17–24 Jul 2013
KTH and Stockholm University Campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Slavnov-Taylor identity for the Effective Field Theory of the Color Glass Condensate

18 Jul 2013, 12:44
E2 (KTH Campus)


KTH Campus

Talk presentation Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ions Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ions


Andrea Quadri (INFN, Sez. di Milano)


We show that a very powerful Slavnov-Taylor (ST) identity exists for the Effective Field Theory (EFT) of the Color Glass Condensate (CGC), allowing to control by purely algebraic means the full dependence on the background fields of the ultra-fast gluon modes, as well as the correlators of the quantum fluctuations of the classical gluon source. We use this formalism to study the change of the background ultra-fast modes (in the Coulomb gauge), induced by the quantum corrections of the semi-fast gluons; we also establish the evolution equation for the EFT of the CGC. This points towards an algebraic derivation of the JIMWLK evolution equation. Being based on symmetry-arguments only, the approach can be used to extend the analysis to arbitrary gauges and to higher orders in the perturbation expansion of the EFT.

Primary author

Andrea Quadri (INFN, Sez. di Milano)


Presentation materials