James Wells
06/03/2013, 09:00
Matter and Gravity
One of the main motivations for low-scale or warped extra dimensions was to lower the scale of potentially dangerous quadratic divergences to the Higgs sector from quantum gravity. Now that the Higgs boson has been discovered at the LHC, and extra dimensions so far have not, we take a critical look at the status of extra dimensions' ability to explain the weak scale.
Wim de Boer
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
07/03/2013, 10:50
The following points will be discussed:
- Evidence for a Higgs particle in CMS
- Is it Peter´s Higgs or just a Higgs?
- What it has to do with the “origin of mass” in the universe?
- What is the Higgs boson good for?
- What is so special about the observed Higgs particle?
Marko Mikuz
(University of Ljubljana and Jozef Stefan Institute)
07/03/2013, 11:50
Results on measurements the Higgs-like boson, discovered at a mass around 125 GeV, with the ATLAS detector are presented. The proton-proton collision data were collected at 7 TeV in 2011 representing an integrated luminosity close to 5/fb, and at 8 TeV in 2012 with results reported on integrated luminosity up to the full collected luminosity of 21/fb. Discovery of a new, Higgs-like boson can...
Luca Amendola
(Institut fur Theoretische Physik - Universitat Heidelberg)
07/03/2013, 13:50
In the next few years new data from ground and space will push the limit of cosmological observations to new frontiers. Combining CMB, weak lensing, redshift clustering and supernovae data, we will be able to constrain the properties of dark energy and its interactions from the background to the non-linear level. In this talk I
discuss these methods and the future expected constraints on the...
George Wei-Shu Hou
(National Taiwan University)
07/03/2013, 14:50
A Higgs-like new boson with mass around 126 GeV is discovered during 2012. However, it could still be the dilaton of scale-invariance violation, which can only be ruled out after the LHC restarts with the 13 TeV run in 2015, by observing the vector boson fusion or Higgsstrahlung production processes. With the existence of already three generations of chiral quarks, i.e. left and right-handed...
Damiano Tommasini
(University of Debrecen)
07/03/2013, 15:50
The Origins of Mass, Higgs Boson
I briefly review the theoretical status on the different production and decay channels of a Standard Model Higgs boson at the LHC. After this overview, I focus on the most important channels that are the gluon-gluon fusion, for the production, and on the Electro-Weak channels for the decay. When combined they represent the most important ones for the Higgs boson searches at the LHC. Some...
Ruben Conceição
07/03/2013, 16:30
The Pierre Auger Observatory has been designed to investigate the most energetic particles known, the ultra high energy cosmic rays.
The observatory, covering an area of 3000 km$^2$, combines two different detection techniques to study the huge particle showers created by the interaction of the primary cosmic ray with the atmosphere.
The analysis of the showers allows to extract information...