Samuel Ross Meehan
(University of Chicago (US))
Using data collected at a center of mass energy of 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector, an investigation has been made of the semi-leptonic decay channel involving Z Z and Z W boson pairs in which there is a leptonic Z → f+f− decay in the final state. Processes involving pairs of bosons in the final state play an important role in a wide range of measurements and searches at the LHC. They allow for precision tests of the electroweak sector of the standard model, provide benchmark measurements necessary for Higgs search chan- nels, and allow for new physics searches including Technicolor, supersymme- try, and models with extra dimensions. Furthermore, the semi-leptonic final state, in which there is a high-pT W or Z decaying hadronically, offers a valuable test of jet substructure techniques that are becoming increasingly important to searches at the LHC. This poster presents a search for high mass diboson resonances in the semi-leptonic Z Z /Z W channel, interpreted in terms of bulk Randall-Sundrum Gravitons decaying to pairs of Z bosons. Upper limits on cross section times branching ratio are set in a Graviton mass range from 300 GeV to 2 TeV and a lower limit on the Graviton mass is found to be 850 GeV.
Samuel Ross Meehan
(University of Chicago (US))