Amanda Cooper-Sarkar
Amanda Sarkar
(University of Oxford (GB))
The Large Hadron Electron Collider (LHeC) is a proposed facility which will exploit the new world of energy and intensity offered by the LHC through collisions with a new 60 GeV electron beam. This contribution summarises the detailed simulation studies on precision QCD topics included in the Conceptual Design Report, plus its relation with the LHC, and the outlook towards a Technical Design Report for 2015. Highlights include a new level of precision and flavour decomposition for the extraction of parton densities in a much extended kinematic range towards low Bjorken-x and higher Q^2. In addition to inclusive neutral and charged current cross sections, more exclusive processes such as jet and heavy flavour production are included, and the possibilities for a high-accuracy measurement of the strong coupling constant. The implications on searches at the LHC, particularly for its proposed high-luminosity phase, will be discussed.
Nestor Armesto Perez
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))