20–22 Nov 2012
IHEP, Protvino
Europe/Moscow timezone
20-22 November 2012 the Institute for High Energy Physics carries out an international Workshop

Search for a heavy neutrino and right-handed W of the left-right symmetric model in pp collisions

22 Nov 2012, 11:30
Conference Hall, Theoretical Division (IHEP, Protvino)

Conference Hall, Theoretical Division

IHEP, Protvino

Searches for Phenomena beyond the Standard Model Morning Session


Mikhail Kirsanov (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))


We describe the search for signals from the production of right-handed W bosons and heavy neutrinos $N_l (l = e, \mu)$, that arise naturally in the left-right symmetric extension to the standard model, using 5 1/fb of collision data collected by the CMS Experiment at the LHC in 2011 at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV and 3.6 1/fb of 2012 collision data at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV. No excess over expectations from standard model processes is observed. For models with exact left-right symmetry, and assuming either $N_e$ or $N_{\mu}$ is the only right-handed neutrino accessible at LHC energies, we exclude the region in the two-dimensional parameter $(M_{W_R}, M_N)$ space that extends beyond $M_{W_R}$ = 2.5 TeV.


Mikhail Kirsanov (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))

Presentation materials