on the current challenges and the exploitation of the infrastructure by these applications, especially considering the move towards EGEE III, will conclude the session.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Johan Montagnat (CNRS)
03/10/2007, 14:00
Mr Romain Texier (CNRS)
03/10/2007, 14:25
Dr Ignacio Blanquer (UPV)
03/10/2007, 14:40
Dr Johan Montagnat (CNRS)
03/10/2007, 14:55
Building timetable...