Carsten Welsch
(Cockcroft Institute)
20/02/2013, 09:00
Lasers can be used for the generation of high brightness electron and exotic ion beams, the acceleration of particles with the highest accelerating gradients, as well as for the characterization of many complex particle beams by means of laser-based beam diagnostics methods.
Without constant progress in laser technology and close collaboration between laser experts and accelerator...
Jens Lassen
(TRIUMF - Canada's National Laboratory for Nuclear and Particle Physics)
20/02/2013, 10:40
Resonant ionization laser ion sources (RILIS) have become an important type of ion source for on-line ISOL radioactive ion beam facilities due to the unique capability of element-, and at times even isotope selective-, ionization of the RILIS.
The operating principle of RILIS operating at ISOL facilities will be presented, followed by the particular implementation at TRIUMF's Isotope...
Ruohong Li
(I), Dr
Serge Franchoo
(Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
20/02/2013, 11:20
The Resonant Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS) is an element selective, highly efficient and versatile tool to generate pure radioactive isotope beams at Isotope Separators on-line (ISOL) facilities. The laser ion source at ALTO consists of a dye laser system at 10 kHz pumped with a 532 nm Nd:Yag laser. ALTO RILIS was successfully put into its first operation in 2011. The 79Ga isotope was...
Jose Luis Henares
20/02/2013, 11:40
The future SPIRAL2 will be a new radioactive ion beam facility. A resonant ionization laser ion source is under development at GANIL, in collaboration with University of Mainz (Germany) and TRIUMF, Vancouver (Canada). Here the status of the project and the latest improvements are presented. Current work is carried out in a test bench where the design of the ion source body can be tested,...
Christoph Hessler
20/02/2013, 14:40
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is under study at CERN in a collaboration between many institutes. For developing the technology needed for CLIC a dedicated test facility (CLIC test facility 3, CTF3) is currently in operation at CERN, which contains also two RF photoinjector installations. The CALIFES photoinjector for the CTF3 main beam provides beam for two-beam acceleration experiments...
Keming Du
(EdgeWave GmbH)
20/02/2013, 15:50
Diffractive limited high energy 1.0 µm nano-second laser pulse and the efficient green and UV radiation by second harmonic generation and third harmonic generation are widely used in industry and science. A lot of laser applications in industry and research require laser sources having high energy, short pulse width, high repetition rates, high beam quality and compact size. It is difficult or...
F. Ömer Ilday
(Bilkent University)
20/02/2013, 16:30
This talk will report on development of a burst-mode Yb-fiber amplifier, generating bursts of pulses with up to 500 MHz intra-burst repetition-rate and total burst energies of ~1 mJ (e.g., 25 pulses of 40 µJ each). The pulses are compressible to ~1 ps. All essential parameters of the amplifier are controllable using custom-developed FPGA-based electronics. The talk will summarize other...
Sebastian Rothe
20/02/2013, 17:10
The tunability and reliability of solid-state Ti:Sa lasers meets the requirements for their application at laser ion sources based on resonance laser ionization.
The prototype of the Ti:Sa lasers now used at laser ion sources world-wide was initially developed at the University of Mainz as a replacement of the dye laser system used for ultra trace analysis.
Since then the laser cavity...
Ingo Will
(Max Born Institute, Berlin, Germany)
21/02/2013, 09:00
Various photocathode lasers for Cesium Telluride photocathodes will be described. These diode-pumped solid-state lasers generate picosecond pulses, which are finally converted to the ultra violet spectral range by means of two nonlinear optical crystals. The laser systems have been developed at the Max-Born-Institute and are now being used for driving the photo injectors at the FLASH-FEL (DESY...
Mikhail Martyanov
21/02/2013, 09:40
Future compact linear electron-positron collider (CLIC) is under development at CERN in collaboration with many institutes worldwide. CLIC test facility (CTF3) is now under operation at CERN and it is a test bench for CLIC feasibility studies. Two RF photo-injectors are operated at CTF3: prototype for CLIC main beam – CALIFES, and prototype for CLIC drive beam – PHIN. Both photo-injectors are...
Ekaterina Gacheva
21/02/2013, 10:00
Photoinjector laser activities in IAP RAS started in collaboration with the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK institute (Japan) in 2008. At that time under the project of the International Linear Collider (ILC) by means of the Super-conducting Test Facility (STF) functioning in KEK the technology of cryogenic RF accelerator modules production was being refined and...
Iain Moore
(University of Jyväskylä)
21/02/2013, 10:40
Selective resonant laser ionization for the production of radioactive ion beams at gas cell-based facilities was pioneered by KU Leuven and more recently has been integrated at the IGISOL facility, Finland [1,2]. In an extension of this technique, a novel approach has been demonstrated in which neutral radioactive atoms are selectively ionized upon exit from the gas cell within the expanding...
Volker Sonnenschein
(University of Jyväskylä)
21/02/2013, 11:20
The quest for efficient and selective laser ionization and spectroscopy of new elements and isotopes requires advances of the currently used laser systems in terms of several key parameters including power, wavelength coverage and resolution. To enhance the specifications of the currently employed Ti:sapphire laser systems at IGISOL and other international facilities, several new techniques...
Fabian Schneider
(Institut für Physik, Universität Mainz)
21/02/2013, 11:40
Resonant Ionization Spectroscopy is a very efficient method for generating element-pure ion beams. The development of the necessary ionization schemes for use in online ion sources with acceleration voltages between 30 and 60 kV is usually done at more compact and inexpensive offline mass spectrometers with much lower acceleration voltages. This is possible because this difference generally...
Kurt Aulenbacher
(Institut für Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
21/02/2013, 14:00
Spin-polarized beams of high brightness may be produced by photoemission from semiconductor superlatices, e.g. GaAs/GaAsP. A negative electron affinity (NEA) state of the semiconductor has to be provided to make photoemission energetically possible. This is achieved by a modification of the cathode surface, in particular by a sub-monolayer of Cs:0 compounds. The challenge for an...
Martin Espig
(Institut für Kernphysik, TU Darmstadt)
21/02/2013, 14:40
A source of polarized electrons has recently been implemented at the superconducting Darmstadt electron linear accelerator S-DALINAC. Photo-emission from strained layer superlattice-GaAs (SSL) and bulk-GaAs photocathodes are obtained from using either 3 GHz modulated diode lasers at 780 nm and 405 nm or a short-pulse Ti:Sapphire laser system at 780 nm with the possibility of frequency doubling...
Daniele Scarpa
21/02/2013, 15:00
Nowadays the resonant ionization by tunable lasers (also known as LIS, laser ion source) is the most suitable ionizing system to assure a good selectivity directly in the initial phase of the ion production in an ISOL (Isotope Separation On Line) facility
Keeping into account the other experiences from all the ISOL facilities spread into the world, this ionization technique is planned to be...
Yuri Kudryavtsev
(KU Leuven)
21/02/2013, 15:50
New approaches to perform efficient and selective step-wise Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (RIS) of radioactive atoms in a gas cell and in supersonic gas jets are discussed.
In the ion source, the nuclear reaction products recoiling out of the thing target are thermalized and neutralized in a high pressure noble gas (helium or argon), then resonantly ionized by the laser beams in a...
Sergey Zemlyanoy
(Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
21/02/2013, 16:30
A new setup for synthesis and study of new heavy nuclei, based on gas cell laser ion source is under construction at FLNR JINR (Dubna). A creation and a launch of this facility will open a new field of research in low-energy heavy-ion physics, and new horizons in the study of unexplored “north-east” area of the nuclear map will become possible.
This unexplored area of heavy neutron rich...
Tobias Kron
(University of Mainz)
21/02/2013, 17:10
Resonance ionization is the key for the efficient production of highly pure beams produced with laser ion sources at Isotope Separator On-Line (ISOL) facilities. The high element selectivity is achieved by applying a multi-step resonant excitation and ionization scheme via optical transitions unique for every element. To ensure access to a maximum number of elements wide-range tunable laser...
Jochen Teichert
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
22/02/2013, 09:00
The production of beams with low emittance as well as high average current is one of the key techniques for future electron accelerators and next generation light sources. The superconducting radio-frequency photo electron source (SRF gun) has the potential to fulfill the requirements for these new accelerators. The presentation will give an introduction and overview of this type of modern...
Irene Martini
(Politecnico di Milano (IT))
22/02/2013, 09:40
Breakdowns in high-gradient RF cavities, as used e.g. in the CLIC project, are a major limit of the cavity performance. A new approach to explain these breakdowns based on a locally varying work function has been investigated at the CERN photoemission laboratory. The response of copper photocathodes to different wave lengths has been measured and compared with the data measured in a similar...
Viacheslav Mishin
(Institute for Spectroscopy RAS)
22/02/2013, 10:00
In a resonance ionization laser ion source (RILIS) lasers produce ions in a time equal to the laser pulse width about 10 ns. In principal, the width of extracted from the RILIS cavity ion bunches can be the same order as the laser pulse width. Then, the RILIS selectivity could be significantly increased with a gating technique as many as the ratio of the laser pulse-repetition interval to the...
Sven Richter
(Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))
22/02/2013, 10:40
ISOLDE, the radioactive ion beam (RIB) facility at CERN, takes a top position among the world´s leading isotope production plants, allowing for all kinds of investigations on exotic nuclides far off the valley of β-stability. Most of these experiments require highest ion beam purity in respect to isobaric beam contaminations as well as contributions from neighboring isotopes. On the other hand...
Anatoly Barzakh
22/02/2013, 11:00
Application of in-source laser spectroscopy for isotopic shifts and hyperfine structures investigations of the far from stability isotopes is discussed. New possibilities for such studies at ISOLDE (CERN) and IRIS (Gatchina) mass-separators are described. Preliminary results of the IS and hfs measurements for isotopes in the lead region (78<Z<86) are presented.
Maxim Seliverstov
(B.P. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute - PNPI ()
22/02/2013, 11:40
The laser ion source is not only a very effective in its normal use as an element-selective tool for producing intense ion beams, but it can be used as a very powerful atomic-spectroscopy tool due to the resonance character of the photoionization (In-Source Laser Resonant Photoionization Spectroscopy). In contrast to other laser spectroscopic techniques, in that case the laser frequency...