Nov 6 – 10, 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone


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Regional Liaison

S. Childless (FNAL)
J. Hylen (FNAL)
T. Ishida (KEK)
E.D. Zimmerman (University of Colorado)

Local Organising Committee

M. Calviani
I. Efthymiopoulos (co-chair)
F. Girard-Madoux
E. Gschwendtner (co-chair)
O. Hansen
C. Lazaridis
M. Meddahi
M. Morer-Olafsen
A. Pardons
H. Vincke


Correspondence concerning the workshop should be sent to the local organising committee at the following address:
nbi2012 [dot] workshop [at] cern [dot] ch
NBI2012 banner