August 28, 2013 to September 5, 2013
Kolymbari, Crete, Greece
Europe/Athens timezone



- The proceedings of the conference have been published in the "European Physical Journal Web of Conferences, vol. 71"​

which is an open-access journal: [1]

- The templates (LaTeX or Microsoft Word) are available at the website of the journal:

for LaTeX: [2]
for Microsoft Word: [3]
Please note that only these one-column templates are acceptable.
For LaTeX users: one should change the first line to'documentclass[epj]{webofc}'.

For the header of your document, please use
"International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics 2013" ('woctitle{International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics 2013}').

Detailed instruction for authors are available in: [4]

- The deadline to send us your paper contribution is 20th December 2013.

- The recommended number of pages of the papers is 6-8 pages for parallel talks and posters, 10-12 pages for plenary talks and 20-25 for lectures. If needed the papers can also be somewhat longer.

- We would also like to ask you to send the copyright form (printed, signed and scanned): [5]

- The tex and style files, figures and the PDFs of both your article and copyright form should be put in one directory, named as your full name, with the surname first and in capital, for example


It is necessary that you include the PDFs of your paper and copyright form in this directory. The PDFs should be named also as your full name:

CRAMER_John_ICNFP2013.pdf (for the article)
CRAMER_John_copyright_ICNFP2013.pdf (for the copyright form)

- This directory should be compressed and send to

Please note that the maximum size of the attachment in our mailbox is 25 MB. For larger files please contact us.

We would also like to ask you to send an email without attachment to notify us. 

- Articles will be refereed, however the authors are expected to do a very careful English check of their text.

- The authors should not add any page number on their articles. EPJ Web of Conferences has article numbers instead of page numbers. EPJ will add all the appropriate information like the article number on the PDF after receiving the PDF files of the paper contributions.

In case of any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
