Nov 6 – 10, 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone


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8th International Workshop on Neutrino Beams and Instrumentation

 The NUFACT workshops on neutrino factories, beta-beam and superbeams, are now established as one of the important yearly neutrino conferences with emphasis on future projects. The main goal is to review the progress, and share the challenges, on the different studies of future neutrino oscillation facilities able to discover and study the mass hierarchy of neutrinos, CP violation in the leptonic sector and possible new phenomena. The workshops are original in that they combine the skills of experimenters, theorists and accelerator physicists.The 8th International Workshop on Neutrino Beams and Instrumentation will be held at CERN from November 6 to 10, 2012. Sessions will cover topics on:

  • Reports from current projects and future project planning
  • Primary and secondary beam lines
  • Target design and experiences
  • Horn design and operation
  • Radiation Protection, radioactive component handling and waste treatment
  • Remote handling and installation maintenance


Begin: 6th November 2012 17:00
End: 10th November 2012 14:00


CERN, Geneva, Switzerland


Deadline: 28th September 2012

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