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- Luca Amendola (Institut fur Theoretische Physik - Universitat Heidelberg)
- The Pierre Auger Collaboration (The Pierre Auger Observatory)
- Ruben Conceição (LIP)
- Wim de Boer (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Giuseppe Finocchiaro (INFN Laborotorio Nazionale di Frascati)
Rudi Friemel
(Art Researcher)
- Co-author in Visualizing some aspects of unifying Theories
Peter Higgs
(The University of Edinburgh)
- Author in TBA
- George Wei-Shu Hou (National Taiwan University)
Hans Katzgraber
(Quantum Cinema)
- Co-author in Visualizing some aspects of unifying Theories
Seweryn Kowalski
(University of Silesia (PL))
- Author in NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS
Christian Magnes
(CAD Design,CAD modeling and Animation)
- Co-author in Visualizing some aspects of unifying Theories
- Antonio Masiero (Universita' di Padova)
- Jiro MATSUMOTO (Nagoya University)
Marko Mikuz
(Josef Stefan Institute/ATLAS)
- Author in The Higgs Hunt with ATLAS at LHC
- Saeede Nafooshe (University of Nova Gorica)
- Antonio Pasqua (University of Trieste)
- J. Brian Pitts (University of Cambridge)
- Renate Quehenberger (Scientific researcher, Quantum Cinema Project,Uni. f. applied Arts Vienna)
Helmut Rauch
(Eperimental Physics,Atomic Institute (ATI) Vienna)
- Co-author in Visualizing some aspects of unifying Theories
Subir Sarkar
(Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford)
- Author in Discovering Dark Matter
- Maximiliano Sioli (Dipartimento di Fisica)
- Gabriele Sirri (INFN Bologna)
Chris Smeenk
(University of Western Ontario)
- Author in Time's Arrow in Cosmology
Hellmuth Stachel
(Descrete Mathematics and Geometry, TU Vienna)
- Co-author in Visualizing some aspects of unifying Theories
- Chris Stoughton (Fermilab Center for Particle Astrophysics)
Kathrin Stumreich
(Art Researcher)
- Co-author in Visualizing some aspects of unifying Theories
Nikola Tasic
(Art Researcher, 3D digits artist, Uni. f. applied Arts)
- Co-author in Visualizing some aspects of unifying Theories
Gerard 't Hooft
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, Universiteit Utrecht)
- Author in The Fate of the Quantum
- Damiano Tommasini (University of Debrecen)
Thomas Udem
(Max-Planck Inst.)
- Author in The Measurement of Time
Elisabeth von Samsonow
(Chair, Philosophy and anthropology of Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna)
- Co-author in Visualizing some aspects of unifying Theories
Peter Weibel
(Chair, Dep.of Media Theory, Uni. f. applied Arts Vienna)
- Co-author in Visualizing some aspects of unifying Theories
James Wells
- Author in The Higgs boson and extra dimensions
- James Wells (CERN)
- Elizabeth Winstanley (University of Sheffield)