28 August 2013 to 5 September 2013
Kolymbari, Crete, Greece
Europe/Athens timezone


Parallel 5

30 Aug 2013, 17:00
Kolymbari, Crete, Greece

Kolymbari, Crete, Greece


Parallel 5: Particle physics, heavy ion physics

  • Boris Kopeliovich (UTFSM)

Parallel 5: Heavy ion physics (femtoscopy)

  • Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Jaroslav Adam (Czech Technical University (CZ))
30/08/2013, 17:00
Joakim Nystrand (University of Bergen (NO))
30/08/2013, 17:20
Prof. Konstantin Goulianos (Rockefeller University (US))
30/08/2013, 18:00
Maciej Pawel Szymanski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
31/08/2013, 17:55
Hanna Zbroszczyk (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
31/08/2013, 18:15
Lukasz Kamil Graczykowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
31/08/2013, 18:35
Katarzyna Poniatowska (Warsaw University of Technology)
31/08/2013, 18:55
Building timetable...