Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

11–13 Jan 2013
US/Pacific timezone

To accomplish the extraordinary, you must seek extraordinary people. — James Lee Byars

This two day retreat brings together the top minds, thinkers and doers, in the fields of the physics of the universe both theoretical and experimental. The meeting fosters exchange, and when the best people talk the outcome is advance and growth. We avoid standard prepared talks, and focus on exciting forefront issues, where there may be differences of opinion, or new results that will provoke wide discussion. The summit this year is inspired by the astounding discovery at the LHC, recent and upcoming results by satellite and ground-based experiments on dark matter searches and paradigm shifting/breaking ideas in string theory, gravity and cosmology. 

POTUS contact info: Jury Rodriguez @ 626-818-6539
SpaceX day contact: Mary Beth Brown @ 310-403-0188 (January 12)
Caltech/Cahill day contact: Mary Cross @ 626-262-3770 (January 13)

technical support Dorian Kcira @ 626-379-2887

0.     The summit kicks-off with the POTUS reception and family-style dinner at the Andaz on Friday January 11 at the Andaz West Hollywood. 

1.     The first day of the summit (Saturday, January 12) will be held at the headquarters of SpaceX.   

2.     The second day (Sunday, January 13) will be held at Caltech’s Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics.

3.     Participants will be housed at the The Andaz West Hollywood Hyatt Hotel where the Flug Summit kick-off reception and dinner (January 11) and the Pritzker Summit dinner (January 12)  will be given. 

4.     The summit is by invitation only; There is no registration or other fees; Just make your way to the Andaz and the rest is covered.

