Jul 17 – 24, 2013
KTH and Stockholm University Campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone
News and Updates

Proceeding information now available here

Older news

Tuesday 23rd  


To deal with a delay due to a late-running talk this morning, the agenda is currently shifted by 15 minutes i.e. morning coffee break and poster session will take place at 11:15 rather than 11:00 and the afternoon session starts at 14:45 rather than 14:30.

An extra line has been added for picking up lunches at Lantis. 
The second and last poster session will take place this morning Tuesday 23 during the morning coffee break (11:00-11:30).The presenters will be there to discuss their work. As for the previous session, judges from poster prize committee will also be in attendance. The winners of the prize (sponsored by Elsevier) will be announced later today or tomorrow.

Vasa tickets 
If you have a Vasa ticket and you know you won't attend the dinner, please let us know asap (at the registration desk) since there is a waiting list for folk who registered late. 

Those on the waiting list should come to the registration desk at the end of the lunch break. 

Vasa directions 
Directions to Vasa can be found at: 
The map is also in the information package in the conference bags. 

Monday 22nd  Pictures, plenaries and posters

The conference now carries on in the Aula Magna at SU.

The group conference photograph will take place at 16:00 outside of the Aula Magna before coffee.

Posters are now shown in the following areas:
Floor 4: QCD, Higgs and New Physics 
Floor 5: Top/ew, heavy ions, detectors/data, accelerators, astroparticle, flavour, cosmology, neutrinos.

The last poster session will take place on Tuesday 23, 2013 between 11:00 and 11:30. The posters summarise interesting research and are also an excellent opportunity for young scientists show their work. Please show your support by attending.

Direction to Stockholm University Campus
You can reach the Stockholm University campus with the subway (T-bana) red line and travel north to the station "Universitetet" in the direction of Mörby.

KTH and Stockholm University Campus
Abstract sumission extended till 7th May
Main conference site: http://eps-hep2013.eu/