Ashutosh Bhardwaj
(University of Delhi (IN))
This work describes the simulation results performed within the
RD50 simulation Group on the Double Electric Field Peak behaviour after radiation damage. As per the decision taken in the last RD50 meeting within the Simulation Group, the radiation damage is simulated by incorporating simple two deep level models in Silvaco and results are compared with modeled data. Since bulk generation current model is not available in the simulator so model parameters are modified, like the capture cross sections, introduction rates and carrier life time. For simplicity we have considered plane parallel silicon detectors, which allows to avoid any hardly predictable effects of the current and field focusing. Double peak structure start becoming visible for higher fluences under certain conditions and results imply that it is possible to implement the EVL model in TCAD simply by parametrization of the material parameters in simulation.
Ashutosh Bhardwaj
(University of Delhi (IN))
Kirti Ranjan
(University of Delhi (IN))
Ram Krishen Shivpuri
(University of Delhi (IN))
Ranjeet Dalal
(University of Delhi)