17–24 Jul 2013
KTH and Stockholm University Campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Pion Polarizability at CERN COMPASS

Not scheduled
KTH and Stockholm University Campus

KTH and Stockholm University Campus

Poster Presentation QCD


The electric απ and magnetic βπ charged pion Compton polarizabilities provide stringent tests of Chiral Perturbation Theory. The combination (απ-βπ) was measured at CERN COMPASS via radiative pion Primakoff scattering (Bremsstrahlung of 190 GeV/c π-s) in the nuclear Coulomb field: π + Z → π + γ + Z. This reaction is identified experimentally by virtue of the very small momentum transfer to the target nucleus; and is equivalent to γ + π → γ + π Compton scattering for laboratory γ's of order 1 GeV/c incident on a target pion at rest. COMPASS data analysis (assuming απ+βπ=0 based on theory) gives a preliminary value of απ = -βπ = (1.9±0.7stat.±0.8syst.)×10-4 fm3.


Prof. Murray Moinester (Tel Aviv University)

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