17–24 Jul 2013
KTH and Stockholm University Campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Probing for the t->ch decay at the LHC

19 Jul 2013, 16:15
F2 (KTH Campus)


KTH Campus

Talk presentation Top and Electroweak Physics Top and Electroweak Physics


George Wei-Shu HOU


The Higgs boson $h$ and the top quark $t$ are the two most massive and newest particles ever discovered. If $t\to ch$ occurs at a couple of percent level, the observed $ZZ^*$ and $\gamma\gamma$ signal events for the Higgs boson may have accompanying $cbW$ activity coming from $t\bar t$ feeddown. A general two Higgs doublet model brings in new $ct$, $cc$ and $tt$ couplings that modify properties of the light Higgs $h$, and $t\to ch$ can be searched for via $h \to ZZ^*$, $\gamma\gamma$, $WW^*$ and $b\bar b$ (even $\tau^+\tau^-$) modes in $t\bar t$ events. We show that existing data should be able to push ${\cal B}(t\to ch)$ down to below the percent level.


Prof. George Wei-Shu Hou (National Taiwan University (TW))


Prof. Chung Kao (University of Oklahoma) Kai-Feng Chen (National Taiwan University (TW)) Masaya Kohda (National Taiwan University)

Presentation materials